Tatkal Train Ticket Booking is Highly Tough on IRCTC website due to touts
I triied lot of times to book my ticket at sharp 8 AM but server is hang, SERVICE is UNAVAILABLE, Multiple Login, Session Expired type of problems.
After that I go through Internet to see about this service, and found views -
On - grahakseva.com
Support Raju Chaudhari Click:
Dear sir/Madam,
this is my experience about irctc.Co.In tatkal booking.
Generally the website www.Irctc.Co.In does not open when you start login for tatkal booking. On other time there is no problem for booking, but for tatkal booking always there is a problem with the website. This is not in the interest of the common public. For tatkal booking, we have to wait for a long time. This is just because of bakwas website or some dirty mind work behind this. All the agents can book tatkal tickets, but waht about the common public. Please raise your voice against this. Do the needful in this matter.
We say proudly "ours is the biggest railway in the world". But what is the use of this quote when it is not for common public.
16th May 2012
I am facing serious problem for booking ticket.A the site is extremely busy we have to spent to get last page to pay money.B due to delay in getting particular page the session gets expire. C on getting payment page the server does not work.
It is sickening. Unfortunately, we have no other site to make booking and irctc has monoploly.
I do not under how india can make progress with having such sites.
Very urgent attention is needed.
Nabarun Ghosh
27th May 2012
This problem was not there earlier. Even during february I purchased tickets on the tatkal. But it seems after that there has been some serious problems. I had to purchase tickets from howrah to mumbai. I tried seven continuous days on the tatkal with same result. It is possible to book tickets after 9 am. The site works fine. But whenever you try to log on at 8 am there is always some problem. I don't know if any trick is being played with the public. If so, then the govt surely has to look into matter.
On - consumercourt.in
I am very much frustrated with the IRCTC Online Booking site.When ever i try to book Tatkal ticket it always says Service Unavailable or session expired. If i contact the Railway agent he will get the ticket from the same site.If the railway has much interest selling from the broker then mention on the site about the same so that public will not book the ticket or they can find an alternate
Highly frustrated User
News on Times of India :
Tatkal scam: Touts book railway tickets in Bihar, fly them to Mumbai
TNN | May 26, 2012, 02.03AM ISTMUMBAI: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has busted a racket in which confirmed tickets were booked under the Tatkal scheme by touts in Bihar and then couriered to Mumbai by air. Three persons were arrested in separate instances by a special squad formed by the Central Railway RPF. The trio was released on a cash bail of Rs 10,000 each by a local court.
The racket originated at Patna and Hajipur in Bihar. RPF sleuths found that tickets for a train leaving from Mumbai to Patna had been booked at the Patna end, in advance. "Identity proof is required to be produced while booking tickets. Touts from Mumbai arranged for scanned copies of customers' ID cards to be sent to Bihar. Their counterparts in Bihar then booked tickets under Tatkal scheme for these customers. As the tickets were to be used within 24 hours, they were couriered to Mumbai by air," an official said. "This was done from the Bihar-end as there are strict checks by authorities in Mumbai."
Acting on a tip-off, RPF sleuths followed staffers of a courier company after they had picked up parcels from the domestic airport cargo and dropped it at their Andheri-based office. Sleuths observed that one of the parcels, containing the Tatkal tickets, was collected by Atiq-ur-Rehman from the courier company's office. Rehman was nabbed with a consignment of nine tickets, three of them being III-AC tickets, collectively worth Rs 30,680 on May 18. He further led the RPF to his associates. On May 23, another tout Mohammad Salim was nabbed and on May 24, a third tout, Mohammad Vakil, was nabbed.
The touts charged a fee of Rs 1,500 which in some cases was as much as the ticket cost itself. The RPF said the accused did not have a past crime record. The tickets were couriered by air from Patna to Mumbai via Delhi. The railways have appealed commuters against buying tickets from touts.
Info on WR extra coach 3 days in advance
To prevent fleecing by touts and bring in more transparency, Western Railway (WR) has decided to announce on the railway website its plans to attach an additional coach on its regular mail/express train three days in advance.
The initiative aims to keep passengers updated on the probability of confirmation of their waitlisted tickets which would also help in minimizing the role of touts who try to take advantage of the lack of information among the passengers.
Sharat Chandrayan, WR's chief public relations officer, said, "The information of tentative plan to attach extra coaches in WR trains will give the waitlisted passengers an idea of the possibility of getting their ticket confirmed as the waitlist is reduced considerably after attaching the extra coach in a train."
The tentative plan of extra coaches may vary, subject to availability of coaches and other constraints. This information is uploaded on WR's website under the menu 'Passenger & Freight Services' on the home page.
News Source : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/Tatkal-scam-Touts-book-railway-tickets-in-Bihar-fly-them-to-Mumbai/articleshow/13499264.cms
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