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Sunday, March 20, 2016

UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - विज्ञान और गणित की शिक्षा पर होगा जोर


विज्ञान और गणित की शिक्षा पर होगा जोर

राब्यू, लखनऊ : चारों तरफ हो रहीं आलोचनाओं के मद्देनजर राज्य सरकार अब परिषदीय स्कूलों में शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता पर ध्यान केंद्रित करेगी। अगले शैक्षिक सत्र से सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के तहत विज्ञान और गणित जैसे गूढ़ विषयों को बच्चों के लिए रोचक बनाने को प्राथमिकता दी जाएगी। वहीं बच्चों में पढ़ने (वाचन) की आदत डालने पर भी जोर होगा। बच्चों को हौवा लगने वाले गणित विषय के प्रति उनकी रुचि जगाने के लिए पहली और दूसरी कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों को आरंभिक गणित में दक्ष बनाने पर जोर होगा। वहीं राष्ट्रीय अविष्कार अभियान के तहत उच्च प्राथमिक स्तर पर बच्चों को गणित और विज्ञान विषयों के प्रति आकर्षित करने के भी प्रयास होंगे। इसके लिए उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों का सहयोग लिया जाएगा। गणित के प्रति बच्चों की समझ बढ़ाने और उन्हें विषय का व्यावहारिक ज्ञान देने के मकसद से स्कूलों को राष्ट्रीय शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद द्वारा विकसित की गई गणित किट उपलब्ध कराने की योजना है। वहीं विज्ञान के प्रति बच्चों को आकर्षित करने के मकसद से विद्यार्थियों से विज्ञान के सिद्धांतों पर आधारित प्रोजेक्ट बनवाने को तवज्जो दी जाएगी। इन प्रोजेक्ट की प्रदर्शनी भी लगायी जाएगी ताकि बच्चे आपस में होड़ कर सकें। गैर सरकारी संगठन प्रथम की ओर से प्रत्येक वर्ष जारी की जाने वाली एनुअल स्टेटस ऑफ एजुकेशन रिपोर्ट में यह बात-बात लगातार सामने आती रही है कि परिषदीय स्कूलों के बच्चे सामान्य अक्षरों को नहीं पढ़ पाते हैं। उनकी वाचन क्षमता कमजोर है। लिखे हुए को न पढ़ पाने की वजह से अन्य विषयों में भी वे कमजोर होते हैं। लिहाजा ‘पढ़े भारत, बढ़े भारत’ अगले वित्तीय वर्ष में बच्चों में पढ़ने की आदत डालने पर जोर होगा। इसके लिए सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के तहत अगले शैक्षिक सत्र में सभी परिषदीय स्कूलों में विद्यालय प्रबंध समिति के सदस्यों की मौजूदगी में सभी कक्षाओं के बच्चों से सभी पाठ्यपुस्तकों का वाचन साल में तीन बार कराने की योजना बनायी गई है

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UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - होली के रंग, बिखरेंगे टीईटी के संग तमाम अभ्यर्थी ओएमआर शीट ठीक से न भरने से होंगे बाहर टीईटी-2015 :


होली के रंग, बिखरेंगे टीईटी के संग
तमाम अभ्यर्थी ओएमआर शीट ठीक से न भरने से होंगे बाहर
टीईटी-2015 :
परीक्षा नियामक प्राधिकारी ने परिणाम जारी करने की तैयारी की पूरी ।
राज्य ब्यूरो, इलाहाबाद : उत्तर प्रदेश शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (यूपी टीईटी) 2015 के विविध रंग दिखने जा रहे हैं। परीक्षा का परिणाम कई युवाओं के रंग बिखेरगा तो वहीं कुछ के होली के रंग गायब भी होंगे। असल में परीक्षा नियामक प्राधिकारी यह परिणाम होली के मौके पर ही जारी करने की तैयारी में हैं। परीक्षार्थी भी समय से पहले परिणाम जारी होने से चौंक सकते हैं। दरअसल टीईटी परीक्षा के कार्यक्रम में परिणाम 27 मार्च को जारी किए जाने की घोषणा हुई थी। परीक्षा नियामक प्राधिकारी उप्र ने टीईटी 2015 का आयोजन किया था। इसमें प्रदेश भर के करीब साढ़े ग्यारह सौ से अधिक केंद्रों पर दो फरवरी को नौ लाख 42 हजार परीक्षार्थी शामिल हुए थे। तय समय पर उत्तर कुंजी जारी हुई, हालांकि संशोधित उत्तर कुंजी जारी करने में थोड़ा विलंब जरूर हुआ। विभाग ने उत्तर पुस्तिकाओं (ओएमआर शीट) के मूल्यांकन में तत्परता दिखाई और परीक्षा का परिणाम तय समय से पहले ही लगभग तैयार कर लिया है। सूत्रों के अनुसार ओएमआर शीट के मूल्यांकन में जिन अभ्यर्थियों ने पूरा विवरण नहीं भरा था, उनका मूल्यांकन नहीं हो सका है। ऐसे अभ्यर्थियों की तादाद भी अधिक है। वैसे इस परीक्षा में शामिल होने के लिए आवेदन करने वालों की संख्या इस बार तेरह लाख को पार गई थी, लेकिन सारी औपचारिकताएं पूरी करने वालों की संख्या कम हो गई। बाद में परीक्षा नियामक ने आवेदन पत्रों की जांच में उन अभ्यर्थियों को बाहर कर दिया था, जिन्होंने नियमों की अवहेलना की थी। परीक्षा नियामक दफ्तर के अफसरों के सामने यह संकट था कि आखिर जिन ओएमआर शीट में विवरण ठीक से दर्ज नहीं है उनका मूल्यांकन किस आधार पर कराएं। नियामक को परीक्षा परिणाम शेड्यूल के मुताबिक 27 मार्च को जारी करना है, लेकिन तैयारी है कि अगले हफ्ते किसी भी दिन यह जारी हो सकता है। इसके बाद उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी शिक्षक बनने के लिए प्रयास शुरू करेंगे। परीक्षा नियामक महकमा यह परिणाम जारी करने के बाद बीटीसी 2013 एवं 2014 की परीक्षा तैयारियों में तेजी से जुटना चाहता है इसीलिए यह परिणाम समय से पहले ही जारी करने की रणनीति बन रही 

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Friday, March 18, 2016

UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - बड़ी खबर : एल टी ग्रेड / टी जी टी शिक्षक भर्ती में टेट अनिवार्य करने व बगैर टेट पास की भर्ती को निरस्त करने की याचिका हुई ख़ारिज , कोर्ट ने कहा की अगर कोई नियम टूट रहा है तो फिर सक्षम नियामक प्राधिकारी (मसलन एन सी टी ई बॉडी इत्यादि ) को कदम उठाने की है आवश्यकता Demand for TET mandatory in LT Grade / TGT recruitment is dismissed by court, However court said competent statutory authority has the right to excercise its power , if any law breaks.


बड़ी खबर :
एल टी ग्रेड / टी जी टी  शिक्षक भर्ती में टेट अनिवार्य करने व बगैर टेट पास की भर्ती को निरस्त करने की याचिका हुई ख़ारिज , कोर्ट ने कहा की अगर कोई नियम टूट रहा  है तो फिर सक्षम नियामक प्राधिकारी  (मसलन एन सी टी ई बॉडी इत्यादि  ) को कदम उठाने की है आवश्यकता 

Demand for TET mandatory in LT Grade / TGT recruitment is dismissed by court, However court said competent statutory authority  has the right to excercise its power , if any law breaks.

Petitoner demanded to cancel recruitment of without TET in LT Grade Teacher Recruitment/ TGT recruitment and to make it mandatory in TGT/ LT Grade Bhrtee


?Chief Justice's Court 

Case :- PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION (PIL) No. - 5810 of 2016 

Petitioner :- Rural & Urban Development & Research Association 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & 3 Others 
Counsel for Petitioner :- Alok Kumar Gupta 
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Ashok Kumar Yadav 

Hon'ble Dr. Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud,Chief Justice 
Hon'ble Manoj Kumar Gupta,J. 
The relief which the petitioner seeks in a public interest litigation is in the following terms: 
"(i) issue a writ, order or direction in the nature of mandamus directing the respondents to make the mandatory Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) in the recruitment of T.G.T or L.T. Grade Teachers. 
(ii) issue a writ, order or direction in the nature of Mandamus directing the respondents to cancel the appointment of Teachers who were appointed without passing the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) after the notification issued by National Council for Teachers Education dated 23.8.2010." 
We see no reason to entertain the public interest litigation to enforce the Regulations which have been framed by the National Council for Teacher Education. If any breach of law occurs, it is upon the competent statutory authority to take appropriate action. The petition is accordingly dismissed. There shall be no order as to costs. 
Order Date :- 10.2.2016 
(M.K. Gupta, J.)��� (Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud, C.J.) 

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UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - Nayak Caste ko Schedule Tribe (ST) caste Mein Intrim Tor Par Court ne Niyukti ka Deeya Aadesh


Nayak Caste ko Schedule Tribe (ST) caste Mein Intrim Tor Par Court ne Niyukti ka Deeya Aadesh


?Court No. - 7 

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 9578 of 2016 

Petitioner :- Renu Nayak 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 3 Others 
Counsel for Petitioner :- Krishna Mohan Misra 
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Sunil Kumar Singh 

Hon'ble Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel,J. 
The petitioner claims that she is 'Nayak' by caste, which comes under the Scheduled Tribes category. The dispute with regard to the fact that 'Nayaks' are ST or not is engaging the attention in a large number of matters. In one such writ petition i.e. Misc. Bench No. 9070 of 2014 (Devesh Kumar Nayak and others v. State of U.P. & others), an interim order dated 12th September, 2014 has been passed. By the said interim order, a general order by which the Nayaks were omitted from the Scheduled Tribes category, has been stayed.� 
Learned Counsel for the petitioner states that the said interim order is still continuing. 
The petitioner is stated to have secured 96 out of 150 marks in U.P. Teacher Eligibility Test-2011 (Primary Level) and was called in the second round of counselling, wherein she claims that her name is in the select list. 
Learned Counsel for the petitioner has drawn the attention of the Court to an order dated 10th July, 2015 passed by this Court in a matter of similarly placed person i.e. Writ-A No. 31543 of 2015 (Suyanka Nayak v. State of U.P. & others). Relevant part of the said order reads as under; 
"Considering the facts and ciurcumstances of the case, in the meantime, it is directed that if the petitioner has qualified and otherwise elgible, he may be appointed provisionally. It would be clearly mentioned that his appointment shall abide by the result of the writ petition no. 9070(M/B) of 2014 which is pending at Lucknow Bench." 
Learned Standing Counsel appears for the State functionaries, and Sri Sunil Kumar Singh, learned Advocate has accepted notice on behalf of the fourth respondent.� 
As prayed by them, six weeks' time is granted to file counter affidavit. Rejoinder affidavit, if any, may be filed within a week thereafter. 
List in the week commencing 25th April, 2016.� 
The benefit of the interim order dated 10.7.2015 passed in Writ-A No. 31543 of 2015, extracted above, is extended to the petitioner also. 
Needless to say that no right shall accrue in favour of the petitioner because of this order. 
Order Date :- 1.3.2016 

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UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - TET marksheet not issued, Court ordered Secretary to do this within 3 weeks


TET marksheet not issued, Court ordered Secretary to do this within 3 weeks


?Court No. - 7 
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 6100 of 2016 
Petitioner :- Pratap Singh 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 2 Others 
Counsel for Petitioner :- Sumod Kumar Srivastava 
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C. 
Hon'ble Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel,J. 
The petitioner claims that he had appeared in the Teachers Eligibility Test 2013-14 conducted by the second respondent and he had secured 82 marks. A copy of the mark sheet which he has downloaded from the Website of the second respondent has been brought on record as Annexure-2 to the writ petition. 
The grievance of the petitioner is that inspite of several applications, the petitioner� has not been issued original mark sheet of the said examination as yet. The relief sought by the petitioner is extracted hereunder:- 
"i) issue a writ, order or direction, in the nature of mandamus commanding the respondents to issue the mark sheet of petitioner without any further delay." 
I have heard learned counsel for the petitioner and learned Standing Counsel. With their consent the writ petition is being finally disposed of in terms of the Rules of the Court.� 
The roster of this Court is clogged due to huge pendency of cases. The experience reveals that every day such type of writ petitions are filed in this Court which clearly demonstrate the bad governance. The citizen are compelled to approach this Court for small and unimportant matters that can be dealt with appropriately at administrative level. 
Having regard to the facts and circumstances of the case, a direction issued upon the second respondent/Secretary, Examination Regulatory Authority, U.P. Allenganj, Allahabad to take appropriate decision on the application of the petitioner expeditiously preferably within three weeks from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. 
With the aforesaid observations and order, writ petition is finally disposed of. 
No order as to costs. 
Order Date :- 11.2.2016/ssm 

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UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD SC Quota Candidate Obtained 95 marks in TET and alleged that candidates having lesser marks was selected, forgery and cheating in slection process


SC Quota Candidate Obtained 95 marks in TET and alleged that candidates having lesser marks was selected,
forgery and cheating in slection process

?Court No. - 7 

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 4795 of 2016 

Petitioner :- Amit Kumar 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & 3 Others 
Counsel for Petitioner :- Santosh Kumar Shukla 
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Bhanu Pratap Singh 

Hon'ble Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel,J. 
It is stated that in response to an advertisement/notice for recruitment of 72,835 Trainee Teachers in Primary Schools. The petitioner made an application in various districts including District Azamgarh.� It is stated that the petitioner applied under the Scheduled Caste (Male) Science category. He has obtained 95 marks in the Teachers' Eligibility Test. 
The grievance of the petitioner is that the candidates who have secured less marks than the petitioner in the fifth counselling have been selected. 
It is also stated that on 18.01.2016 a further notice was issued. Cut off marks was shown 94 below the marks of the petitioner but he has not been considered. 
Learned Standing Counsel appears for the respondent no.1. Sri B.P. Singh, learned Advocate appears for the respondents no.2 & 4. 
Learned counsel for the respondents no.2 & 4 may seek the instruction or may file counter affidavit by 09th March, 2016. 
Put up this case on 09th March, 2016 in the additional cause list. 
Order Date :- 18.2.2016 

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UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - TET mot conducted in 2014,15 want relaxation from TET, Court said TET conducted in 2016 and therfore no direction can be issued in the matter of 3500 Urdu Teacher Appointment


TET mot conducted in 2014,15 want relaxation from TET, Court said TET conducted in 2016 and therfore no direction can be issued in the matter of 3500 Urdu Teacher Appointment


Court No. - 7
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 2460 of 2016
Petitioner :- Mujammil And 3 Others
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 4 Others
Counsel for Petitioner :- Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C., Shivam Yadav

Hon'ble Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel,J.
The petitioners are four in number. They are aggrieved by the advertisement dated 09th January, 2016 issued by the District Basic Education Officer, Bijnor, whereby applications have been invited for appointment of Assistant Teachers (Urdu).
The State Government vide Government Orders dated 05th January, 2016 and 08th January, 2016 has issued a direction to appoint 3500 Assistant Teachers (Urdu Language) in Primary Schools. In compliance thereof, on 09th January, 2016 the Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board, Allahabad has issued direction to all the District Basic Education Officers to comply the direction of the State Government by issuing advertisements in two widely circulated newspapers and one in vernacular by 10th January, 2016. It is stated that in compliance thereof, the District Basic Education Officer, Bijnor on 09th January, 2016 has issued an advertisement calling applications for appointment on the post of Assistant Teachers (Urdu). One of the essential qualifications for appointment is that the candidate must have cleared the Teachers' Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the Central or State agency.
The grievance of the petitioners is that after 2013 in the State no TET examination has been conducted, therefore, the petitioners are not eligible to fill up the application form.
Learned counsel for the petitioners has invited the attention of the Court to paragraph-4(iv) of the Government Order dated 24th December, 2014, which reads as under:
''iv. ijh{kk lkekU;r% o"kZ esa de ls de ,d ckj vk;ksftr dh tk;sxhA ijh{kk nks fnolksa esa izR;sd o"kZ tuojh&Qjojh ekg esa vk;ksftr gksxhA''
I have heard learned counsel for the petitioner and learned Standing Counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that the Government Order dated 24th December, 2014, which provides guidelines in respect of holding of Uttar Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test, clearly mandate that every year the TET shall be held. It is stated that since 2013 said qualifying examination has not been held, therefore, the petitioners are ineligible and they cannot fill the form in pursuance of the aforesaid advertisement dated 09th January, 2016. No other submission has been made.
Sri A.K. Yadav, learned Standing Counsel, submits that in the year 2015 the TET has been conducted; the examination was held on 02nd February, 2016 and the result is likely to be declared shortly.
Having heard learned counsel for the parties, I am of the view that Paragraph 4(iv) of the said Government Order dated 24th December, 2014 has used the word "ordinarily". It is not mandatory that every year test should be held. The word "lkekU;r%" indicate the said intention of the Government.
As regards the grievance of the petitioners that no such test has been held since 2013, as noted above, in the year 2015 TET has been held and the result is to be declared shortly. Therefore, now the grievance of the petitioners that no examination has been held, stands satisfied. Accordingly, no direction can be issued. Hence, the writ petition is dismissed.
No order as to costs.
Order Date :- 23.2.2016

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Whatsapp Status | SMS Self-trust is the first secret of success.

Whatsapp Status | SMS

Self-trust is the first secret of success.


"Success" all depends on the second letter.


The goal of education is to replace an empty mind with an open mind.


If i m pretty does not mean that any boy can get me..


You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.


If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.


Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.


The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future.


Never be a busy signal on the Prayer line.


How is a poor man a lot like a rich man? They both have an iPhone.


Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.


If you like me Then raise your hand, If not then raise your standard.


My one hand is enough to fight against the world.. If u hold the other one...!c


Failure is not an option — it comes bundled with Windows.


Never let success get to your head. Never let failure get to your heart.


When everything comes your way.. Then you are on the wrong way.


I hates studying for exams, Is there an APP for that?


The richer you get, the more expensive happiness becomes.


If you need an example of how to live you should not have been born.


Sometimes I think to write LOL at the end of every answer in exams


If you don't succeed at first, hide all evidence that you tried.


Be a good person, But don't try to prove.


Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I'm tired of solving them for you.


If you want to make your dreams come true, The first thing you have to do is wake up.


Born to fight fight to kill ready to die but never will.


God created the living to worship him....well no one is worshiping me.


I know i am something, Because god doesn't create garbage.


How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct.


The only people who never fail are those who never try..


Push yourself harder when it hurts and you will win your dream


HOW TO SOLVE MATHS : 1. Write down the problem. 2. CRY


Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.


Every burned book enlightens the world.


Science does not know its debt to imagination.


I had never passed a single school exam, and clearly never would.


During last 5 minutes of examination every student gets a super natural power.


You give me hope in my times of trial, joy in my saddest hours and love in all I do.


You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.


I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.


To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed.


I love you and that’s the beginning and end of everything.


Within you, I lose myself. Without you, I find myself wanting to be lost again


Love is not blind, it sees but it does not mind.


How can you forget someone, who gave you so much to remember?


You are every reason, every hope and every dream I’ve ever had.


If things dont happen by your wish make them happen by your will.


Words just cant express what it is – three words, two people, one feeling.


No one can change a person. But someone can be a reason for a person to change.


Those who Hate, find it hard to Love: Those who Love find it hard to Hate.


What the heart gives away is never gone …It is kept in the hearts of others.


We can only learn to love by loving.


You dont have to talk about how great you are- let your actions do the talking.


You have to experience the bad to know what’s good.


Don’t change for someone to like you, be yourself and the right people will love you.


Are you an alarm clock? You managed to wake up my sleeping heart.


Promises never work, Compromise do!


Self-trust is the first secret of success.

Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.


If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.


Smile. It kills the people who want to see you cry.


No one is perfect until you fall in love with them.


Leave me, hate me, break me, but don't forget me.


Whenever I miss you I start expect a text from you which make me HAPPY.


When you care about someone, you'll do whatever you can to make them happy.


If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it..


That amazing feeling when you look at your crush, and they smile at you.

Visit for Amazing ,Must Read Stories, Information, Funny Jokes - http://7joke.blogspot.com 7Joke
संसार की अद्भुत बातों , अच्छी कहानियों प्रेरक प्रसंगों व् मजेदार जोक्स के लिए क्लिक करें...http://7joke.blogspot.com

Whatsapp Status Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world. Finding you is the first.

Whatsapp Status

Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world. Finding you is the first.


Lets flip a coin, heads your mine, tails I'm yours...

We met, we talked, we liked, we dated, we committed, i loved, u cheated, we're done, ur deleted.


If you were a tear, i would never cry in fear of losing you..


The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hours I spend without you.


You can love me or hate me I swear it won't make me or break me.


Your eyes are the sweetest stars I've ever seen.


Loving you is like breathing. How can I stop it?


A true romantic is one who romances one woman forever


I didn't fall the floor called me stupid so i tackled it DUH..


If I had a British accent I would never shut up.


The Greatest thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your mistakes and weaknesses and still finds you completely amazing and will never walk away.


Why do I love you? Because I finally learned what the word means, and you were the one who showed me.


How scary would it be if everything that popped into your head was automatically posted to Facebook..


Why do I love you? Because I finally learned what the word means, and you were the one who showed me.


I used to be a terrible flirt. I'm much better at it now.


If you don't wanna have kids with me, then why don't we just practice?


Do I know you? Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend.


There's so much to say but your eyes keep interrupting me.


I think I can die happy now, coz I've just seen a piece of heaven.


I used to be a terrible flirt. I'm much better at it now.


Smile... it's the second best thing to do with your lips.


I am so much better at text flirting than real flirting.


I don't have the heart to hurt you, that's the last thing I want to do, but I don't have the heart to love you, not the way you want me t


You make me smile for no reason, yet I have every reason to smile about having you in my life.


I have high double standards.


There are only two types of honest people in this world, small children and drunk people.


I am not flirting. I am just being extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive.


I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other.


The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves.


Age does not protect us from love, But love to some extent protects us from age.


You can never fully forget the ones who gave you butterflies.


I am not failed......My success is just postponed.


Life is like an exam I am determined to pass.


You might not make heaven if you cover your script during an exam...Sharing is caring!


Examinations – the only way to know something at least for a few days


The only people who never fail are those who never try..


If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.


You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

Visit for Amazing ,Must Read Stories, Information, Funny Jokes - http://7joke.blogspot.com 7Joke
संसार की अद्भुत बातों , अच्छी कहानियों प्रेरक प्रसंगों व् मजेदार जोक्स के लिए क्लिक करें...http://7joke.blogspot.com

फर्क सिर्फ इतना था कि फूल उस पर भी थे , फूल मुझ पर भी थे।

फर्क सिर्फ इतना था कि 

फूल उस पर भी थे , फूल मुझ पर भी थे।
महफ़िल वहां भी थी, लोग यहां भी थे।
सहेलियाँ उसकी भी थी, दोस्त मेरे भी थे।
काजी उधर भी था, मौलवी इधर भी थे।
उसकी डोली उठीं, मेरा जनाजा उठा।
उनका हँसना वहा, हमारा रोना यहां।
वो खुद सजी, मुझे सजाया गया।
वह खुद उठी, मुझे उठाया गया।
फरक बस इतना था.......
उसे अपनाया गया, मुझे दफनाया गया।

Visit for Amazing ,Must Read Stories, Information, Funny Jokes - http://7joke.blogspot.com 7Joke
संसार की अद्भुत बातों , अच्छी कहानियों प्रेरक प्रसंगों व् मजेदार जोक्स के लिए क्लिक करें...http://7joke.blogspot.com

देश में गरीबी कितनी है, इसका अंदाजा तब लगा जब...

देश में गरीबी कितनी है, इसका अंदाजा तब लगा जब...
लोग ₹ 25000/- का लेपटोप लेकर बैठे थे ₹ 251/- का मोबाईल खरीदने के लिए। वो भी सुबह 5 बजे से।

Visit for Amazing ,Must Read Stories, Information, Funny Jokes - http://7joke.blogspot.com 7Joke
संसार की अद्भुत बातों , अच्छी कहानियों प्रेरक प्रसंगों व् मजेदार जोक्स के लिए क्लिक करें...http://7joke.blogspot.com

हिंदुस्तान की सबसे देशभक्त कौम शराबियो की है

हिंदुस्तान की सबसे देशभक्त कौम शराबियो
की है
कितना भी टैक्स बढ़ाओ बेचारे बिना विरोध किये शराब
खरीदते है
देश की तरक्की में योगदान को नमन...

Visit for Amazing ,Must Read Stories, Information, Funny Jokes - http://7joke.blogspot.com 7Joke
संसार की अद्भुत बातों , अच्छी कहानियों प्रेरक प्रसंगों व् मजेदार जोक्स के लिए क्लिक करें...http://7joke.blogspot.com