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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

UPTET 2011 Corrected Answer Key on uptet2011.com website

UPTET 2011 Corrected Answer Key on uptet2011.com website
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Question Booklet C , Ist Paper ( Primary Level) -

Q. How will you bring a hyperactive child on the right path ?
Correct Answer by UPTET now become - (D) None of these
instead of - (C) Give him tasks of cleaning the blackboard etc.

Q.99 - How many four digit numbers are there between 999 and 3000 ?
 Correct Answer by UPTET now become - (B) 2000
instead of - (A) 2001

Q 146. Which of the following international organizations looks after environment protection all over the world ?
Correct Answer by UPTET now become - (A) WWF
instead of - (D) UN.

Q.149 The term used for the conserbation of ecosystem and natural habitats and the maintenance  and recovery of viable populations of species in there natural surrounding is -
Correct Answer by UPTET now become - (B) In situ conservation
instead of - (C) Ex situ conservation

Q.150- Sea turtles are called living fossils for they have been on the earth in their present form for over 150 million years. Of the five species of sea turtles found in the waters of the Indian subcontinent, which is the most populous species ?
Correct Answer by UPTET now become - (B) Loggerhead
instead of - (C) Olive Ridley

However no correction observed for -
Q. 72 - He deals ....................... rice.
UPTET still shows correct answer is - (A) in
while 'deals' is used - with

Search Term  - Solved Paper UPTET2011, New Ans Key, Updated TET Question paper
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  1. TET Result tomarrow -
    टीईटी का परिणाम कलइलाहाबाद, 23 नवंबर (जाका) : माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद द्वारा 13 नवंबर को ली गई शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (टीईटी) के प्रश्नों पर सभी आपत्तियों का निस्तारण कर बोर्ड ने अभ्यर्थियों को बड़ी राहत दी है। अभ्यर्थी इस बात को लेकर काफी परेशान थे कि परिषद टीईटी के प्रश्नों पर मिली आपत्तियों को पता नहीं निस्तारित करेगा या नहीं, क्योंकि ऐसी कोई आधिकारिक घोषणा नहीं की गई थी। फिलहाल परिषद की सचिव प्रभा त्रिपाठी ने फिर दावा किया है कि परीक्षा परिणाम की घोषणा 25 नवंबर को कर दी जाएगी। माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद की सचिव ने कहा है कि अभ्यर्थियों द्वारा की गई सभी आपत्तियों का निस्तारण कर लिया गया है। सचिव का कहना है कि अभ्यर्थियों के आवेदन पत्रों में मिलीं सभी कमियों का निस्तारण भी कर लिया गया है। अब परीक्षा परिणाम निकालने में कोई व्यवधान नहीं है। परिणाम तय समय पर ही आएगा। अभ्यर्थी परीक्षा परिणाम टीईटी की वेबसाइट यूपीटीईटी2011.कॉम पर 25 नवंबर को देख सकेंगे। गौरतलब है कि परिषद को प्रदेशभर से हजारों की संख्या में विभिन्न संशोधनों को लेकर प्रार्थना पत्र मिले थे। परिषद द्वारा मंगलवार तक आपत्तियों पर स्थिति स्पष्ट नहीं की गई थी। हजारों की संख्या में आवेदन पत्रों में संशोधन के लिए मिले प्रार्थना पत्र व परीक्षा से पूर्व दिए गए नए अनुक्रमांकों की जांच में ही काफी समय लग रहा था। परीक्षा से पहले कई हजार ऐसे अभ्यर्थी भी नए अनुक्रमांक हासिल कर लिए थे, जिनके आवेदन पत्र ही बोर्ड के पास नहीं पहुंचे। ऐसे में उनके आवेदन पत्रों को भी अलग करना भी बोर्ड के लिए दिक्कत का काम था। इन्हीं सब कारणों को लेकर परीक्षा परिणाम तय समय पर निकाल पाने को लेकर संशय लग रहा था।

  2. How will you bring a hyperactive child on the right path?
    This question also comes in CTET (Q.28), where answer was given - (C) (c) Give him tasks of watering trees, cleaning the blackboard, making toys of clay etc.
    (Who is correct CTET or UPTET)

  3. Q.127 : Oceans cover most of the earth's surface, which is approximately
    (A) 3/4 (B) 1/2 (C)1/4 (D ) 2/3
    Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Uttar
    Pradesh, allahabad :- Given answer Is
    (A) 3/4, option (D) 2/3 should also be considered as correct one. Because neither 3/4 nor 2/3 is exactly the part of earth that is covered by Oceans. According to various sources It varies somewhere b/w 3/4 & 2/3 like about 67% or 69% or 70% or 71%.. its mostly near to 2/3. So 2/3 is more precise than 3/4.
    so option (D) 2/3 should be considered as correct one

  4. booklet B junior level(math-science)-------------------------
    oti1. que no 7-what is most important while on blackboard ? ans of this que in anskey is (a) that is good writing but it should be option (B) clarity in writing
    2. que no 9-how should students be motivated in school ? ans of this que in anskey is (C) that is by intensive study but it should be option (D) learning by recitation.
    3. que no 15-a student does not pay respect to you, then you will ? ans of this que in anskey is (A) that is ignore him but it should be option (C) talk to his parents.
    4. que no 36(hindi)-vartani ke anusar shudha shabd ka chayan karo ? ans of this que in anskey is (A) that is Pujyaniya but it should be option (B) Pujniya
    5. que no 52(hindi)-samas in shabd Yathashighra ? ans of this que in anskey is (D) that is Tatpurus samas but it should be option (A) avyayibhav samas.
    6. que no 110(math)-is que ke hindi version me box ke internal measurements de gaye he while english version me external measurements de hain ? so this que is wrong.
    7. que no 147(math)-a post has one fifth of its length in the mud... ? ans of this que in anskey is (D) that is 37 ft 9 inch but it should be option (B) 33 ft 4 inch.

  5. booklet B primary -que 26 how will u bring a hyper active child on the right path? ans of this que in anskey is (c) that is give him task of cleaning the blackboard etc. but the right ans should be (D).

  6. UPTET conducted on November 13
    in Paper 1 (for primary level)
    Paper code, UPTET-S 1 -2011
    question booklet Code 'C'
    Question No 149
    Q.149 : The term used for the
    conservation of ecosystems and
    natural habitats and the maintenance
    and recovery of viable populations of
    species in their natural sorroundings
    (A) Core conservation
    (B) in situ
    (C) Ex situ conservation
    (D) periphereral conservation
    Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Uttar
    Pradesh, allahabad :- Given answer Is
    (C) Ex situ conservation.
    but the
    correct answer should be (B ) in situ
    Both By definition:
    In-situ conservation:-
    In-situ conservation is on-site
    conservation or the conservation of
    genetic resources in natural
    populations of plant or animal
    species, such as forest genetic
    resources in natural populations of
    tree species. It is the process of
    protecting an endangered plant or
    animal species in its natural habitat,
    either by protecting or cleaning up the
    habitat itself, or by defending the
    species from predators . It is applied
    to conservation of agricultural
    biodiversity in agroecosystems by
    farmers, especially those using
    unconventional farming practices.
    Ex-situ conservation:-
    Ex-situ conservation means literally,
    "off-site conservation ". It is the
    process of protecting an endangered
    species of plant or animal outside of
    its natural habitat; for example, by
    removing part of the population from
    a threatened habitat and placing it in
    a new location, which may be a wild
    area or within the care of humans.
    While ex-situ conservation comprises
    some of the oldest and best known
    conservation methods, it also involves
    newer, sometimes controversial
    laboratory methods.
    so option (B) In situ conservation
    should be considered as correct one.
    This is my humble request to up.board
    Allahabad to Modify their answer keys
    and correct the answer as (B) In situ
    conservation to above mentioned

  7. UPTET conducted on November 13
    in Paper 2 (for upper primary level)
    Paper code, UTET- S2 -2011
    question booklet Code 'C'
    Question No 31
    Q. 31 : Vartani ke anusaar shuddh
    shabd ka chayan keejiye :
    (A) Poojyaneeya
    (B) Poojaneeya
    (C) Pujyaneeya
    (D) Pujaneeya
    Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Uttar
    Pradesh, allahabad :- Given answer Is
    (A) Poojyaneeya
    but the
    correct answer should be (B)
    so option (B) Poojaneeya should be
    considered as correct one.
    This is my humble request to up.board
    Allahabad to Modify their answer keys
    and correct the answer as (B)
    Poojaneeya to above mentioned

  8. UPTET conducted on November 13
    in Paper 2 (for upper primary level)
    Paper code, UTET- S2 -2011
    question booklet Code 'C'
    Question No 89
    Q. 89 : Choose the correct spelling :
    (A) Preveledge
    (B) Previlege
    (C) Privilege
    (D) Priviledge
    Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Uttar
    Pradesh, allahabad :- Given answer Is
    (B) Previlege
    but the
    correct answer should be (C) Privilege
    so option (C) Privilege should be
    considered as correct one.
    This is my humble request to up.board
    Allahabad to Modify their answer keys
    and correct the answer as (C) Privilege
    to above mentioned question. Thanks
    and regards.

  9. Q. 92 : A post has one-fifth of its length
    in the mud, one half in the water and
    rest of it 10 ft in length is out of the
    water. What is the whole length of the
    post ?
    (A) 26 ft 6 in
    (B) 33 ft 4 in
    (C) 36 ft
    (D) 37 ft 9 in
    Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Uttar
    Pradesh, allahabad :- Given answer Is
    (D) 37 ft 9 in
    but the
    correct answer should be (B) 33 ft 4 in .
    How to solve this:
    Suppose the whole length of the post
    is L ft.
    then after satisfying the given condition
    we get the following expression:
    L - (L* 1/5 + L* 1/2) = 10
    L - L* 7/10 = 10
    L*3 /10 = 10
    L ft = (10*10) /3 ft
    L in = 10*10* 12/3 in = 400 in
    So the whole length of the post is:
    400 in or 33 ft 4 in.
    so the option (B ) 33 ft 4 in should be
    considered as correct one.

  10. UPTET paper code is UPTET-2011 booklet code B , the answer for some question provided in answer key are wrong ,

    for question no.10 (Pedagogy) -A guardian never comes to see you in school .you will-
    the answer for this question in answer key is (c) go to meet him yourself , which is totally wrong . The correct answer should be (B) write the guardian , because teacher can only -call the guardian , can write the letter from school side to guardian, can E-mail to guardian, can talk the guardian on mobiles etc., can call by writing in child diary.

  11. wrong answers uploaded in UPTET2011 website
    Paper Code-->UTET-S2-2011
    Question Booklet Code--> A

    Ques 51 (B) is correct but the answer uploaded on the UPTET2011 official website is (A) .
    Ques 69 (C) is correct but the answer uploaded on the UPTET2011 official website is (B).
    Ques 76 It is (A) or (B) but the answer uploaded on the UPTET2011 official website is (B).
    Discrete and Discreet are homophone and at same time they are homonym but since none of the option contains A and B both so the option A should also be marked correct. Both homonym and homophone have same pronunciation but different meaning.
    Ques 146 (A) but the answer uploaded on the UPTET2011 official website is (C).

    It is to bring to the kind notice of Secretary Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad and Controller of Examinations UPTET2011 to kindly correct the answer key of the Paper Code--> UTET-S2-2011 and the Question Booklet Code--> A and do the evaluation as per the corrected answer shee

  12. wron questions
    insocial studies paper ques. is -who was the head of constituent assembly? the correct ans. is rajendra prasad which is not given in the options.another ques.who was the first british governer general of india?the correct ans. is willium bentikbut ahis is not in the given option.

  13. Before the evening of up tet results 2011 results declaration. Prediction or forecasting of UP TET cutoff and merit list will be little bit earlier. But what will be average range of the marks, what will be minimum marks or what will be maximum marks of uptet exam this question now echoing in the mind of millions of student who participate in the first teacher eligibility test of Uttar Pradesh. No body can deny the importance of this examination because UPtet merit will be base of upcoming teacher’s vacancy for b.ed candidates. That’s why up tet exam has a lot of value like other completion examination. Some of the expert saying up tet cutoff will be above 100 marks because most of science stream candidate perform very well in math section and environmental section. Pedagogy section was little bit confusing some of the question was rechecked by upmsp ( up board) and publish new answer sheet of all set.

  14. Guess about UPTET merit and up tet Cutoff 2011 up tet result

  15. sir my name is shabana khatoon .My roll no. is 36000055 which was alloted by SHIKSHA BHAVAN JHANSI to those who did not get admit card.They issued the new admit cards and new roll no. but this roll no. is not showing on result website.even I have a duplicate answersheet and I checked my anshersheet in which I got 114 marks. So please tell me what I do to see my result on official website.

  16. hi! sir iam anand kumar singh .my roll .no is 15003148. sir my 108 questions are right.to meri naukari lagegi ki nahi.

  17. sir, i have got 112 marks in uptet result while my marks are 116 according to answer keys. what should i do?
    usha mishra
    roll. no. 07051789

  18. It is to bring to the kind notice of Secretary Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad and Controller of Examinations UPTET2011 to kindly correct the result according to answer keys. i have got 112 marks instead of 116.
    usha mishra
    roll. no. 07051789

  19. vishisht btc form kab aayenge. aur districtwise kitni vacancy hai


  20. sir i have a request please correct the ans once again in first paper of ques too much use of insecticides cause pollution u gave the ans option c water pollution.but the right ans should be option a air pollution.because we cover our nose and mouth with cloth so first occur air pollution. its my regards;

  21. sir i have a request please,recorrect ans of ques in fist paper opposite of ability you gave correct ans inability but disability should be also consider correct one

  22. sir please remove the ques in first paper,shall we go to the gym now. because all the option are depend on condition or u should give paragragh.so how can we tick correct option without.know the condition.

  23. please recheck the ans of first paper of deals.... rice.because in is incorrect one.

  24. please recorrect the ans of first paper ques given on by adding ly .. which new word become you gave late option c but fast option b also is correct so u should consider both the ans correct its my humble request.

  25. pls recorrect the ans in first paper psychology portion in booklet b ques no 3.the correct option shold be option b because its logically correct kyunki hum kisi blind ya deaf child ko normal tarike se nahi padha sakte use viksit vidhiyo dwara hi padhaya jayega.pls read ques and understand what ques saying.its my humble request to the board thank you.

  26. all the candidates who allotted roll num/duplicate admit cards from their mandal including shabana khatoon as mention above need to re-submit their application form which as


    those candidates can check their roll num from the given link

    they know their current marks also as example:

  27. very very thankyou uvaish ji for replaying me i m gen female science group and i can do job when it will be in near by area otherwise i will quit bcoz it's not possible to go long for me and transfer will not be happen as i heard so it's difficult for us.

  28. very very thankyou uvaish ji for replaying me i m gen female science group and i can do job when it will be in near by area otherwise i will quit bcoz it's not possible to go long for me and transfer will not be happen as i heard so it's difficult for me. aashi ....

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