UPTET News -72825 शिक्षक भर्ती के बचे हुुुए पदों पर भर्ती पूर्ण करने हेतु कोर्ट् ने सरकार को कानूनानुसार निर्णय लेने को कहा,
देखें आदेश
?Court No. - 18
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 8129 of 2018
Petitioner :- Nirdesh Tiwari And 27 Ors.
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 3 Ors.
Counsel for Petitioner :- Vimal Chandra Chaudhary
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.
Hon'ble Mahesh Chandra Tripathi,J.
Heard learned counsel for the parties.
The petitioners are before this Court to issue direction to the respondents to complete the recruitment process for remaining 1536 posts of Assistant Teachers in Primary Schools run and managed by the U.P. Basic Education Board, Allahabad and issue appointment letters in their favour in the light of decision of Apex Court dated 25.7.2017 in Civil Appeal Nos.4347-4375 of 2014 (State of UP and ors vs. Shiv Kumar Pathak and others).
Learned counsel for the petitioners states that the petitioners have already filed a representation dated 09.03.2018 before the respondent no.2 i.e. Additional Chief Secretary (Basic Education), U.P. Lucknow for redressal of their grievance, which is still pending. He has confined his prayer only to the relief that the petitioners' representation dated 08.03.2018 may be considered by the appropriate authority.
Learned Additional Chief Standing Counsel for the State respondents has no objection to the said prayer.
No useful purpose would be served in keeping the writ petition pending.
In view of above, without expressing any opinion on the merits of the issue and considering the facts and circumstances of the case and with the consent of parties, this writ petition is disposed of finally with a direction to the Additional Chief Secretary (Basic Education), U.P. Lucknow to decide the petitioners' representation in accordance with law within a period of six weeks from the date of production of a certified copy of this order before him.
Order Date :- 19.3.2018
UPTET / टीईटी / TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates / Teacher Recruitment / शिक्षक भर्ती / SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS
UP-TET 2011, 72825 Teacher Recruitment,Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), 72825 teacher vacancy in up latest news join blog , UPTET , SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS, SARKARI NAUKRI
Read more: http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.com
Shiksha Mitra | Shiksha Mitra Latest News | UPTET 72825 Latest Breaking News Appointment / Joining Letter | Join UPTET Uptet | Uptet news | 72825 Primary Teacher Recruitment Uptet Latest News | 72825 Teacher Recruitment Uptet Breaking News | 72825 Primary Teacher Recruitment Uptet Fastest News | Uptet Result 2014 | Only4uptet | 72825 Teacher Recruitment Uptet News Hindi | 72825 Teacher Recruitment Uptet Merit cutoff/counseling Rank District-wise Final List / th Counseling Supreme Court Order Teacher Recruitment / UPTET 72825 Appointment Letter on 19 January 2015A | 29334 Junior High School Science Math Teacher Recruitment,
Rajasthan TET / RTET, BETET / Bihar TET, PSTET / Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test, West Bengal TET / WBTET, MPTET / Madhya Pradesh TET, ASSAM TET / ATET
, UTET / Uttrakhand TET , GTET / Gujarat TET , TNTET / Tamilnadu TET , APTET / Andhra Pradesh TET , CGTET / Chattisgarh TET, HPTET / Himachal Pradesh TET
देखें आदेश
?Court No. - 18
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 8129 of 2018
Petitioner :- Nirdesh Tiwari And 27 Ors.
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 3 Ors.
Counsel for Petitioner :- Vimal Chandra Chaudhary
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.
Hon'ble Mahesh Chandra Tripathi,J.
Heard learned counsel for the parties.
The petitioners are before this Court to issue direction to the respondents to complete the recruitment process for remaining 1536 posts of Assistant Teachers in Primary Schools run and managed by the U.P. Basic Education Board, Allahabad and issue appointment letters in their favour in the light of decision of Apex Court dated 25.7.2017 in Civil Appeal Nos.4347-4375 of 2014 (State of UP and ors vs. Shiv Kumar Pathak and others).
Learned counsel for the petitioners states that the petitioners have already filed a representation dated 09.03.2018 before the respondent no.2 i.e. Additional Chief Secretary (Basic Education), U.P. Lucknow for redressal of their grievance, which is still pending. He has confined his prayer only to the relief that the petitioners' representation dated 08.03.2018 may be considered by the appropriate authority.
Learned Additional Chief Standing Counsel for the State respondents has no objection to the said prayer.
No useful purpose would be served in keeping the writ petition pending.
In view of above, without expressing any opinion on the merits of the issue and considering the facts and circumstances of the case and with the consent of parties, this writ petition is disposed of finally with a direction to the Additional Chief Secretary (Basic Education), U.P. Lucknow to decide the petitioners' representation in accordance with law within a period of six weeks from the date of production of a certified copy of this order before him.
Order Date :- 19.3.2018
UPTET / टीईटी / TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates / Teacher Recruitment / शिक्षक भर्ती / SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS
UP-TET 2011, 72825 Teacher Recruitment,Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), 72825 teacher vacancy in up latest news join blog , UPTET , SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS, SARKARI NAUKRI
Read more: http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.com
Shiksha Mitra | Shiksha Mitra Latest News | UPTET 72825 Latest Breaking News Appointment / Joining Letter | Join UPTET Uptet | Uptet news | 72825 Primary Teacher Recruitment Uptet Latest News | 72825 Teacher Recruitment Uptet Breaking News | 72825 Primary Teacher Recruitment Uptet Fastest News | Uptet Result 2014 | Only4uptet | 72825 Teacher Recruitment Uptet News Hindi | 72825 Teacher Recruitment Uptet Merit cutoff/counseling Rank District-wise Final List / th Counseling Supreme Court Order Teacher Recruitment / UPTET 72825 Appointment Letter on 19 January 2015A | 29334 Junior High School Science Math Teacher Recruitment,
Rajasthan TET / RTET, BETET / Bihar TET, PSTET / Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test, West Bengal TET / WBTET, MPTET / Madhya Pradesh TET, ASSAM TET / ATET
, UTET / Uttrakhand TET , GTET / Gujarat TET , TNTET / Tamilnadu TET , APTET / Andhra Pradesh TET , CGTET / Chattisgarh TET, HPTET / Himachal Pradesh TET