Mizoram TET 2014 results declared
Aizawl, Apr 4 : Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) conducted Mizoram TET 2014 declared result of Mizoram TET 2014 on its official website.
Candidates who appeared for Mizoram Teachers Eligibility Test 2014 can check and download the results on its official website at http://mbse.edu.in
Mizoram TET was held in the month of March 2014 in which a large number of candidates appeared.
Very few candidates are passed and therefore a low pass percentage happens.
To download Mizoram TET 2014 results, candidates may follow the below steps:
Log on to the official website at http://mbse.edu.in
Plot a route to results section.
Click the link titled as Mizoram TET 2014 results.
Enter roll no or name.
Submit the entered data.
Mizoram TET 2014 results will appear on the screen.
Candidates may also take a printout of their results.
Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) is considered as an entrance test for candidates seeking to be appointed as teachers in government-run schools.
TET consists of two papers such as Paper I and Paper II.
Candidates opting for recruitment to Class I to Class V need to appear for Paper I and candidates opting for recruitment to Class VI to Class VIII have to appear for Paper II.
Candidates who opt for recruitment to Class I to Class VIII will have to appear for both Paper I and Paper II.
TET was introduced by government of India with an intention to improve the standards of teaching.
TET is based on National Curriculum Framework in accordance with guidelines framed by the NCTE. It is a mandatory test in which all graduates, including B.A, B.Sc, B.Com and B. Ed. need to pass this exam to be selected as teachers in government-run schools. To clear the TET , candidates need to score 60% and more. However 5% relaxation can be given by state/competent authority.
For more details candidates may visit the official website at http://mbse.edu.in