CTET Chandigarh Education dept to advertise for 1,100 teaching posts
The Chandigarh education department will publish the advertisement inviting applications for 1,100 teaching posts next week. Department sources said the advertisement could not be published on account of Diwali holidays and backlog in the department.
Sources said the advertisement was likely to be published by mid of next week.
The department's hiring process has been pending since March this year though the ministry of human resource development had directed the department to kick-start the same.
Sources said the department, after UT administrator's approval, had begun the process of hiring a computer agency to invite applications from eligible candidates and prepare the merit list.
Sources further said this time, the department would hire teachers only through two written tests.
However, the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) will continue to be the basic eligibility to apply for these posts.
An official, on condition of anonymity, said: "The department is planning to fill nearly 1,100 teaching posts of junior basic teachers, trained graduate teachers and postgraduate teachers on the basis of the performance of candidates in two written papers (one testing the general knowledge and aptitude and the other testing the candidate's understanding of the subject he/she has specialised in).
Officials said the move to fill posts would improve the pupil-teacher ratio, which currently stands at 1:47, higher than the ratio of 1:35 proposed under the Right to Education Act, 2009.
Officials further said besides these teaching posts, the ministry also approved 22 clerical posts at the directorate level.
It includes new posts such as clerk, senior assistant, and stenographer.
Sources maintained that the department was also planning to fill these posts at the earliest.
The department is expected to invite applications for these posts next week.
An official said: "The process of hiring teachers will take nearly two months and by the next academic session, the department will not face any problems due to staff shortage."
News Source Sabhaar : hindustantimes.com (HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times Chandigarh, October 24, 2014 First Published: 23:50 IST(24/10/2014) | Last Updated: 00:04 IST(25/10/2014))