www.incometaxindia.gov.in- Income Tax Department Recruitment 2012-2013 | Latest Jobs Vacancy 2013 Income Tax Department
Income Tax Department issued a recruitment notification for the various posts like Income Tax Inspectors, Steno. Gr.II, Tax Asst. and MTS. There are only 41 posts is to be offered in this recruitment.
Candidates those who were waiting for this recruitment may apply for that via Offline Mode.
Prominent and Relevant info is Listed Below-
Vacancy Details-
Tax Assistants (PB-I)- 26
Multi Tasking Staff (PB-I)- 09
Income –Tax Inspectors (PB-II)- 05
Stenographers Gr.II (PB-I)- 01
Eligibility Info-
Required Age is 18 to 27 years for Inspectors, For MTS and Tax Asst. (PB-I) is 18 to 25 years.
Educational Qualification is Graduation Degree for Income Tax Inspector, 12th Passed for Stenographer and 10th Passed for Multi Tasking Staff.
Selection will be done on the basis of Interview Performance.
Application Fee-
Rs 100 for General and OBC.
No Fee for SC, ST and Women.