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Thursday, April 5, 2012

An Article by Blog Visitor (Mr. Shyam Dev Mishra ) regarding UPTET (Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test )

An Article by Blog Visitor (Mr. Shyam Dev Mishra ) regarding UPTET (Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test )


Useful BLOG Comment :
RAVI KANT has left a new comment on your post "CTET 2012 for UT candidates on May 5": 


1. S. k. Pathak 9415023170
2. Sujit kumar 9453234149
3. Nitin Mehta 9639885609
4. VivekAnand 8081934675
5. Rajesh Prtap 9720963143
6 .Gulzar Saifi 9319304441 


प्रेषक: Shyam Dev Mishra <shyamdevmishra@gmail.com>
दिनांक: 5 अप्रैल 2012 1:36 am
विषय: Matter for publishing on blog
प्रति: Muskan India <muskan24by7@gmail.com

प्रिय मित्रों,

टी..टी. भर्ती-प्रक्रिया से सम्बंधित मेरे लेख को मिले आपके भारी समर्थन (आपको जानकर आश्चर्य होगा कि आपके ब्लॉग पर 01.04.2012 को दिए लिंक के माध्यम से मात्र 1 दिन में 1005 लोगो ने मेरे इस लेख को ऑनलाइन पढ़ा) से प्रोत्साहन पाकर मैंने इस मुहिम में अपनी छोटी-सी हस्ती और अल्पबुद्धि के अनुसार और आगे तक आपका साथ देने की हिम्मत की है

प्रदेश के लाखों टी..टी. उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों का संघर्ष अभी और लम्बा चलेगा. मुख्यमंत्री से होने वाली वार्ता के माध्यम से यदि सरकार की टी..टीनिरस्त करने और 72825  प्राथमिक शिक्षकों की भर्ती के आधार को बदल देने की तैयारियों पर पूर्णविराम लग जाता है तथा न्यायालय में मजबूत पैरवी के द्वारा स्थगनादेश हटवाकर भर्ती-प्रकिया को शीघ्र शुरू करने पर सहमति बन जाती है तो वाकई में अखिलेश यादव  "पुस्तक-परीक्षा वाली पार्टी की सरकार"  का बदनुमा दाग हटाने में सफल हो जायेंगे तथा लाखो-करोडो लोग उनपर भरोसा करने के अपने फैसले को सही मानेगे तथा शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम के उद्देश्यों की पूर्ति की राह  पर प्रदेश आगे बढेगा.
पर आजकल जिस प्रकार के राजनेता और राजनीति हैं, और जिन परिस्थितियों में यह मुलाकात हो रही है, उनमे इस वार्ता से किसी सकारात्मक निर्णय की आशा करना अतिआशावादिता  ही कही जाएगीमुख्यमंत्री की अभी तक की गतिविधियों को ध्यान से देखें तो वो भी अन्य नेताओं की शैली को ही दोहराते हैं. जंग जीतने के तरीके भले ही नए-अनूठे इजाद किये जाएँ पर जंग जीत कर राज करने के तरीके वही सदियों से वही रहे हैं और अखिलेश यादव जी भी कोई अपवाद प्रतीत नहीं हुए, कम से कम इस मसले पर तो नहीं ही हुए. प्रदेश के एक-एक नौजवान के वोट के लिए महीनो तक प्रदेश भर के गाँव-गाँव की धूल फांकने वाले अखिलेश यादव को आज इतनी फुर्सत सही, इतना कर्तव्यबोध तो होना चाहिए था कि राजधानी में इतने दिनों तक गुहार लगाते, लाठियां खाते, दौडाए जाते, अनशन पे बैठे और अस्पताल में भर्ती हुए शिक्षित बेरोजगारों के लिए लिए दो मिनट निकल लेते. ध्यान दे कि इतने-धरना प्रदर्शन के बाद भी उनकी तरफ से  कोई आश्वासन दिया गया ही स्वतः उनकी ओर से इस मसले पर कोई प्रतिक्रिया आई ही उन्होंने आन्दोलनकारियों से मिलने की इच्छा जताई. वो तो डीएमने कानून-व्यवस्था बनाये रखने के लिए आन्दोलनकारियों की उनसे वार्ता करने का आश्वासन देकर सर पर आई बाला को टाला हैमीडिया के सामने आम आदमी से जुड़ा होने का दिखावा करने के लिए मुख्यमंत्री-निवास के वाच-टावर पे चढ़कर संतरियों के हाल-चाल पूछना और फ्लश-मारते कैमरों के आगे जनता-दरबार में आम-आदमी का हमदर्द होने का दिखावा करना अलग बात है, आम आदमी का दर्द महसूस करना अलग बात हैअबतक के रवैये को देखते हुए कल भी आश्वासन के साथ कोर्ट के निर्णय और टी..टी. स्टीयरिंग कमेटी के निर्णय तक इंतज़ार करने की नसीहत के सिवा अगर वाकई कुछ ठोस हाथ लगता है तो वाकई मुझे सार्वजनिक रूप से अपने एक-एक शब्द वापस लेने में भी हार्दिक प्रसन्नता होगी.
सरकार के हाथ में यकीनन बहुत कुछ होता है पर सबकुछ नहीं होता. वैसे एक बात ध्यान में रखें कि टी..टी. निरस्त करने के निर्णय को चुनौती दिए जाने के मामले में कोर्ट केवल यही देखने वाला है कि क्या दोषियों को पकड़ने का, गलतियाँ/गड़बड़िया ढूंढकर सुधार करने का कोई तरीका नहीं? और क्या सरकार ने निरस्त करने का फैसला उपलब्ध जांच रिपोर्ट और अन्य क़ानूनी प्रक्रियाओ के आधार पर किया हैइन दोनों के साबित होने पर ही टी..टी. निरस्त करने के फैसले को वैध माना जायेगा.
दूसरी बात है टी..टी. के मेरिट के आधार भर्ती होने होने की तो भर्ती अगर रद्द हुई तो सरकार नियमों में परिवर्तन कर फिर से नई प्रक्रिया प्रारंभ कर नए आधार पर चयन कर सकती है पर भर्ती-प्रक्रिया रद्द होने की स्थिति में सरकार को मौजूदा नियमों के आधार पर ही भर्ती करनी होगी क्यूंकि प्रक्रिया प्रारंभ होने के बाद प्रक्रिया पूरी होने तक नियम नहीं बदले जा सकतेइसलिए मेरिट के मुद्दे पर हो रही बहस बेमानी है. भले ही कल होने वाली वार्ता में मौजूदा भर्ती में अकादमिक के आधार पर, या अकादमिक टी..टी. के आधार पर चयन की सहमति बन भी जाये तो कोर्ट में सिर्फ यह फैसला घसीटा जायेगा बल्कि यह औंधे मुह गिरेगा भी. पर अगर टी..टी. मेरिट के आधार पर सहमति बन जाती है तब तकनीकी खामियों को दूर कर मौजूदा प्रक्रिया के द्वारा रिक्तियां भरी जा सकती हैं क्यूंकि कोर्ट इस आधार वाले मुद्दे पर टी..टी. के पक्ष में फैसला पहले ही सुना चुका है.
वैसे कल होने वाली वार्ता से एक फायदा यह हो सकता है कि यदि मुख्यमंत्री इस मुद्दे की बारीकियों को समझने को तैयार हुए और उन्होंने क़ानूनी पहलुओं पर अपनी सरकार और प्रशासन की मंशा की वैधता को मापने की कोशिश की तो उनके दृष्टिकोण का असर राज्य-स्तरीय टी..टी. स्टीयरिंग कमेटी की आगामी बैठक  (11.04.2012) में होने वाले निर्णय को अवश्य टी..टी. और भर्ती-प्रक्रिया के पक्ष में प्रभावित कर सकती हैसच तो है कि अगर राज्य-सरकार वाकई में शिक्षा के उत्थान और शिक्षकों की भर्ती करना चाहती है तो मौजूदा परीक्षा और भर्ती-प्रक्रिया को जारी रखना ही एकमात्र विकल्प है. इस से इतर कोई भी फैसला केवल और केवल कानूनी पेचीदगियों में उलझ कर रह जायेगा.
इस स्थिति को ध्यान में रखते हुए सभी को संगठित होकर लम्बी लड़ाई के लिए तैयार रहने की जरुरत है. कल वार्ता असफल या असंतोषजनक होने की स्थिति में मैं कल व्यक्तिगत रूप से अपने स्तर पर इस मुद्दे से सम्बंधित सभी निम्नलिखित पक्षों को रजिस्टर्ड पोस्ट द्वारा पत्र प्रेषित करूँगा:
1. माननीय मुख्यमंत्री महोदय, उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार, लखनऊ,
2. माननीय मंत्री महोदय, बेसिक शिक्षा, उत्तर प्रदेश सरकारलखनऊ
3. सचिवबेसिक शिक्षा.प्रशासन  पदेन अध्यक्ष.प्रराज्य-स्तरीय टी..टीस्टीयरिंग कमेटी
4. राज्य परियोजना निदेशक, .प्र.सर्व शिक्षा अभियान पदेन सदस्य.प्रराज्य-      
    स्तरीय टी..टीस्टीयरिंग कमेटी 
5. शिक्षा निदेशक (माध्यमिक), उत्तर प्रदेश पदेन सदस्य.प्रराज्य-स्तरीय टी..टी.  स्टीयरिंग 
6. शिक्षा निदेशक (बेसिक), उत्तर प्रदेश पदेन सदस्य.प्रराज्य-स्तरीय टी..टीस्टीयरिंग कमेटी 
7. निदेशक, राज्य शैक्षिक अनुसन्धान और प्रशिक्षण परिषद्.प्र., लखनऊ 
    पदेन सचिव.प्रराज्य-स्तरीय टी..टीस्टीयरिंग कमेटी   
8. सचिव, बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद्, .प्र., लखनऊ पदेन सदस्य.प्रराज्य-स्तरीय टी..टीस्टीयरिंग
9. सचिव, माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद्, .प्र., लखनऊ पदेन सदस्य सचिव.प्रराज्य-स्तरीय टी..टी.
    स्टीयरिंग कमेटी 
10. माननीय केन्द्रीय मंत्री, मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार, नई दिल्ली
11. माननीय अध्यक्षराष्ट्रीय अध्यापक शिक्षा परिषद्नयी दिल्ली
12. माननीय अध्यक्षराष्ट्रीय बाल अधिकार संरक्षण आयोग, नई दिल्ली

चूंकि मेरे पत्र काफी विस्तृत है और उसके ज्यादातर बिन्दुओं से आप में से ज्यादातर मित्र अवगत ही हैंमैं उसे यहाँ नहीं शामिल कर रहा हुपर नए बिन्दुओं के लिए आप इस लिंक पर क्लिक कर पूरा पत्र पढ़  सकते  हैंhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/88011225/An-Open-Letter-to-All-Parties-Related-to-Uptet-2011-and-Recuitment-of-72825-Primary-Teachers-in-Uttar-Pradesh

इस पत्र में मेरे पिछले लेख में दिए गए बिन्दुओं के अलावा कुछ नए बिंदु भी हैं जिन्हें मैं इन सभी के संज्ञान में लाना चाहता हूँ ताकि इनमे से कोई कल को यह न कह सके कि इन्हें इस सम्बन्ध में कोई निर्णय, विशेषकर आगामी 11 अप्रैल 2012  को उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य-स्तरीय टी.ई.टी. स्टीयरिंग कमेटी द्वारा लिए जाने वाले निर्णय, होने से पहले स्थितियों से पूरी तरह अवगत नहीं कराया गया था क्यूंकि कई बार अधिकारिओं द्वारा सरकार-शासन को स्थिति की सही और पूरी जानकारी भी नहीं दी जाती. ये पत्र इस आशा से भी भेज रहा हूँ कि यदि इनमे से कोई भी इस मुद्दे पर गंभीर होगा तो मेरे पत्र में उठाये गए बिन्दुओं पर न सिर्फ खुले दिमाग से विचार कर उनकी वास्तविकता परखेगा बल्कि सही पाए जाने पर अपने मत, अपने अधिकार और अपने प्रभाव का इस्तेमाल अन्य पक्षों पर करके एक सही और न्यायपूर्ण समाधान पर पहुचने में सहायक होगा. साथ ही ये पत्र उन्हें चेतावनी भी देगा कि केवल मनमानी करने से स्थिति बिगड़ भी सकती है और इसके दुस्परिनाम न सिर्फ अभ्यर्थियों बल्कि प्रदेश और सरकार, दोनों को सालों तक भुगतना होगा क्यूंकि ऐसी स्थिति में कोई मौजूदा भर्ती से इतर कोई अन्य निर्णय कानून की अंतहीन उलझनों में उलझ कर रह जायेगा. यह इस सम्भावना पर भी पूर्णविराम न सही पर कुछ ही अंशों में अंकुश लगाएगा कि राज्य-सरकार केन्द्रीय मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय और एन.सी.टी.ई. द्वारा अनुमति प्राप्त भर्ती और भर्ती-प्रक्रिया को और उनके दिशा-निर्देशों के अनुसार हुई अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा को बिना किसी ठोस कारण के केवल राजनैतिक दुर्भावनावश रद्द कर करने के बाद नयी भर्ती के लिए आसानी से अनुमति और समय-सीमा में विस्तार और नई टी.ई.टी. और नई भर्ती-प्रक्रिया की अनुमति आसानी से प्राप्त कर सकेगी. 
मेरे पत्र से सम्बंधित कोई भी टिपण्णी या सुझाव जहाँ तक संभव हो, ब्लॉग पर ही प्रेषित करें ताकि बाकि सभी मित्र  भी उनसे अवगत हो सकें.
इन पत्रों को मिलने वाले किसी भी प्रतिक्रिया से और इस दिशा में अपने प्रयासों से आपको समय-समय पर ब्लॉग के ही माध्यम से अवगत कराऊंगा.
फ़िलहाल मेरी ओर से अभी इतना ही,

श्याम देव मिश्रा

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

CTET 2012 for UT candidates on May 5

CTET 2012 for UT candidates on May 5

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi will be conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) only for the candidates belonging to the UTs of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli on May 5, 2012 (Saturday).

Candidates can apply for CTET-MAY 2012 online through www.cbse.nic.in, www.ctet.nic.in, www.dnh.nic.in or www.daman.nic.in

The application form/confirmation page complete in all respect should be submitted in person only at the designated centres latest by April 10, 2012.

In case the particulars of the candidate are shown on the website www.cbse.nic.in or www.ctet.nic.in or www.dnh.nic.in or www.daman.nic.in and the Admit Card is not received by May 2, 2012, the candidates may download his/her admit card from websites and approach the concerned centre superintendent along with the photo identity proof to appear in the examination.

For more details, click here 

SSA society Chandigarh ignore UT candidates

SSA society Chandigarh ignore UT candidates

The candidates from the city appearing for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in May will not be able to apply for the 653 posts of junior basic teachers advertised after 3years by Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan society (SSA), Chandigarh as the deadline is April 3.

CTET was scheduled to be held in January but due to the Punjab elections was rescheduled for May. "If the examination would have been as scheduled then our result would have been out and we could've also applied, is it our fault? The posts have come out after 2009 and now we cannot apply," said Sunny Garewal, who is sitting for the examination this year.

But, the problem does not end for those who passed the test last year as the posts have been opened to Punjab and Haryana candidates also who can apply on the basis of their state examinations. "Their state examinations are relatively easier than ours.

We being from a union territory have to sit for the central examination which is the best one. I have passed it but now with the posts open for candidates from the states, who score better marks, our chances of getting through have become slimmer," complained Anshu, who passed her CTET exams in 2011.

"When the posts for teachers are out in the other states they give first preference to their own residents, then why all this drama with us?" said Harsimran Kaur, who also passed her CTET exam last year. The students are raising the question that when the states give priority to their residents why can't the same be done for UT candidates.

Chanchal Singh, deputy director school education, and project coordinator of SSA, when asked about the eligibility of the other states, said, "Chandigarh is the capital of these states and all those who have scored well in the exam will get the post. We cannot wait for everyone to fill the vacancies, the schools need teachers."

But the students who are taking the test in May are worried for they might have to wait much longer for an opportunity like this which has come after 3 years

Meanwhile there are SSA teachers who have raised the question whether the recruitment rules have been approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). "These rules are not approved by the NCTE which is the governing body.

They need to show us the papers, or else we will file a writ. They should also give preference to the UT candidates over others," said an SSA teacher on the grounds of anonymity.

Singh on this question said, "We are a society and we can make our own rules, however we consulted the rules from NCTE before making them." "It is for the administration to decide how to act responsibly and recruit eligible people who have the capability of shaping the future of the city's children," said Mannat Kaur from the city, who has applied for the vacancy.

News : Hindustan Times (23.3.12)


RTE Kerala : Automatic promotions till Class 8

RTE Kerala : Automatic promotions till Class 8

As part of implementing the RTE Act
As part of implementing the Right to Education (RTE) Act, the State government has ordered all school headmasters to ensure annual promotion of all students to the next higher standard till Class 8.

The order issued by Education Secretary M. Sivasankar says the head teacher shall ensure that “no child admitted in a school shall be held back in any class or expelled from school till the completion of elementary education or subjected to physical punishment or mental harassment.”

This shall be strictly observed from the new academic year as part of implementing the RTE Act, the order reads.

The list of school teachers who, for one reason or the other, had lost their jobs after 1997 and were unable to find a job in a government/quasi-government institution, has been published on the website www.education.gov.in. There are 1,419 names in the list.

Complaints about the list should be brought to the attention of the District Education Officer before April 13, a press note issued here said.

News : http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Thiruvananthapuram/article3265443.ece
The Hindi (30.3.12)


Allahabad Highcourt : Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi and the Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Bhopal UNDER TOUGH SCANNER

Allahabad Highcourt :  Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi and the Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Bhopal UNDER TOUGH SCANNER 

See case Details :


?Court No. - 46


Petitioner :- Sachin Rana And Anr.
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Ram Raj Pandey
Respondent Counsel :- Govt. Advocate

Hon'ble Amar Saran,J.
Hon'ble Ramesh Sinha,J.
This order is being passed in continuation of our earlier order dated 18.1.2012.
Sri Ved Byas Mishra, learned counsel for Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi is present. He has filed an affidavit of compliance of the order dated 18.1.2012. It may be taken on record. We find that Sampurnanand Sanskrit University is formally not impleaded. Therefore, we direct that it may be impleaded in this writ petition. We have also heard Sri Rishi Chaddha, learned A.G.A.
Three affidavits of compliance by the Secretary Higher Education, Secretary ( Basic Education) and D.G.P, CBCID have already been filed in this case on 16.1.2012. No affidavit has however been filed by the Secretary (Secondary Education), U.P.
It is pointed out by the learned A.G.A that the civil police was earlier investigating the case against 126 persons. In a large number of these cases, charge sheets have been submitted. However, 77 of the said cases have been transferred to the CBCID pursuant to the order dated 15.11.2011. We have already made it clear in our order dated 15.11.2011 that if we are not satisfied by the investigation conducted by the CBCID we may be constrained to transfer these cases to the CBI or some other agency.
Sri Chaddha points out that the investigation in these case is being conducted in three sectors viz. Allahabad, Agra and Meerut and that four I.Os are conducting the investigation in Allahabad, three in Agra and five in Meerut.
On the next listing we would like to have information whether the accused persons against whom charge sheets have been submitted have been sent to jail and whether they have obtained bail or not.
Learned A.G.A further points out that two clerks of Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, who had important roles in this offence have been arrested and their bails have already been rejected and that six other persons associated with the two clerks have been identified as being involved in this crime of using fake mark- sheets for securing admissions in B.T.C courses which is a window for getting jobs of Primary Teachers in Primary Schools and Junior High Schools. As in this case, forged mark-sheets of Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi and Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Bhopal are said to have been used in a large number of cases, we had directed that the investigation be conducted by the CBCID and that there should be effective co-ordination between the Education Secretaries concerned in the two States viz. U.P. and M.P and also by the police of the two States for which the Additional D.G.P, CBCID, U.P. may write to his counter-part and other concerned police officers in Bhopal. It has only been mentioned in the affidavit on behalf of the Secretary, Basic Education that a communication has been sent but what mechanism for cooperation has been set up has not been mentioned. The said details may be furnished in the next affidavit to be filed in this case on the next listing.
We had also directed in our previous order dated 15.11.2011 that all the examining bodies including the Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi and the Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Bhopal which issue certificates after conducting examination of High School, Intermediate, Graduation and post-graduation upload information about their examinees on their websites containing various details including digital photographs of the examinees. We also direct that so far as the employees in the colleges under the education department are concerned, their details should also be placed on the websites. We would like a progress report of this direction on the next listing.
The Director of NIC or other body engaged in preparing the software may be entrusted with developing software for uploading the information and he may also give his response on the next listing as to the feasibility of this direction and regarding financial constraints etc. and also point out to this Court whether there are any impediments in carrying out this direction of this Court.
In the detailed affidavit which has been filed by Sampurnanand Sanskrit University there are annexures containing details of responses of the University to enquiries made by the DIETs of Baghpat, Bulandshahar and Rai Bareilly which show that there are a substantial number of persons who have obtained forged certificates purportedly issued by Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi.
Looking to the magnitude of this problem as highlighted by these annexures, we are issuing a mandamus to all the DIETs in all the districts in U.P. to get it verified whether the certificates issued by Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi and Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Bhopal which were produced for securing admissions of candidates were genuine or forged and if the same are found to be forged, to take action, including by lodging of FIRs against the said persons and also for removing them from service which they may have eventually obtained on the basis of these forged certificates. The Basic Shiksha Adhikari in all districts are also directed to get verified from the Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi and Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Bhopal whether the certificates used for getting Shiksha Mitra appointments have actually been issued by these bodies or they are forged. In case of problems, in conducting this exercise with regard to all candidates who furnish certificates from the Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi and Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Bhopal, the exercise may be carried out in a phased manner, starting from the recent results and going backwards to earlier years, at least across a ten year period.
In the affidavit on behalf of Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi (Annexure 7 at page 62 and 64), there are details regarding certain institutions in Azamgarh, Mau, Ballia, Mirzapur, Siddharth Nagar, Varanasi etc which are issuing fake certificates in the name of the Sampurnanand Sanskrit University. The respondents are directed to get the same verified and in case the said institutions are issuing fake certificates of the Sampurnananand Sanskrit University, action may be taken against the institutions engaged by lodging of FIRs and other serious steps against the said institutions.
List this case on 21.3.2012.
On that date, further compliance report/ other information shall be submitted by the Secretary (Primary Education), Secretary (Secondary Education), Secretary (Higher Education), U.P., Addtl. DGP, CBCID, U.P., Director NIC, Lucknow, and other concerned parties including Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi. .
Copy of this order may be given to the concerned parties above mentioned within a week

Order Date :- 1.2.2012 

Source : http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShowJudgment.do?judgmentID=1668479


UPTET - Allahabad Highcourt on Late Submission of TET Candidate Application to DIET

UPTET - Allahabad Highcourt on Late Submission of TET Candidate Application to DIET


?Court No. - 33

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 12321 of 2012

Petitioner :- Shiv Bachan Ram
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Bholeshwar Gautam
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,A.S.G.I. (2012/3029),K.S. Kushwaha,Murtuza Ali

Hon'ble Arun Tandon,J.
Notice on behalf of respondents no. 1, 3 to 35 has been accepted by learned Standing Counsel and Sri K.S. Kushwaha, Advocate has accepted notice on behalf of respondent no. 2.
Learned Standing Counsel prays for and is granted three weeks' time to file counter affidavit. Rejoinder affidavit, if any, may be filed within two weeks thereafter.
List on 30.4.2012. 
Under the advertisement published for Teacher Eligibility Test (in short TET) examination only one mode for submitting the application i.e. by Registered Post/Speed Post through Indian Postal Service was provided. The petitioner had sent his application by Registered Post at least three weeks prior to the last date mentioned in the advertisement for receipt of the application.
In view of the law explained by the Full Bench of this Court in the case of Neena Chaturvedi vs. Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh and others reported in [2010 (9) ADJ 152 (FB)], the petitioner is entitled to an interim order in the facts of the case.
The respondents are directed to entertain the application of the petitioner and treat the same as within time provided, the petitioner submits the relevant application form along with certified copy of this order before the respective Principals of Training Institute within two weeks from today.
Order Date :- 20.3.2012

Source : http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShowJudgment.do?judgmentID=1756114


UPTET : Teacher Selection Should Be Based on TET Merit

टीईटी में प्राप्त अंकों के आधार पर ही हो चयन
(UPTET : Teacher Selection Should Be Based on TET Merit )

-शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति का आधार बनाए जाने की मांग

इलाहाबाद : उत्तर प्रदेश लोक हितकारी परिषद की ओर से मुख्यमंत्री को पत्र भेज कर शैक्षिक मेरिट के स्थान पर टीईटी में प्राप्त अंकों के आधार पर ही बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के विद्यालयों में शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति का आधार बनाए जाने की मांग की गई है

पत्र में कहा गया है कि उत्तर प्रदेश में तीन संस्थाएं यूपी बोर्ड, सीबीएसई नई दिल्ली और इंडियन सर्टिफिकेट आफ सेकेंडरी एजूकेशन द्वारा इंटर के छात्रों को प्रमाणपत्र प्रदान किए जाते हैं। इन तीनों ही संस्थाओं के सिलेबस, परीक्षा के मूल्यांकन का स्तर अलग अलग होता है। यदि मेरिट से शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति की जाती है तो नकल न करने वाले कई योग्य अभ्यर्थी चयन से वंचित रह जाएंगे जबकि नकल करके उत्तीर्ण कई खराब अभ्यर्थी शिक्षक बन जाएंगे। नकल की प्रवृत्ति को हतोत्साहित करने और प्रतियोगिता में अच्छे अंक पाने वालों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए शिक्षक चयन का आधार टीईटी की मेरिट को बनाने की मांग पत्र में की गई है

11वें दिन भी जारी रहा धरना

इलाहाबाद : लोक सेवा आयोग के गेट संख्या 6 पर पीसीएस, पीसीएस जे और एपीओ की परीक्षा के लिए आयु सीमा चालीस वर्ष करने की मांग को लेकर सामाजिक एकता परिषद और युवा अधिवक्ता मंच के संयोजन में प्रतियोगी छात्रों का धरना बुधवार को नवें दिन भी जारी रहा।

मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव से मिलने गए प्रतिनिधि मंडल ने लौटने पर बताया कि मुख्यमंत्री को चुनावी सभा में प्रतियोगी छात्रों द्वारा सौंपे गए ज्ञापन की याद है। उन्होंने उस समय दिए गए आश्वासन पर विश्वास बनाए रखने पर बल देते हुए थोड़ा समय और चाहा है। धरना संचालन समिति की बैठक में मुख्यमंत्री के कथन पर प्रतीक्षा और निगाह रखने की बात तय हुई और फिलहाल धरना यथावत चलाए रखने का निर्णय लिया गया। धरने पर बैठने वालों में स्वरूपम मिश्र, लाल जी यादव, अनूप सिंह, नरेंद्र मिश्रा, आरएल पाल, स्वतंत्र सिंह, सुनील सिंह, विनोद सिंह, रिंकू सिंह, त्रिपुरारी पांडेय, आनंद मिश्र, संतोष कुमार सिंह, शेष कुमार पांडेय, महेंद्र कुमार सिंह, फड़ीश कुमार पांडेय, अजय राय, मान सिंह, सुरेश तिवारी, गोपाल दुबे, राघवेंद्र शुक्ला, बागीश मिश्र, जितेंद्र, अजय, विद्याचरन आदि उपस्थित रहे।

News : Jagran (4.4.12)

Madhya Pradesh / MPTET : Samvida Shiksha who qualify Teacher Eligibility Test are going to Promoted as Guru jee / Samvida Shiksha Grade - III

संविदा शिक्षक कहलाएंगे अब गुरूजी 
( Madhya Pradesh / MPTET : Samvida Shiksha who qualify Teacher Eligibility Test are going to Promoted as Guru jee /  Samvida Shiksha Grade - III)

गुना। शिक्षा गारंटी शालाओं के गुरूजियों के लिए अच्छी खबर है। ऎसे गुरूजी जो पात्रता परीक्षा पास कर चुके हैं, उन्हें संविदा शिक्षक वर्ग-3 पर पदोन्नत करने के आदेश शासन ने जारी कर दिए हैं

व्यावसायिक परीक्षा मंडल की वर्ष 2008-09 में हुई परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करने के बाद शिक्षा गारंटी शालाओं में पढ़ा रहे गुरूजी लंबे समय से शिक्षक बनने का इंतजार कर रहे थे। मगर राज्य शिक्षा केन्द्र आयुक्त की हरी झंडी न मिलने से मामला पिछले तीन साल से अटका था। इस आशय के आदेश तीन अपै्रल को जारी हो गए हैं। इसके साथ ही पात्रता परीक्षा प्रथम और द्वितीय श्रेणी में पास करने वाले गुरूजियों से बीआरसी कार्यालय ने आवेदन मांगे हैं। जिला छानबीन समिति की पड़ताल के बाद पात्र उम्मीदवारों को संविदा शिक्षक वर्ग-3 का दर्जा दिया जाएगा

आठ सैकड़ा गुरूजी सरकार भरोसे

2008-09 में दो चरणों में रखी गई परीक्षा में जिलेभर से करीब एक हजार गुरूजी शामिल हुए थे। इसमें केवल 200 ही पास हो पाए। इस तरह 800 गुरूजी दक्षता साबित करने में नाकाम रहे, जिसका मलाल उन्हें आज भी सता रहा है। अब उनके भविष्य का फैसला सरकार को तय करना है।

News : Patrika (4.4.12)


Rajasthan RTET : Grade IIII / 3rd Teacher Recruitment , CTET qualified candidates NOT Eligible is Unconstitutional

तृतीय श्रेणी शिक्षक भर्ती मामला: सी-टेट उत्तीर्ण पात्र नहीं मानना असंवैधानिक!
(Rajasthan RTET : Grade IIII / 3rd Teacher Recruitment , CTET qualified candidates NOT Eligible is Unconstitutional )

जोधपुर.राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट ने केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (सी-टेट) उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी को तृतीय श्रेणी शिक्षक भर्ती परीक्षा में पात्र नहीं मानने पर राज्य सरकार के संबंधित अधिकारियों को नोटिस जारी कर जवाब तलब किया है। यह आदेश न्यायाधीश संगीत लोढ़ा ने प्रीतम कुमार शर्मा की ओर से दायर याचिका की सुनवाई के तहत दिए।

याचिकाकर्ता की ओर से अधिवक्ता ने कहा कि राजस्थान सरकार एक ओर प्रत्येक वर्ष आरटेट आयोजित नहीं कर पा रही है, वहीं दूसरी ओर सीबीएसई की ओर से आयोजित सी-टेट उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी को तृतीय श्रेणी शिक्षक भर्ती के लिए पात्र नहीं मान रही है, जबकि राजस्थान सरकार सीबीएसई पाठ्यक्रम अपना चुकी है।ऐसे में सी-टेट परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी को पात्र नहीं मानना अतार्किक व असंवैधानिक निर्णय है

News : Bhaskar (4.4.12)

There is rule if State Govt. not conduct TET exam then it can take CTET as eligibility test.


UPTET : Tiket sent letter to Akhilesh favouring TET Passed Candidates and suggesting strong action against convicted persons in scam

टीईटी भर्ती :जगी रोजगार की उम्मीद , चौधरी नरेश टिकैत ने भेजी अखिलेश को चिट्ठी 
(UPTET : Tiket sent letter to Akhilesh favouring TET Passed Candidates and suggesting strong action against convicted persons in scam )


भाकियू अध्यक्ष चौधरी नरेश टिकैत ने अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों के समर्थन में मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव को पत्र लिखा है। टिकैत का तर्क है कि बेरोजगारी की समस्या विकराल रूप धारण करते जा रही है। टीईटी धारकों ने आवेदन से लेकर रिजल्ट तक हजारों खर्च किए हैं
मंगलवार को अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों ने किसान भवन पर पहुंचकर भाकियू अध्यक्ष चौधरी नरेश टिकैत से मुलाकात की। पात्रता परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों ने अपनी समस्या रखते हुए कहा कि वह हजारों रुपये खर्च कर चुके हैं। ऐन वक्त पर प्रक्रिया बदल देना न्याय संगत नहीं है। टिकैत ने कहा कि सरकार फर्जीवाड़ा करने वालों को जरूर सजा दें। लेकिन भर्ती रोककर युवाओं से रोजगार का अवसर नहीं छीना जाना चाहिए। पहले ही युवा वर्ग बेरोजगारी की मार झेल रहा है। भर्ती रोक देने से समस्या गंभीर हो जाएगी।
टिकैत ने पंचायत के बाद मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव को टीईटी के संबंध में एक पत्र फैक्स के माध्यम से भेजा। पत्र में कहा गया है कि जिन लोगों ने भर्ती में घपला किया है उनके खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई होनी चाहिए लेकिन युवाओं के रोजगार का ख्याल भी रखा जाना चाहिए
इस अवसर पर योगेंद्र सिंह जैतपुर, कुलदीप सिंह, अमित कुमार, राजेंद्र सिंह, कविंद्र सिंह और सुबोध कुमार मुख्य रूप से उपस्थित रहे।


टीईटी रद हुई तो छेड़ेंगे आंदोलन
सोनभद्र। बीएड / बीपीएड बेरोजगार संघर्ष समिति ने मंगलवार को कलेक्ट्रेट पहुंच कर प्रभारी जिलाधिकारी को मांगों से संबंधित दस सूत्री ज्ञापन सौंपा। इस दौरान चेतावनी दी गई कि मांगें पूरी न होने पर वे आंदोलन करेंगे।
समिति के सदस्यों ने ज्ञापन के माध्यम से टीईटी परीक्षा को निरस्त न करने तथा 72825 शिक्षकों की भर्ती प्रक्रिया को शीघ्र पूरा करने, प्रशिक्षित स्नातकों को भविष्य में आयोजित होने वाले शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा के प्रथम स्तर की परीक्षा में शामिल होने का अवसर देने का आग्रह किया। वक्ताओं ने सभी प्रशिक्षित स्नातकों को विद्यालयों में समायोजित करने, अंशकालिक शिक्षकों को पूर्णकालिक शिक्षक का दर्जा देने, अंशकालिक शिक्षकों को सरकार द्वारा मानदेय देने तथा इसका भुगतान सीधे शिक्षकों के बैंक खाते में करने की मांग की है। सदस्यों ने वित्तविहीन विद्यालयों को सवित्त का दर्जा देने, प्राथमिक, माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में यथासंभव प्रशिक्षित स्नातकों को वरीयता देने की मांग की। वक्ताओं ने बताया कि सोनांचल नक्सल प्रभावित है तथा यहां अनेक विद्यालय एकल शिक्षक के सहारे चल रहे हैं। ऐसे विद्यालयों में रिक्त पदों पर तत्काल प्रशिक्षित स्नातकों की नियुक्तियां की जाए। जनपद में विशिष्ट बीटीसी की सीटों में वृद्धि की जाए। सभी प्रशिक्षित स्नातकों की सत्रवार नियुक्तियां की जाए। ज्ञापन साैंपने वालों में जिलाध्यक्ष संतोष कुमार वर्मा, संतोष यादव, राहुल त्रिपाठी, संजय कुमार, रामसहाय, सत्यप्रकाश शुक्ला, रूपेश मिश्र, सुनील मौर्य, विनय, विकास कुमार शर्मा, रमाकांत पाठक, रामप्रकाश त्रिपाठी आदि शामिल थे।
प्रदर्शन करते बीएड/बीपीएड बेरोजगार संघर्ष समिति के सदस्य।

टीईटी इकाई की बैठक आज
रसड़ा। टीईटी उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों की इकाई बैठक बुधवार को नगर स्थित श्रीनाथ मंदिर पर संपन्न होगी। इस आशय की जानकारी मीडिया प्रभारी राहुल कुमार ने दी। उन्होंने कहा कि बैठक में संघर्ष की रणनीति और स्थानीय पदाधिकारियों का चयन किया जाएगा। जिसमें सभी टीईटी उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों की उपस्थिति अनिवार्य है।

धरने को सफल बनाने का आह्वान
बिंद्राबाजार। टीईटी मोर्चा ब्लाक इकाई मुहम्मदपुर ने बैठक कर प्रदेश सरकार से भर्ती प्रक्रिया का आधार टीईटी मेरिट पर करने के साथ जल्द से जल्द भर्ती करने की मांग की। इस दौरान वक्ताओं ने क्षेत्र के टीईटी अभ्यर्थियों से लखनऊ में चल रहे धरना-आमरण अनशन में शामिल होने की अपील की। इस मौके पर रामजतन यादव, मो. आरिफ, अशोक कुमार सिंह, अरविंद कुमार यादव, पंकज कन्नौजिया, शोभनाथ, संतोष, महेंद्र कुमार, श्रीचंद, संजय, राजेंद्र, संतोष, राकेश, रवींद, अब्दुल रहमान, बाबू राम, चेनत चौहान आदि उपस्थित थे।

News : Amar Ujala (4.4.12)

UPTET : Decision on TET Candidates Future will be on 11th

टीईटी के भविष्य पर निर्णय 11 को
(UPTET : Decision on TET Candidates Future will be on 11th )

प्रमुख सचिव गृह ने सौंपी जांच रिपोर्ट
लखनऊ। शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (टीईटी) के भविष्य पर निर्णय 11 अप्रैल को किया जाएगा। राज्य स्तरीय कमेटी की बैठक में निर्णय किया जाएगा कि टीईटी निरस्त की जाए या नहीं। उधर, प्रमुख सचिव गृह आरएम श्रीवास्तव ने रमाबाई नगर पुलिस द्वारा की गई जांच रिपोर्ट बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग को उपलब्ध करा दी। प्रमुख सचिव गृह ने स्वयं इसकी पुष्टि की है। अब निर्णय बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग को करना है।

टीईटी में धांधली के आरोप में तत्कालीन शिक्षा निदेशक संजय मोहन को गिरफ्तार किया जा चुका है। मामले की जांच रमाबाई नगर की पुलिस कर रही थी। नई सरकार आने के बाद 20 मार्च को बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग ने पूरी रिपोर्ट बनाकर मुख्यमंत्री को भेजा था। अब इसे निरस्त किया जाए या न किया जाए, इस पर निर्णय किया जाना है। सचिव बेसिक शिक्षा सुनील कुमार ने मंगलवार को बैठक बुलाई थी, जिसमें सभी पहलुओं पर चर्चा की गई। तय किया गया कि 11 अप्रैल को टीईटी की राज्य समिति की बैठक बुला अंतिम निर्णय किया जाए। उधर, टीईटी उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी गुरुवार को सुबह 10 बजे मुख्यमंत्री से मिलकर अपना पक्ष रखेंगे। डीएम ने अभ्यर्थियों को मुख्यमंत्री से वार्ता कराने का भरोसा दिया हुआ है

News : Amar Ujala (4.4.12)

UPTET : Steering Committee Meeting on 11th to decide Recruitment of 72825 Teachers

शिक्षक भर्ती पर फैसले के लिए स्टीयरिंग कमेटी की बैठक 11 को
(UPTET : Steering Committee Meeting on 11th  to decide Recruitment of 72825 Teachers )

लखनऊ, 3 अप्रैल (जाब्यू) : बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद द्वारा संचालित स्कूलों में 72,825 शिक्षकों की भर्ती प्रक्रिया को निरस्त करने के बारे में फैसला लेने के सिलसिले में अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा (टीईटी) की स्टीयरिंग कमेटी की बैठक 11 अप्रैल को होगी। शिक्षा के अधिकार अधिनियम के तहत परिषदीय प्राथमिक स्कूलों में शिक्षकों की भर्ती के लिए पहली बार आयोजित की गई टीईटी के परिणाम में धांधली उजागर होने के बाद परीक्षा की शुचिता पर सवाल खड़े हो गए हैं। परीक्षा की शुचिता भंग होने के कारण बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग शिक्षक भर्ती प्रक्रिया को निरस्त करने के बारे में विचार विमर्श कर रहा है। टीईटी के आयोजन के सिलसिले में सात सितंबर 2011 को जारी शासनादेश के मुताबिक इस परीक्षा के शांतिपूर्ण आयोजन और उसकी शुचिता बनाये रखने के लिए सचिव बेसिक शिक्षा की अध्यक्षता में राज्य स्तरीय स्टीयरिंग कमेटी गठित की गई थी। सचिव माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद स्टीयरिंग कमेटी के सदस्य सचिव हैं जबकि सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के राज्य परियोजना निदेशक, माध्यमिक शिक्षा निदेशक, बेसिक शिक्षा निदेशक, राज्य शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद के निदेशक और बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद के सचिव इसके सदस्य हैं।

News : Jagran (4.4.12)
If matter goes in court then such committee can not take arbitrary decision , Court may ask necessary documents about investigation, reasons to justify this stand.

Honest candidates have high chances to win their matter in court.

A direct PIL in Supreme court can save time, as If matter goes in high court then it may go in supreme court also and will take extra time in recruitment.


UPTET : Tomorrow TET Passed Candidates will meet to Chief Minister

टीईटी उत्तीर्ण कल मिलेंगे मुख्यमंत्री से
(UPTET : Tomorrow TET Passed Candidates will meet to Chief Minister)

लखनऊ, 3 अप्रैल (जासं) : अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा को निरस्त न कराने की मांग को लेकर अभ्यर्थी गुरुवार को मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव से मिलेंगे। यूपी टीईटी उत्तीर्ण संघर्ष मोर्चा के नितिन मेहता ने बताया कि पांच सदस्यीय प्रतिनिधि मंडल को वार्ता के लिए बुलाया गया है। मुख्यमंत्री से वार्ता कर अनुरोध किया जाएगा कि अभ्यर्थियों संग न्याय किया जाए। उल्लेखनीय है कि टीईटी उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी परीक्षा निरस्त न किए जाने की मांग को लेकर पिछले कई दिनों से आंदोलनरत हैं। अभ्यर्थियों ने विधानभवन के सामने आमरण अनशन भी किया। जिला प्रशासन ने मुख्यमंत्री से वार्ता करने का आश्वासन दिलाकर अनशन खत्म कराया। मुख्यमंत्री से वार्ता के लिए पांच अप्रैल की तिथि निर्धारित की गई है। प्रदेश भर के टीईटी उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों की आखिरी उम्मीदें इस वार्ता पर ही टिकी हुई हैं। हालांकि प्रतिनिधि मंडल आश्वस्त है कि मुख्यमंत्री से वार्ता कर मसले का हल निकाल लिया जाएगा।

News : Jagran (4.4.12)

I felt TET Candidates should make a consent note (Aapsee Sehmati Patra) of demands in writing.
This is the best way to act yourself as your own leader , so that your leader will not deviate from your demands.
And NOT forgot to raise your points. TET candidates have a lot of faith on their leader and hope for positive decision.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

SSC, HSC students can use RTI to see answer sheets

SSC, HSC students can use RTI to see answer sheets

The state education board is set to usher in a more transparent evaluation system: starting this year, students sitting for the Class X state board exam and the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) will be able to get a copy of their corrected answer booklets under the Right To Information (RTI) Act. In the past, the state board did not entertain RTI applications from students who wished to see their evaluated papers, but will now have to do so in accordance with an August 2011 SC ruling. Education officials said a circular has been sent to all city SSC schools and junior colleges directing faculty to ensure that students are aware of this new feature. The state board is yet to inform students of the procedure and deadlines.
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"Students have every right to know where they went wrong and how they were marked. The SC order was announced a couple of months ago and we have decided to implement it this year itself," said Ravindra Bhise, divisional secretary of the state board. This new rule will also bring in a measure of accountability. The circular said that if the board finds fault in the marking process of a paper, which a student has submitted for revaluation, the examiner and moderator of that paper will be held responsible.

In August 2011, the SC had announced that "any student aggrieved by the marks awarded to him/her in the exams can now make an application and have a look at how the marks have been awarded". Principals believe that other boards, too, should adopt this rule. "Though we haven't been notified by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, the ICSE board being a national board comes under the purview of the RTI Act. Our students should be able to avail of this feature," said Carl Laurie, principal of Christ Church School.

This is a year of many firsts for the state board, which has announced that the final Science practicals for SSC students can be evaluated by the school itself. With a change in the Science and Math curriculum, the evaluation process for these subjects has also changed. SSC students will appear for a 60-mark theory (Science) paper at the examination centre. The remaining 40 marks are divided into 20-mark practicals and a 20-mark objective-type question paper, which will be conducted and evaluated by the school itself.

"As the internal marking for the rest of the subjects is handled by the school, we decided that even the Science practicals for Class X students can be held without the need for an external examiner," said an official from the state board, Pune. "We aim to ensure that students get through the examination season with as little tension as possible. We are doing everything in our capacity to help our students," added Bhise. HSC exams will begin on February 21, while the SSC examination will start on March 1.

Source : http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-02-09/mumbai/31042493_1_hsc-students-hsc-exams-higher-secondary-certificate
Times of India ( 9.2.12)

ATET : SC clears 95,000 Assam teachers' recruitment

SC clears 95,000 Assam teachers' recruitment
08 February, 2012 AT News Bureau

The Supreme Court today quashed a Gauhati High Court order thus paving the way for the recruitment of more than 95,000 school teachers in the state. The High Court, in its January 25 ruling, had allowed recruitment of 12800 teachers in lower and upper primary schools.

"The Assam Government appealed before the apex court and said that the around 95000 posts are lying vacant of which 28000 can be recruited now," said Education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma. The apex court stayed the High Court order contending that the limit will cause difficulties in the running of schools.

Appearing for the Assam government, Attorney General Ashok Desai told the court that the state government needed teachers in elementary schools to fulfil the mandate of compulsory education under the Right to Education Act. He said the absence of teachers could lead to the closure of a large number of such institutions.

Sarma said "since 2001, the appointment was stopped leading to closure of some schools. I will term the judgement as victory of students and we will appoint 12800 as regular teachers and another 28000 as contractual teachers."

Source : http://www.assamtimes.org/hot-news/6012.html
Assam Times ( 8.2.12)

KV teachers say no to extra hours

KV teachers say no to extra hours
M Ramya, TNN Mar 7, 2012, 03.36AM IST

CHENNAI: Already burdened with large classes and six-day weeks, Kendriya Vidyalaya schoolteachers have decided to protest after being asked to work longer hours from April.

The All India Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers' Association said teachers face a lot of work pressure and things are likely to get worse for them with the implementation of the RTE Act from April.

The KV Sangathan has asked teachers, who work for six hours and 10 minutes a day, to work for seven hours and 30 minutes daily from the start of the next academic year. The teachers said they objected to the directive because they already come to school early and stay back after school hours when required.
"We asked Sangathan officials to give us a five-day week, but they insisted on making us work on Saturdays. This means that we are forced to put in 45 working hours every week. We are ready to work hard, but we cannot continue without rest and at no extra compensation," said G Pethaiyan, president of the teachers' association in Chennai region.

Teachers said their workload increased since CBSE introduced the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system. "We don't leave at the stroke of the bell every day. We stay back after school when needed, but why make this mandatory?" a KV teacher asked.

The teachers association members said that though the RTE Act specifies that the student-teacher ratio should be 30:1, many times teachers are forced to handle 50 children in a class. "This makes it difficult for the teachers to pay attention to all the students or even give special attention to students who need to improve," Pethaiyan said.

KV Sangathan deputy commissioner, Chennai region, N R Murali denied that the teachers are being overworked. He said the schools were instructed not to admit more than 40 children per class. "Class strength sometimes increases because of transfers from one KV to another. But classes are expected to be within manageable limits. Schools are empowered to recruit additional contractual teachers. I don't know why that is not being done," Murali said.

He said there could be no compromise on the implementation of the RTE Act. "Experts have studied the demands on teachers before placing the Bill was introduced in Parliament," Murali said. "These teachers feel that change is not in their interest. They don't want to be made to stay after work, but schools also have certain requirements and teachers will be required to check the work of students and finalise records after the students leave."

To protest against the additional workload, KV teachers across the country will observe March 16 as 'Black Day' after working hours.

Source : http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-03-07/chennai/31131577_1_kv-teachers-contractual-teachers-student-teacher-ratio / Other News Services


TNTET : Over six lakh candidates to take TET ( Teacher Eligibility Test Recruitment Exam 2012)

TNTET : Over six lakh candidates to take TET ( Teacher Eligibility Test Recruitment Exam 2012)

Over six lakh candidates are expected to appear for the State government's first Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) scheduled to be held on June 3 (3rd June 2012 ) . With the implementation of the Right to Education (RTE) Act that demands large-scale recruitment of teachers, the Teacher Recruitment Board, designated as the nodal agency, is gearing up to conduct the exam.

The exam is mandatory for secondary grade teachers and graduate assistants appointed for government, aided and unaided institutions on and after August 23, 2010, in accordance with the guidelines framed by the National Council for Teacher Education. Final year students of Diploma in Teacher Education (D.T.Ed) and Bachelor in Teacher Education (B.T.Ed.) are also eligible to apply for the test. Candidates must score at least 60 per cent in the test, as is mandated by the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET). But recruitment of teachers in government and aided schools in the State will also be based on the prescribed minimum qualification and their seniority in the Teacher Recruitment Board. Teachers must pass the TET within five years and the score would be valid for a period of seven years.

An official said such huge numbers are expected to take the test as two lakh graduate teachers are already registered with the employment exchange. There are also a sizeable number of teachers working in Central government schools outside the State who would be keen to seek employment in the State. About 30,000 vacancies are waiting to be filled in for secondary grade teachers and graduate assistants' post, said the official.

Educationists, however, wonder if one more exam would ensure quality and committed teachers entering the professions. “Aren't we only adding to the anxiety levels of a teacher bringing in more exams? We need to find simpler ways of recruiting teachers,” says S.S. Rajagopalan, educationist.

The sale of applications will start from March 22 (22 March 2012 ) and April 4 ( 4 April 2012 ) will be the last day for submission. They will be sold at various educational district offices in the State.


PIL : Update school funds information- HC

PIL : Update school funds information- HC

BANGALORE: The High Court on Monday directed the Department of Primary and Secondary Education (DPSE) to update information on the funds released to the state from Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan over a PIL relating to provision of facilities in primary and secondary schools in the state within 15 days.

In a PIL filed on April 4, 2011, it was stated that 4,844 out of the 46,400 primary schools in the state did not have drinking water facility. The HC had ordered the state to provide drinking water and toilet facilities to all government schools by December 31, 2011.

The state in its affidavit stated that among primary schools, 46,309 and 46,346 toilets have been constructed for boys and girls respectively. It also added that 34 and 9 toilets for boys and girls respectively are under construction.

In high schools, the state has provided drinking water and toilet facilities to 4,277 schools and the facility needs to be provided to just one school. The petitioner stated that the Sarva Shiksha Abiyan and Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan releases funds to primary and high schools annually details of which get displayed on the website; however, the petitioner added that the same was last  updated only in 2010.

Source : http://ibnlive.in.com/news/update-school-funds-information-hc/238657-60-115.html


Setting Up of Sanskriti Schools

Setting Up of Sanskriti Schools

March 14, 2012

Setting Up of Sanskriti Schools
New Delhi: The policy and guidelines for setting up Sanskriti type schools in the country have been framed with a provision of 60% seats for the wards of transferable officers of All India Service/Central Services. In case the land is provided free of cost by the State Government, 10% (out of the above 60%) seats will be reserved for wards of State Government employees.

As per the guidelines, proposal to set up Sanskriti type School in any State Capital may be initiated by the State Government or Association of All India Services/Central Civil Services Officers in consultation with the Central Government employees Coordination Committee justifying the need to set up such a school at that Station. A proposal to open a Sanskriti type school in Shillong, Meghalaya has been received. However, no decision has yet been taken on the proposal.

This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions V. Narayanasamy, in written reply to a question, in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday.

Source : http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=80953


Teachers protest against PPP-model schools

Teachers protest against PPP-model schools

Prakash Kumar, NEW DELHI, Mar 17, 2012, DHNS:

Primary school teachers have opposed the government’s decision to set up model schools under public private partnership (PPP) framework, saying that the move will further commercialize education making it a costly affair for children belonging to weaker sections of the society.

The Human Resource Development Ministry, which plans to set up a total of 2,500 model schools at block levels in PPP mode, has already initiated efforts to open 500 such schools by inviting expression of interests from private entity including corporate.

“Schools to be opened under the PPP mode will be out of the reach of children from poverty stricken family and under privileged sections of the society as tuition fee, cost of uniforms and other requirements will be beyond their capacity,” S Eswaran, secretary general of All India Primary Teachers’ Federation (AIPTF), said .

Private gain

It will transform education from public good to “private gain” as private players will do no public service. “Education has become and industry.

Those who have opened schools or colleges are earning a lot of profit from their ventures,” AIPTF president Ram Pal Singh said.

India has already made “major strides” towards achieving the goal of providing quality education for all.

The net enrollment ratio in class-I has reached 97 per cent.

Need of the hour

“The need of the hour is not to open schools under PPP framework but augment teaching work force and infrastructure facilities in government run schools.

There should be at least one teacher for every class in a school”, he said.

The government cannot abdicate its responsibility to provide quality universal elementary education to all irrespective of their caste, creed and financial capacity, he added.

The AIPTF members and activists, staging a demonstration in the national capital, also demanded the government to stop recruitment of “non-professionals” as teachers.

It sought the government bringing existing untrained para-teachers to the “main stream” by providing sufficient training and regular pay scale to them.

AIPTF is an apex body of 24 state primary teachers’ association affiliates.

News : Deccan Herald ( 17.3.12)
Source : http://www.deccanherald.com/content/235278/teachers-protest-against-ppp-model.html


Madrasas ( मदरसा ) waiting for amendment to RTE Act

Madrasas ( मदरसा )  waiting for amendment to RTE Act
J. S. Ifthekhar

Madrasa managements across the country are keenly watching the budget session of Parliament. No, they are not looking forward to the kind of budget that will be presented by the Finance Minister. Their anxiety is to see the promised relief coming in the Right to Education (RTE) Act for minority institutions. The government has promised to bring amendments to certain sections of the Act seen as having a ‘negative impact' on the madrasas.
The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) is spearheading a campaign against the adverse effects of the RTE Act on the madrasa education system and also other minority institutions. In the last few months, the Save Constitutional Rights Campaign committee has covered most parts of UP, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.
Fears expressed
The RTE Act was already passed by Parliament in 2009. Its full implementation is to take effect from April 1 and therefore, the worry about thousands of madrasas across the country shutting down unless they are excluded from the ambit of the Act.
Madrasa management fear that the right of children to free and compulsory education under the Act will eventually end the autonomy of madrasas.
Every child from 1 to 8 class is required to get education in a neighbourhood school as per government- approved syllabus. What this means is children in the age group of six to 14 will not have the freedom to study Islamic subjects. This directly infringes upon the rights of religious communities as guaranteed under Article 25 and 30 of the Constitution, it is said.
Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal has promised to see that the Act does not apply to madrasas, Vedic patshalas and other institutions imparting religious instructions.
Amendments urged
“We hope the government will move necessary amendments to the Act in the Rajya Sabha to rectify the defects,” said AIMPLB assistant general secretary, Raheem Qureshi.
Wakf (Amendment) Bill
said the AIMPLB is also campaigning against the controversial Wakf (Amendment) Bill 2010 and the Direct Taxes Code Bill. Though the Wakf Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha, the Upper House has sent it to a select committee for reconsideration.
The Direct Taxes Code bill, which seeks to tax religious trusts, places of worship and donations made to them, has been referred to a standing committee. Madrasas waiting for amendment to RTE Act

Source : http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Hyderabad/article3015468.ece
News : The Hindu (20.03.12)


Who wants to be a primary school teacher in India?

Who wants to be a primary school teacher in India?
Krishna Kumar on quality of primary education in India.

Who wants to be a primary school teacher in India? No one, really. The job requires a Class XII certificate with a two-year diploma. The salary is so measly that it can only be seen as a supplementary income. It's no wonder that the majority of aspirants come to it as a last resort. And once they get into a primary school, they keep trying to enhance their qualifications, in order to 'move up'-meaning, get a secondary teacher's job.

This reality contrasts with the rhetoric that the primary school years are the like nation's foundations.
Yes, research across the world shows that a nation's economic and social well-being depends on the quality of its primary and pre-primary education. In India, we don't look at things that way. Even when a break comes into sight, we choose to ignore it and let the enthusiasts get sick with frustration. That is the story of Delhi University's Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed) programme.

In the last 15 years or so, it has produced more than a thousand superb teachers. Anywhere else in the world, they would have been treated as a special workforce. But here? The Municipal Corporation of Delhi and the state government have failed to recognise them as TGTS, or Trained Graduate Teachers.

Why? Because they don't possess a B Ed degree which you need to teach beyond Class V. Bureaucratic cynicism has ensured that the 'elementary' stage (Classes I to VIII) does not become a salary band. Never mind the Constitution which has been amended by Parliament to make eight years of elementary education a Fundamental Right. The Government continues to hold that there is a fundamental difference between the primary (I to V) and the upper primary (VI to VIII) stages, and that the primary teacher must get substantially less salary.

During the 1990s, several states decided to appoint para-teachers instead of regular ones. They were given fancy names, such as guruji in Madhya Pradesh, shiksha mitra in UP, vidya volunteers in Andhra Pradesh, and so on. They were paid a fraction of the regular salary. The idea of saving money proved so attractive that Madhya Pradesh decided to wipe out the old cadre of teachers. Now, Bihar and Chhattisgarh have embarked on this road. In Uttar Pradesh, Classes I and II-the formative years of a child's career at school-are assigned to para-teachers as a matter of policy. Over 10 years have passed since these outrageous measures were taken. A whole new generation of children with poor literacy and numeracy skills is now passing through the secondary classes across northern India, from Rajasthan to Bengal and the North-East where thousands of teachers were appointed without training.

It is ironical that the Right to Education (RTE) law has furnished the basis of yet another decision which could have disastrous consequences over the next decade. RTE demands improvement in the pupil-teacher ratio. The new ratio of 1:30 and other provisions of RTE are supposed to be implemented by the summer of 2013. States that have the highest shortfall of trained teachers have decided to meet this deadline by training their teachers in distance mode. These are the states with the poorest quality records and the most appalling cases of discrimination in schools on the basis of caste and gender. Teachers trained through distance mode cannot be expected to meet such challenges. Apparently, these states feel that they have no choice in the matter, so they are not looking for alternatives. Their training institutions are also in a dismal state, and the national body in charge of accreditation and reform of teacher education is itself passing through a prolonged illness. Professional training in any field requires rigour and a congenial institutional ethos. Teacher education lacks both, and distance technology cannot magically compensate for the chronic neglect this sector has suffered.

The situation calls for fresh thinking and rescheduling of RTE compliance with Parliament's approval. It will be a sad joke indeed if a historic law which promises to equalise educational opportunity in our stratified society is turned into an excuse for killing what dignity is left in the job of a teacher. It took India a century-since the defeat of Gokhale's bill in 1911-to legislate children's right to education. It would be neurotic to treat RTE as a game of compliance.
- Krishna Kumar is professor of education at Delhi University and a former director of NCERT

Source : http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/krishna-kumar-on-primary-education-in-india/1/177074.html


Responsibility of states to implement Right to Education: Kapil Sibal

Responsibility of states to implement Right to Education: Kapil Sibal

NEW DELHI: As the Right to Education completed two years, human resource development minister Kapil Sibal said that it was now the responsibility of state governments to deliver on the promise of universal elementary education.

"Whatever provisions that have been made in RTE these have to be implemented. Plans for it are completely ready so that they can be implemented after two years. I believe that this is a great accomplishment that we have achieved because if we want to change the entire structure in the country, then it is important to change the foundation, then only we will be able to build a new structure," said Sibal.
In the first year of the Right to Education, only 15 states and Union Territories had notified the rules, this number has grown to 32 now. Karnataka and Goa are yet to notify the rules, which is the first step towards ensuring this legal entitlement to children.
"Last year, only 15 states had notified the state RTE rules. Today this number has increased to 21. The ministry will continue to follow up with these states as notification would entitle them to receive funds from the Centre," the minister said.
Over the last two years, the Centre and states have been working to put in place the systems that are necessary to ensure successful implementation of the Right to Education. Last year, 11 states had notified the State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights as enshrined in the Act, but now the number has gone up to 21 and an advisory has been issued to all states to institute a grievance redress mechanism to address violations of the Act.
As the Right to Education enters its third year of existence, the HRD minister set out a ten-point agenda for states. He urged states to complete the process of neighbourhood mapping to ensure that all children have access to schools.
The minister stressed that all child-centred provisions of the law should be put into practice and that children should receive their entitlements of textbooks, uniforms etc. Sibal asked that the implementation of the provisions for admissions to children from disadvantaged groups and weaker sections be monitored carefully.

Chhattisgarh HC quashes Government order regarding appointment of Shiksha Karmis (education workers) and ad hoc teachers as headmasters

Chhattisgarh HC quashes Government order regarding appointment of Shiksha Karmis (education workers) and ad hoc teachers as headmasters3/5/2012  (UNI) The Chhattisgarh High Court today quashed the state regime's order regarding appointment of Shiksha Karmis (education workers) and ad hoc teachers as headmasters to fill about 22,500 vacancies in primary schools spread over 16 districts.
Justice Satish K Agnihotri directed the Government to cancel of the entire process of appointment as publicised through newspapers.
However, the Bench allowed the government to initiate the appointment process afresh as per rules and norms.
Though the regime conducted an eligibility test, several candidates moved the Court challenging the order and levelling allegations of irregularities in the appointment process. UNI

Supreme Court : Article 21-A (Right To Elementary Education )

Supreme Court : Article 21-A (Right To Elementary Education )

The power  of the Supreme Court of India to enforce these fundamental rights is derived from Article 32 of the Constitution. It gives citizens the right to directly approach the Supreme Court for seeking remedies against the violation of these fundamental rights.
This entitlement to constitutional remedies is itself a fundamental right and can be enforced in the form of  writs evolved in common law – such as habeas corpus (to direct the release of a person detained unlawfully), mandamus (to direct a public authority to do its duty),  quo warranto (to
direct a person to vacate an office assumed wrongfully),  prohibition (to prohibit a lower court from proceeding on a case) and certiorari (power of the higher court to remove a proceeding from a lower court and bring it before itself). Besides the Supreme Court, the High Courts located in the
various States are also designated  as constitutional courts and Article 226 permits citizens to file similar writs before the High Courts. 

With the advent of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in recent decades, Article 32 has been creatively interpreted to shape innovative remedies such as a ‘continuing mandamus’ for ensuring that executive  agencies comply with judicial directions. In this category of litigation, judges have also imported private law remedies such as ‘injunctions’ and ‘stay orders’ into what are essentially public law-related matters.

Successful challenges against statutory provisions result in reliefs such as the striking down of
statutes or even reading down of statutes, the latter implying that courts reject a particular approach to the  interpretation of a statutory provision rather than rejecting the provision in its entirety

The court has also recognized access to free education as a justiciable right. This decision prompted a Constitutional amendment which inserted Article 21-A into the Constitutional text, thereby guaranteeing the right to elementary education for children aged between 6-14 years. The Courts have
also pointed to Directive principles in interpreting the  prohibitions against forced labour and child labour. The enforcement of these rights leaves a lot to be desired, but the symbolic value of their constitutional status should not be underestimated

Source : http://www.supremecourtofindia.nic.in/speeches/speeches_2009/judicial_activism_tcd_dublin_14-10-09.pdf
[12th December, 2002.]

2. Insertion of new article 21A.- After article 21 of the Constitution, the following article shall be inserted, namely:-
Right to education.-
 "21A. The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six to fourteen years in such
manner as the State may, by law, determine.".

Source : http://indiacode.nic.in/coiweb/amend/amend86.htm