US physicists confirm “God Particle” finding is near
What is God Particle : God Particle is the MOST elementary particle from which everything is made, and helps to understand why some particles have mass and why some particle don't have mass.
It helps to understand our universe. Many important concepts of Physics based on it.
However it is NOT discovered yet. But its discovery can opens new door for science.
CERN and many worlds renowned labs search it from a very long time. However it is expected that it will be discovered in 2012, as Large Hedron Collider smashing power increases enormously.
CERN recently discover faster than light particle Neutrino, which challenges Albert Einstein principle that nothing can be faster than light and if it happens than travlling in past and future can be possible.
Travelling in Past and future creates Grand Father Paradox, it means if somebody can travel in past and kills his grandfather then How is existence can be possible.
To solve this grand father paradox, Japanese scientist Michio Kaku (some people told him Beyond Einstein) suggests principle of MultiUniverse / Parallel World Theory OR Theory of Everything, It suggests each & everything of this worlds exists simultaneously in many worlds, It means we human being exists in other worls also. Our each & every action create new bubble universe.
We are unable to see different world people due to different time line / different dimension.
9-10 years back (in 2000 ) a person name John Titor claims he comes from year 2036 and chatted at forums on Internet.
Stephen Hawking and other some other scientists believes that travelling in past and future is possible on the basis of princples of Albert Einstein but if it is possible then why people from past and future traveler people not comes to us.
One more scientist Robert Mallett deovoted his whole life in making Time Machine. He wants to save his father's life, who died at the age of 36 due to heart attack. That time his (Robert Mallett ) age was 10 years, Now he is 66 years old.
However Albert Einstein was a genious, When his experiments repeated then Scientist found time dilation was true. When Albert Einstein was dying, he told his body should burned on the same day and ash to put in some river.He died at the age of 76 and his body burned and ash wasl flowed in some river Missiscipi. Some Doctor take out his mind withoun informing his family to know Why he is so genious.
See News about GOD Particle -
US-based physicists said Wednesday that their experiments confirm those from a major European atom-smasher’s that have narrowed the range where the elusive Higgs boson particle could be hiding.
The results come from the now-defunct Tevatron collider, which closed down in September after nearly a quarter century, though physicists continue to analyze its data in the hunt for the so-called “God particle.”
The Higgs boson is the missing link in the standard model of physics and is believed to be what gives objects mass, though scientists have never been able to pin it down and it exists only in theory.
What is God Particle : God Particle is the MOST elementary particle from which everything is made, and helps to understand why some particles have mass and why some particle don't have mass.
It helps to understand our universe. Many important concepts of Physics based on it.
However it is NOT discovered yet. But its discovery can opens new door for science.
CERN and many worlds renowned labs search it from a very long time. However it is expected that it will be discovered in 2012, as Large Hedron Collider smashing power increases enormously.
CERN recently discover faster than light particle Neutrino, which challenges Albert Einstein principle that nothing can be faster than light and if it happens than travlling in past and future can be possible.
Travelling in Past and future creates Grand Father Paradox, it means if somebody can travel in past and kills his grandfather then How is existence can be possible.
To solve this grand father paradox, Japanese scientist Michio Kaku (some people told him Beyond Einstein) suggests principle of MultiUniverse / Parallel World Theory OR Theory of Everything, It suggests each & everything of this worlds exists simultaneously in many worlds, It means we human being exists in other worls also. Our each & every action create new bubble universe.
We are unable to see different world people due to different time line / different dimension.
9-10 years back (in 2000 ) a person name John Titor claims he comes from year 2036 and chatted at forums on Internet.
Stephen Hawking and other some other scientists believes that travelling in past and future is possible on the basis of princples of Albert Einstein but if it is possible then why people from past and future traveler people not comes to us.
One more scientist Robert Mallett deovoted his whole life in making Time Machine. He wants to save his father's life, who died at the age of 36 due to heart attack. That time his (Robert Mallett ) age was 10 years, Now he is 66 years old.
However Albert Einstein was a genious, When his experiments repeated then Scientist found time dilation was true. When Albert Einstein was dying, he told his body should burned on the same day and ash to put in some river.He died at the age of 76 and his body burned and ash wasl flowed in some river Missiscipi. Some Doctor take out his mind withoun informing his family to know Why he is so genious.
See News about GOD Particle -
US-based physicists said Wednesday that their experiments confirm those from a major European atom-smasher’s that have narrowed the range where the elusive Higgs boson particle could be hiding.
The results come from the now-defunct Tevatron collider, which closed down in September after nearly a quarter century, though physicists continue to analyze its data in the hunt for the so-called “God particle.”
The Higgs boson is the missing link in the standard model of physics and is believed to be what gives objects mass, though scientists have never been able to pin it down and it exists only in theory.