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Showing posts with label TET. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TET. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2012

RTE : Central Government Ready to Successful Implementation of Right To Education Act

शिक्षा का अधिकार को सफल बनाने में जुटी केंद्र सरकार
(RTE : Central Government Ready to Successful Implementation of Right To Education Act )

सरकार ने किए दो वर्षों में छह लाख शिक्षकों के पद मंजूर

अब राज्यों को करनी है पहल : सिब्बल

नई दिल्ली (एजेंसियां)। छह से 14 वर्ष तक के बच्चों को नि:शुल्क एवं अनिवार्य शिक्षा का अधिकार (आरटीई) कानून लागू होने के दो वर्ष बाद देश के 32 राज्यों एवं केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों ने इस कानून को अधिसूचित किया है, वहीं 21 प्रदेशों में राज्य बाल अधिकार संरक्षण आयोगों और 31 प्रदेशों में अकादमिक प्राधिकारों का गठन हुआ है, लेकिन अभी गुणवत्ता संबंधी चुनौतियां बनी हुई हैं। आरटीई कानून के दो वर्ष पूरा होने पर शनिवार को केंद्र सरकार ने शिक्षा के अधिकार पर प्रभावी अमल और गुणवत्ता में सुधार के उद्देश्य से राज्यों के लिए 10 सूत्री कार्यक्र म पेश किया है जिसमें आरटीई के मापदंडों को लागू करने, अकादमिक सत्र से पहले बच्चों को पुस्तक एवं पोशाक उपलब्ध कराना शामिल है। मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्री कपिल सिब्बल ने संवाददाताओं से कहा कि राज्यों के लिए 10 सूत्री कार्यक्र म में अशक्त बच्चों के लिए प्रावधान, शिक्षकों को गैर शिक्षण कार्य में नहीं लगाने, पाठ्यक्र म सुधार को आगे बढ़ाने, शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण कार्य को समयबद्ध ढंग से आगे बढ़ाने, आधारभूत संरचना का विकास, स्कूलों को सत्र से पूर्व अनुदान उपलब्ध करना, स्कूलों में शिकायत निपटारा तंत्र स्थापित करना, शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति को जल्द पूरा करना शामिल है। उन्होंने कहा, ‘2009-10 में आरटीई के लिए 13 हजार करोड़ का प्रावधान किया गया था जिसे 2012-13 में बढ़ाकर 25 हजार करोड़ रु कर दिया गया है।’

सिब्बल ने कहा, ‘शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता में सुधार की बुनियाद रख दी गई है। केंद्र ने अपनी भूमिका निभा दी है, अब राज्यों को पहल करना है। 10 सूत्री एजेंडा सामने है, इन्हें पूरा करना है।’ उन्होंने कहा कि केंद्र और राज्य सरकार दोनों मिलकर शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता को बेहतर बनाने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। बिहार, उत्तरप्रदेश, झारखंड-जैसे राज्यों में बच्चों के स्कूली पढ़ाई छोड़ने की दर घटी है, छात्र - शिक्षक अनुपात में भी सुधार हुआ है। मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्री ने कहा, ‘लेकिन अभी काफी कुछ किया जाना है।’

सिब्बल ने कहा कि आरटीई के तहत छात्र और शिक्षक अनुपात 30:1 निर्धारित किया गया है, लेकिन प्राथमिक स्तर पर 43 प्रतिशत स्कूल ऐसे हैं जहां यह अनुपात 30:1 से अधिक है। उच्च प्राथमिक स्तर पर 35 प्रतिशत ऐसे स्कूल हैं जहां छात्र और शिक्षक अनुपात 35:1 है। उन्होंने कहा कि केंद्र ने दो वर्षों में छह लाख शिक्षकों के पद मंजूर किए हैं, अब समय आ गया है जब शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति और तैनाती पर गंभीरतापूर्वक आगे बढ़ा जाए। मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्री ने कहा कि आरटीई लागू होने के दो वर्ष के दौरान सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के तहत 4,96,231 कक्षाओें के निर्माण को मंजूरी दी गई है। इसमें से अधिकतर कार्य एक वर्ष में पूरे हो जाएंगे। काफी स्कूलों में पेयजल और शौचालय की व्यवस्था की गई है, लेकिन लड़के और लड़कियों के लिए अलग-अलग शौचालय के निर्माण का कार्य अभी पूरा नहीं हो पाया है। शिक्षा का अधिकार कानून के तहत सभी राज्यों में प्रभावी शिकायत सुनवाई तंत्र स्थापित करने को कहा गया है ताकि बच्चों की शिकायतों का समयबद्ध और प्रभावी तरीके से निपाटारा किया जा सके। सिब्बल ने कहा कि अभी तक देश के 32 राज्यों एवं केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों में कानून को अधिसूचित किया गया है। गोवा और कर्नाटक ने अभी कानून अधिूसचित नहीं किया है। 21 प्रदेशों में राज्य बाल अधिकार संरक्षण आयोग और 31 में अकादमिक प्राधिकार का गठन हुआ है। उन्होंने कहा कि मंत्रालय ने राज्यों को एससीपीसीआर गठित करने के लिए परामर्श भी भेजा है। हमने अपनी भूमिका निभा दी,

News : rashtriyasahara.samaylive.com (31.3.12)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

IIM Study Report on RTE (SSA), School Education Administration, Clsses in Schools

IIM Kolkata Conducted A Study ‘Restructuring of School Education System in West Bengal’

The study focussed on three aspects of school education: (a) The implications of the Right to Education Act (RTE) vis-à-vis Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) /Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA); (b) The administrative set up and governance structure of school education; and (c) The delivery mechanism and in-class transactions in schools.

Information Source : http://www.teindia.nic.in/Files/Reports/CCR/IIM_report_sedWB.pdf


IIM Study Report on RTE (SSA), School Education Administration, Clsses in Schools

IIM Kolkata Conducted A Study ‘Restructuring of School Education System in West Bengal’

The study focussed  on three aspects of school education: (a) The implications of the Right to Education Act (RTE) vis-à-vis Sarva  Shiksha  Abhiyan (SSA)  /Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA); (b) The administrative set up and governance structure of school education; and (c) The delivery mechanism and in-class transactions in schools.

Information Source : http://www.teindia.nic.in/Files/Reports/CCR/IIM_report_sedWB.pdf

Friday, March 23, 2012

JBT SSA Chandigarh Last Date : 3- April-2012

  • JBT (Junior Basic Teacher), 653 Vacancies for TET Qualified from Punjab/Haryana OR CTET Qualified conducted by CBSE
Weightage : 50% of TET Marks ( Marks Obtained X 50 / Total Marks )
For weigtage of different-different qualifications, see advertisement.

AGE : The age limit for the posts of JBT is 21‐35 years. Age is to be calculated in reference to closing date for submission of application.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Now TET / CTET Qualified Candidates are eligible for Recruitment in CBSE Schools

अब टीईटी पास ही सीबीएसई स्कूल में बनेंगे शिक्षक

(Now TET / CTET  Qualified Candidates are eligible for Recruitment in CBSE Schools )

इंदौर. सीबीएसई (सेंट्रल बोर्ड ऑफ सेकंडरी एजुकेशन) स्कूलों में शिक्षक बनने के लिए अब टीचर्स एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट (टीईटी) भी पास करना होगा। अभी तक बीएड होना जरूरी था। कक्षा पहली से आठवीं तक में पढ़ाने वाले शिक्षकों के लिए यह नियम अनिवार्य रहेगा। यह निर्णय पढ़ाई की गुणवत्ता में सुधार के लिए मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय ने लिया है। सीबीएसई स्कूलों को इसका पत्र भी आ गया है।

साल में दो बार होगी- सीबीएसई साल में दो बार टीईटी आयोजित करेगा। इसमें पास होने पर सीबीएसई स्कूल में नौकरी मिल सकेगी। यह नियम 1 अप्रैल 2012 से लागू हो जाएगा। यह पुराने शिक्षकों पर लागू नहीं होगा। टेस्ट के लिए सीबीएसई ने विशेष कोर्स तैयार किया है। इसके फॉर्म ऑनलाइन (सीटीईटी पर) भरे जाएंगे। परीक्षा संबंधी सभी जानकारी भी उस पर मिलेगी।

नए नियम से गुणवत्ता सुधरेगी- सहोदय ग्रुप के सदस्य संजय मिश्रा कहते हैं अब स्कूल नए नियमों के तहत शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति करेंगे।

पत्र मिल गया है
पत्र मिल गया है। यह शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता के लिहाज से महत्वपूर्ण कदम है। सभी स्कूल पालन करेंगे।
- एस.के. जोशी, नोडल ऑफिसर

News : Bhaskar (17.3.12)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

CTET / TET Eligibility is Must for Private Schools

पास करना पड़ेगा ‘टीईटी’(CTET / TET Eligibility is Must for Private Schools )

रामपुरा फूल (बठिंडा)। सरकारी स्कूलों में अध्यापक की नौकरी के लिए अनिवार्य टीचर एटिेस्ट (टीईटी) अब प्राइवेट स्कूलों (सीबीएसई से मान्यता प्राप्त) में नौकरी के लिए भी आवश्यक हो गया है। सेन्ट्रल बोर्ड आफ सेकेंडरी एजूकेशन (सीबीएसई) ने इस बाबत एक सर्कुलर जारी कर सभी निजी स्कूलों को इसका पालन करने को कहा है। इसके लिए बोर्ड ने स्कूलों के मान्यता नियमों में भी संशोधन कर दिया है। पहली से लेकर आठवीं तक की कक्षाओं के लिए नियुक्त किए जाने वाले अध्यापक इसके दायरे में शामिल किए गए हैं।

सीबीएसई के चेयरमैन विनीत जोशी द्वारा जारी सुर्कलर नंबर एएस/सीटीईटी/एमक्यू/टीचर/2011 के अनुसार केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा लागू राइट-टू-एजुकेशन एक्ट-2009 के तहत नेशनल काउंसिल फार टीचर एजुकेशन ने जुलाई, 2011 में पहली से आठवीं कक्षा के लिए नियुक्त किए जाने वाले अध्यापकों के लिए टीईटी पास होना अनिवार्य किया था

 उसके मद्देनजर सीबीएसई ने अपने से संबंधित सभी स्कूलों में अध्यापक चयन के समय उक्त टेस्ट को अनिवार्य करने का फैसला किया है। इसके लिए उम्मीदवार को केन्द्र सरकार के स्तर पर सीबीएसई द्वारा लिए जाने वाले टेस्ट या राज्य सरकारों द्वारा अपने स्तर पर लिए गए टीईटी टेस्ट में से किसी एक में पास होना जरूरी होगा। बोर्ड ने इस नियम को लागू करने के लिए स्कूलों की मान्यता के लिए बनाए गए नियमों के तहत नंबर 53 में भी तत्काल रूप से संशोधन कर दिया है।
हां, हाल ही में हमें सीबीएसई का यह सर्कुलर मिला है। अब हम इन नए नियमों के तहत ही काम करेंगे।
- परमिंदर कौर, प्रिसिंपल, दून पब्लिक सी.से. स्कूल, कराड़वाला
5 मई को होगा पांच राज्यों में टीईटी :
पंजाब समेत मणिपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश, उत्तराखंड और गोवा में केन्द्रीय टीईटी आगामी 5 मई को होगा। सीबीएसई ने इन राज्यों में विधान सभा चुनाव के चलते इस टेस्ट को स्थगित कर दिया था। पांचों राज्यों में कुल 76004 उम्मीदवार यह टेस्ट दे रहे हैं।

Sunday, March 4, 2012

West Bengal - Calcutta High Court : Order to cancel selection of 2200 school teachers

West Bengal - Calcutta High Court : Order to cancel selection of 2200 school teachers

Calcutta, March 1: Calcutta High Court today asked the government to cancel the appointment of 2,200 primary school teachers in undivided Midnapore in 1996 on the ground that they were either under-qualified or were given preference over more qualified candidates.
Justice Harish Tandon said in his verdict that the 2,200 teachers were selected from an “erroneous panel” and directed the school education department to prepare a fresh list incorporating the names of the eligible candidates among the 82 petitioners, who had alleged that the appointments were “politically motivated”. He said fresh appointments to all 2,200 posts would have to be made by June 12.
“The state is directed to file a compliance report before this court by June 12,” Justice Tandon said.

Aasam TET : ASDC to oppose TET

Aasam TET : ASDC to oppose TETCorrespondent
 DIPHU, Feb 28 – The principal Opposition party of Karbi Anglong, the ASDC has announced its decision to oppose the outcome of the Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET). Robindra Rongpi, general secretary of the ASDC central committee told mediapersons here “through long lasting agitation we won our autonomy, but the Assam Government is snatching our bread and butter. If such a trend goes on, it will change the social, economic and demographic scenario”. Jotson Bey, former CEM of KAAC and a senior ASDC leader said that “after signing of the office memorandum of 1995 along with 15 departments, education was also transferred to KAAC with legislative and executive power, which has been amended in the Constitution’s Para 3A of Schedule D, but the present KAAC is not putting it into action”.
Jajot Sing Engti, former MLA of Bokajan and ASDC leader described the imposition of TET in autonomous Karbi Anglong district as “a dangerous move of the Assam Government in our district. We have nearly 22,000 unemployed youths and now due to the TET, around 1702 jobs will go to the outsiders creating more unemployment. Redundancy is the root cause of the ultra movement and the KAAC will have to bear the consequences if local tribes are denied job opportunities”.
Robindra Rongpi later said, “We have demanded immediately halt of TET implementation in Karbi Anglong. Our party will oppose TET and it necessary we will go all out to protect our interests”.
It may be mentioned that the TET has seriously jeopardised the prospects of getting of government jobs by the Karbis in their own land. If TET is enforced in Karbin Anglong, out of the total vacancy of 1702 hardly 18 or 4% posts will go the principal tribe the ‘Karbi’ who are the single largest population of Karbi Anglong.
Only 449 have qualified in TET from this district including other tribes and non-tribals. This includes lower, upper primary and middle grade, graduates both from arts and science stream. Majority of the existing vacancies i.e. ,1218 out of the 1702 is that of lower primary teachers, against which the district has produced 246 eligible candidates. For filling up of 203 vacancies of science and mathematics subjects, only 49 locals have crossed the eligibility test. The results on the one hand have revealed the true colour of the educational backwardness prevailing particularly among the scheduled tribes of this district on the other hand has created a situation where 95% of the teachers job under the administrative jurisdiction of the Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council will go to the non 6th Schedule candidates and that too non-residents of this autonomous district.

News : Assam Tribune (28.2.12)

GTET Gujarat TET: 17 per cent result in TET for head teachers (Principal)

GTET Gujarat TET: 17 per cent result in TET for head teachers (Principal)

AHMEDABAD: A dismal 16.87 per cent applicants cleared the teachers eligibility test (TET) for head teachers the result of which was declared on Monday. Of the 33,000-odd candidates who appeared for the exam, only 5,663 cleared the test.
They are now eligible to be considered for position of
principals in primary schools.
Officials said that while most candidates performed well in general knowledge paper, they performed poorly in their respective subject exam.
"This reflects poorly on the senior teachers of the state who are apparently not well versed with the subject they are teaching to students", officials conceded.
The TET for head teachers was conducted on February 25. There were two papers of 75 marks each and the senior teachers were required to score 60 per cent marks in each paper to pass the test.
There are 5,000 positions of principals vacant for which
 recruitment will be completed by May before the academic
year 2013 begins.
News : Times of India (29.2.12)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Without TET, If Candidates selected for Teacher after notification (regarding Teacher Eligibility Test) of NCTE then they are NOT eligible for appointment

Without TET, If Candidates selected for Teacher after notification  (regarding Teacher Eligibility Test) of NCTE  then they are NOT eligible for appointment
It is bad luck of Candidates, who are appointed later to Notification of NCTE regarding TET eligibility.

See Case Details -

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 4996 of 2012 

Petitioner :- Smt. Amrita 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others 
Petitioner Counsel :- V.K. Singh,G.K. Singh,Rajesh Kr. Singh 
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,K.S. Kushwaha 

Hon'ble Sudhir Agarwal, J. 
1. By means of present writ petition, petitioner is challenging order dated 14.12.2011 passed by District Basic Education Officer, Varanasi whereby he has disapproved appointment of petitioner on the ground that her selection was made contrary to Government Order dated 7.9.2011 i.e. without passing Teachers Eligibility Test. 
2. In my view no such relief can be granted after enactment of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (hereinafter referred to as "Act, 2009"). The Act 2009, vide Section 23 (1), provides that any person possessing such minimum qualification, as laid down by an academic authority authorised by the Central Government, by notification, shall be eligible for appointment as a teacher. It reads as under: 
"23. Qualifications for appointment and terms and conditions of service of teachers.- (1) Any person possessing such minimum qualifications, as laid down by an academic authority authorized by the Central Government, by notification, shall be eligible for appointment as a teacher." 
3. Since the provision does not contemplate appointment of a Teacher who is not qualified as per Regulations of N.C.T.C., any provision made earlier even if permit unqualified persons to be appointed in certain cases, cannot be followed after framing of Regulations by Authorised Authority. Prior to Act, 2009, the provisions permitting appointment of untrained persons could have been complied in the absence of otherwise overriding provisions since the same had no occasion to infringe any other statute having overriding effect but after Act, 2009 and Regulations framed thereunder, the situation has undergone a wide change. It is not disputed that National Council of Teachers Education has been notified as Authorised Academic Authority under Section 23 (1) and the said body has framed Regulations laying down minimum qualification and eligibility conditions for appointment of Teachers in Primary Schools. In the light of said provisions, which have been made under Act, 2009; the same have overriding effect and, therefore, the otherwise provisions under provincial legislation would sub-serve. 


Highcourt Rejected Plea of Guest Teachers to Extende Service Period

हाई कोर्ट ने अतिथि अध्यापकों की सेवावधि बढ़ानें की अर्जी ठुकराई(Highcourt Rejected Plea of Guest Teachers to Extende Service Period)

Highcourt asked while hearing PIL (Public Interest Litigation ) to Edu. Dept. Officers, Why selection of eligible teachers delayed and shown anger for late publication of advertisement of teachers recruitment.

See News
रवि हसिजा, जींद
माननीय पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट ने प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा अतिथि अध्यापकों की सेवाएं छह माह तक बढ़ाने की अर्जी पर सुनवाई करते हुए उसे खारिज कर दिया और अतिथि अध्यापकों की सेवाएं 31 मार्च 2012 तक ही रखने के निर्देश दिए है। माननीय हाईकोर्ट ने स्पष्ट किया कि किसी भी स्थिति में अतिथि अध्यापकों की सेवाएं 31 मार्च 2012 के बाद नहीं बढ़ाई जाएगी।
गौरतलब है कि माननीय पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट ने 30 मार्च 2011 को प्रदेश सरकार को निर्देश दिया था कि प्रदेश में अतिथि अध्यापकों का समय एक साल के लिए यानी मार्च 2012 तक बढ़ाया जाए ताकि इस दौरान नियमित भर्ती सरकार कर सके। सरकार ने माननीय हाईकोर्ट के आदेश पर अतिथि अध्यापकों का कार्यकाल एक साल के लिए बढ़ा दिया था।
सरकार ने माननीय हाईकोर्ट में शपथ पत्र दिया था कि वह 31 दिसंबर, 2011 तक अतिथि अध्यापकों की भर्ती कर देंगे और अप्रैल 2012 से नए टीचर ज्वाइन कर लेंगे, लेकिन सरकार ऐसा नहीं कर सकी। अध्यापकों की भर्ती के लिए ली जाने वाले हरियाणा अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा भी सरकार समय पर नहीं ले सकी थी।
इसके चलते प्रदेश सरकार ने 16 दिसंबर 2011 को माननीय हाईकोर्ट में अर्जी डालकर अतिथि अध्यापकों का कार्यकाल छह माह तक बढ़ाने की मांग की थी। इस मामले में शुक्रवार को माननीय पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट में सुनवाई करते हुए सरकार की मांग को ठुकरा दिया और निर्देश दिए कि अतिथि अध्यापकों का कार्यकाल 31 मार्च 2012 तक ही रहेगा और किसी भी सूरत में इसे आगे नहीं बढ़ाया जाएगा।
माननीय हाईकोर्ट ने सरकार द्वारा इस एक साल की अवधि में भर्ती के लिए विज्ञापन तक न निकालने पर भी फटकार लगाई। इस मामले में हरियाणा पात्रता अध्यापक संघ के प्रदेशाध्यक्ष राजेंद्र शर्मा ने कहा कि इस फैसले का स्वागत है और सरकार अविलंब 31 मार्च तक भर्ती प्रक्रिया पूरी करें और लंबित भर्ती सूची के परिणाम जल्द से जल्द जारी करें।

सरकारी स्कूल के मुखिया व अधिकारी नपेंगे
माननीय पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट ने फतेहाबाद निवासी बिजेंद्र की जनहित याचिका पर सुनवाई करते हुए सरकार से जांच के दौरान फर्जी तरीके से अतिथि अध्यापक लगने वालों तथा उन्हें लगाने वाले अधिकारियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई न करने पर शिक्षा विभाग को नोटिस जारी किया है। माननीय हाईकोर्ट ने पूछा है कि फर्जी तरीके से अतिथि अध्यापक लगाने वालों के खिलाफ क्या कार्रवाई की गई है और अगर कार्रवाई नहीं की गई तो क्यों?

News : Jagran (2.3.12)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

See What Minsiter of State (HRD Ministry , Central Govt. says (11-Feb-2012)

All India Editors Conference on Social Sector Issues 2012
D. Purandeswari calls for improvement of Education Infrastructure through better coordination between States and Centre

See What Minsiter of State (HRD Ministry , Central Govt. says  (11-Feb-2012) -
The Minister of State for Human Resource Development Smt. D. Purandeswari ( Minister of State, Ministry of HRD) has appealed the State Governments to extend full cooperation for the betterment of education infrastructure in the Country. Addressing the All India Editors Conference on Social Sector Issues in Puducherry here today Dr. Purandeswari said education is a collective and cooperative responsibility of Union as well as all state governments.

The minister said in order to strengthen the elementary Education sector the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan norms have been revised to correspond with the provisions of the RTE Act. Emphasis is being given on sending higher enrolment of girl child under the Abhiyan. She said by bringing a constitutional amendment in the form of Article 21A, the Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 has become operative in the country w.e.f. April 2010. She said the sharing of funds between the Centre and states was in the ratio of 50:50 during 11th plan period and now it is proposed to make 65:35 in between Centre and the State during the XII Plan.
She also spoke of the Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan(RSMA), a flagship programme to improve access to secondary education to all young persons according to norms through proximate locations and to ensure that no child is deprived of secondary education of satisfactory quality due to gender, socio economic, disability and other barriers.

The Minister referred to the Model School Scheme announced by the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and said this scheme envisages providing quality education to talented rural students through setting up of 6000 model schools as a bench mark of excellence at block level at the school of one school per block. The scheme was launched in 2008-09 and is being implemented from 2009-10.

She said efforts are being made to improve the quality of teachers through the Teachers Eligibility Test(TET) and urged all the stake holders to ensure its success.

Guidelines for conducting Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)

Guidelines for conducting Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)
(As per NCTE)

Background and Rationale
The implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 requires the recruitment of a large number of teachers across the country in a time bound manner. Inspite of the enormity of the task, it is desirable to ensure that quality requirement for recruitment of teachers are not diluted at any cost. It is therefore necessary to ensure that persons recruited as teachers possess the essential aptitude and ability to meet the challenges of teaching at the primary and upper primary level.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

TET Qualification is Mandatory OR Not for Head Masters of Primary / Upper Primary Schools

TET Qualification is Mandatory OR Not for Head Masters of Primary / Upper Primary Schools

See Case Details -


?Court No. - 33

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 1991 of 2012

Petitioner :- C/M Deena Nath Bal Vidya Mandir Evam Junior High School
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Shiv Sagar Singh
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,K. Shahi

Hon'ble Sudhir Agarwal,J.
1. It is contended that in the Rules framed under U.P. Basic Education Act, 1972 Teachers and Headmasters have been dealt separately and the regulations framed by National Council for Teacher Education under Section 23 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 the qualifications have been prescribed only for Teachers and not for Headmasters and, therefore, District Basic Education Officer by means of impugned order has committed error in directing petitioner to fill in the post of Headmaster in Primary School and Junior High School only from the persons who have passed Teachers Eligibility Text and not anyone else. Learned counsel for the petitioner submitted that impugned order to this extent is illegal and void ab initio.
2. The matter requires consideration.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Central Teacher Eligibility Test 2011 (CTET) Solved Paper of Science Group

Central Teacher Eligibility Test 2011 (CTET)
Solved Paper of Science Group

1. The green house effect which is causing an increase in the atmospheric temperature is mainly due to
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Sulphur
c) Oxygen
d) Nitrogen

2. Hormone Adrenaline
a) Helps control height
b) Helps control balance of electrolytes in the body
c) Helps control level of sugar in the blood
d) Helps the body to adjust stress level when one is very angery or worried

3. If the pressure over a liquid increases, its boiling point
a) Does not change
b) First decreases and then increases
c) Decreases
d) Increases 

4. The inner surfaces of food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because
a) Zinc has a higher melting point than tin
b) Zinc is less reactive than tin
c) Zinc is costlier than tin
d) Zinc is more reactive than tin

5. Non-metallic oxides
a) Are Amphoteric in nature
b) Turn red litmus paper blue
c) Are acidic in nature
d) Are basic in nature 
6. Green plants appear to release oxygen instead of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during the day time because
a) Green plants respire during the day time but are involved in photosynthesis during the night time
b) The rate of photosynthesis is higher than the rate of respiration during the day time
c) Green plants do not resire during the night time
d) Green plants respire only during the night time 

7. A feather weighing 5gm and a nail weighing 10gm have the same kinetic energy. Which of the following statements is true about the momentum of the two bodies?
a) Both will have equal momentum
b) It is not possible to compare the momentum of two objects
c) The lighter body will have higher momentum
d) The heavier body will have higher momentum.

8. A doctor prescribes a medicine to treat hyperacidity. The main ingredient of the medicine is
a) CaCo3
b) Na2CO3
c) Al(OH)3
d) MgCl2 

9. The thumb of humans moves more freely than other fingers due to the presence of
a) Hinge joint
b) Saddle joint
c) Pivotal joint
d) Gliding joint 

10. Four applicants for a post of TGT (Science) were asked to plan a lesson on “Consequences of Deforestation”. Which one of the following lesson plans reflects the scientific approach?
a) Includes activities that children can perform in groups and draw conclusions through a Power Point Presentation
b) Mentions about the use of ICT to help students understand the concepts
c) Explains in details the consequences of deforestation
d) Provides a variety of examples to explain the concept 

11. The main aim of conducting Mathematics and Science Olympiads is to
a) Help students score high marks in professional examinations
b) Grade schools based on the performance of their students
c) Promote excellence in the subject by nurturing creativity and experimentation
d) Grade students according to their capabilities 

12. Root cap is absent in
a) Mesophytes
b) Halophytes
c) Xerophytes
d) Hydrophytes 

13. Adding salt and sugar to food substances helps in preserving them for a longer duration. It is because excess salt and sugar
a) cause change in the shape of microbial cells
b) remove water from food
c) Plasmolysis the microbial cells
d) cause rupturing of microbial cells 

14. Most Boards of Education have banned the dissection of animals because
a) There is a need to sensitise students to prevention of cruelty to animals
b) They may spread new diseases
c) Animals are no longer available for dissection
d) Procuring animals has become an expensive proposition 

15. A common characteristic feature of plant sieve-tube cells and mammalian erythrocytes is
a) Absence of cell wall
b) Presence of hemoglobin
c) Absence of nucleus
d) Absence of chloroplast 

16. While diluting sulphuric acid, it is recommended that the acid should be added to water because
a) Dilution of acid is highly exothermic
b) Dilution of acid is highly endothermic
c) Acid has strong affinity for water
d) Acid may break the glass container 

17. While selecting a performance task to help students develop research oriented skills in a Science class, a teacher may pick up a topic
a) Which she thinks is important for the students
b) Related to a problem faced by students in their day-to-day functioning and which is a part of the concepts to be covered for this class
c) From the content given in the syllabus which must be completed in time
d) Which majority of the students in a class find interesting 

18. A Science teacher plans group activities to teach “Properties of Air” to her students of Class-VI. Which one set of attributes would she like to have in the students she selects as group leaders?
a) Giving more roles to brighter students to ensure the group finishes first
b) Assigning roles as per capability, motivating and coordinating among the group members
c) Freedom to choose roles, work at their own pace and understanding
d) Ordering students to take roles and deliver in consonance with their understanding 

19. An air bubble inside water behaves like a
a) Plane-convex lens
b) Concave mirror
c) Concave lens
d) Convex lens 

20. Bakelite is used in making electrical appliances because it is a
a) Good conductor of electricity
b) Good insulator of electricity
c) Thermoplastic
d) Good conductor of heat 

21. LED and CFL are very commonly used as sources of light in homes. Which of the following statements is true?
a) Both are equally good
b) Neither of them is good because both contain toxic materials
c) CFL is better because LED contains toxic materials
d) LED is better because CFL contains toxic materials 

22. In which of the following cases of motion, are the distance moved and the magnitude of displacement equal?
a) A pendulum oscillating to and fro
b) The Earth revolving around Sun
c) A car moving on a straight road
d) A car moving in a circular path 

23. While investigating ‘how water affects the germination of seeds’, a teacher asked the students to soak bean seeds on a bed of cotton wool for a few days and observe the changes. What is the guideline that she forgot to mention?
a) Many seeds on dry cotton
b) A few seeds on dry cotton
c) Many seeds on wet cotton
d) A few seeds on wet cotton 

24. While teaching the concept, ‘force can change the shape of an object” to students, a teacher plans the following activities
a) Explain concepts using commonly observed examples.
b) Provide a dough on a plate and ask the students to press it down with the hand.
c) Show an audio-visual film explaining the concept with some examples
The teacher is using different approaches to learning because
1) She wants to prepare students for a test
2) There are different kind of learners in the class and she wants to address multiple intelligence
3) She wants to prove her knowledge
4) She knows she must follow her lesson plan 

25. Ms. Patel, Principle of a School XYZ, is keen about integrated approach to teaching of Science rather than teaching different disciplines separately. The basis of this is
a) Difficulty of students to adjust to different teachers
b) All the disciplines are interlinked and a teacher can draw on cross-curricular linkages.
c) Non-availability of qualified teachers in her school to teach separate disciplines
d) Difficulty to adjust the teachers in the time table 

26. A teacher plans to teach “Components of Food” in Class-VI. Which of the following can be used as an essential question?
a) Does your mother prepare a definite set of food items for lunch every day?
b) Do you eat all the items served in your lunch every day?
c) List the food items your mother serves you in lunch
d) Why does your mother serve you a meal with a variety of food items? 

27. A man goes door to door posing as a goldsmith. He promises to bring back the glitter on dull gold ornaments. An unsuspecting woman gives a set of gold bangles to him which he dips in a particular solution. The bangles sparkle but their weight has considerably reduced. The solution used by the impostor probably is
a) A mixture of conc. HCL and conc. HNO3
b) Conc. HNO3
c) Dil. HCL
d) Conc. HCL

28. When iron nail is dipped in copper sulphate solution, the colour of copper sulphate solution fades and a brownish layer is deposited over the iron nail. This is an example of
a) Double displacement reaction
b) Displacement and redox reaction
c) Combination reaction
d) Decomposition reaction 

29. Bleeding is stopped by the application of alum to a wound because
a) Alum reduces the temperature near the wound
b) Alum is an antiseptic
c) The wound is plugged by the alum chunk
d) Alum coagulates the blood and forms a clot 

30. Which of the following can be assessed when Geeta is using only MCQ as a tool to assess “Nutrition in Humans”?
a) Learners’s ability to apply knowledge and prepare a role play to present in the morning assembly
b) Learner’s ability to comprehend the importance of components of food and write a long essay
c) Analytical ability to classify to food items and make a poster
d) Misconception related to food habits

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ban on TET certificate issue lifted- Rahasthan RTET

Ban on TET certificate issue lifted- Rahasthan RTET

JAIPUR : A division bench of the Rajasthan High Court has lifted the ban placed by a single judge bench of the high court on the issuance of TET (RTET) certificates to those candidates who have been given special concession by the state government by amending guidelines of exam issued by NCTE.

HC notice to TN Govt on plea over teachers recruitment on TET basis

HC notice to TN Govt on plea over teachers recruitment

Madurai, Jan 5 (PTI) Madras High Court bench here has issued notice to the Tamil Nadu Government and others on a petition to quash a recent G.O. regarding filling up of teachings posts in school education through teacher eligibility test (TET). Admitting the petition, Justice V.Dhanabalan ordered notice to Chairman Teacher Recruitment Board, Principal Secretary, School Education, Director of School Education,and Chief Secretary, returnable within two weeks. Petitioners -- K.Somasundaran and two others -- submitted that the guidelines under TET was against law and there was no equality between the equal status of students. They submitted that selecting teachers through Competitive examination would be better. Even the selection of teachers through seniority was not a good proposition. Somasundaran said he had represented to the government seeking to cancel the November 15 last G.O.which stipulated TET for being eligible for appointment of Graduate teachers, but there was no response. In the meanwhile, there were reports about government considering seniority for selection of teachers. This also would not help many meritorious graduates. Hence the court should quash the G.O. and direct the government to recruit teachers only through competitive examinations, he said. PTI SSN
News : ibnLive (5.1.12)

HC notice over filling up school teacher vacancies

MADURAI: The Madurai bench of the Madras high court on Thursday ordered notice to the state government on a petition seeking to fill up graduate assistant teacher posts only through competitive examination.
Justice V Dhanapalan, before whom the matter came up, ordered notice which was returnable by two weeks. The petition was filed by K Somasundaram of Pudukottai and two others qualified with the B.Ed degree and was registered in the district employment exchange. They said the present government decided to fill nearly 8,000 vacant teacher posts of graduate assistants (6th to 8th standards) and post graduate assistants (9th to 12th standard). In this regard the state government also issued a Government Order (GO) stating that all posts would be filled through the teacher eligibility test based on guidelines of the National Council for Teacher Education
News : TimesOf India (6.1.12)

Monday, January 2, 2012

CTET : 8.7 Lakh Candidates appearing in CTET- Central Teacher Eligibility Test

8.7 लाख अभ्यर्थी देंगे सीटीईटी परीक्षा

(CTET : 8.7 Lakh Candidates appearing in CTET- Central Teacher Eligibility Test)

वरिष्ठ संवाददाता, इलाहाबाद : केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा 29 जनवरी को आयोजित केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा-2012 (सीटीईटी) में इस बार लगभग नौ लाख अभ्यर्थी भाग लेंगे। बोर्ड ने अभ्यर्थियों की सुविधा के लिए कंफर्मेशन पेज सीटीईटी.एनआइसी.इन पर अपलोड कर दिया है। अभ्यर्थी अपने आवेदन पत्रों का विवरण वेबसाइट पर देख सकते हैं।
केंद्रीय विद्यालय, नवोदय विद्यालय, तिब्बती स्कूलों व अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप समूह और चंडीगढ़ केंद्र शासित प्रदेश के प्रशासनिक नियंत्रण के अधीन विद्यालयों में कक्षा एक से 8वीं तक शिक्षक के रूप में नियुक्ति के लिए केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड सीटीईटी का आयोजन करता है।

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012 - This year 2012, Heavy recruitments in Banking, Defence/Central Security Forces/ Education Sector (to implement RTI)

Happy New Year 2012 To All
नया साल खोलेगा भर्तिओं/ नोकरीओं का पिटारा
नया साल ले कर आया है नोकरीओं की सोगात  -
बैंकिंग सेक्टर खोलेगा लाखों लोगों के लिए नोकरीओं की द्वार
केंद्रीय सशस्त्र बल देगा लाखों को नोकरी
शिक्षा क्षेत्र में  लाखों  नोकरियाँ
आर्मी करेगी जवानों की बड़ी भर्ती (चीन की सीमा से लगे स्थानों पर )

This year 2012, Heavy recruitments in Banking, Defence/Central Security Forces/ Education Sector (to implement RTI)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012 to All of You

नव वर्ष की सभी को शुभकामनाएँ
( Happy New Year 2012 to All of You)

सभी ब्लॉग आगतुकों  को  सादर नमस्ते -
मेरी ओर मेरे ब्लॉग की तरफ से  आपको व आपके पूरे परिवार को  नव वर्ष 2012 की हादिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाए. मै  प्रभू से प्रार्थना   करती  है कि नव वर्ष में हर तरफ हर्ष हो, जीवन में उल्लास हो, चहु ओर विकास हो, नव वर्ष सुख-समृद्धि से परिपूर्ण हो,सबकी आकांक्षायै पूर्ण हो, और सभी लोगों को उपयुक्त नोकरी मिले व्  सरकार आप लोगों की समस्यों का  शीघ्रता से समाधान करते हुए शिक्षकों की भर्ती करे , आप सभी स्वस्थ्य एवं प्रसन्न रहे

इसी आशा के साथ जय हिंद ,जय भारत 

- मुस्कान