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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

UPTET 2011 : What I think about petitioner

UPTET 2011 : 72825 Posts of Teachers Recruitment

What I think about petitioner Kapil Dev Yadav -

Petition about Right (BSA, District OR Secretary, UP) to publish advertisement  for 72825 posts of teachers recruitment , I think petitioner Kapil Dev Yadav , who filed writ petition is a candidate (as per some information he got passing marks in TET exam) and it seems his rights are not affected with publication of this advertisement but he wants to create obstacles in this recruitment.

When advertisement was published in prominent news papers of UP, Why BSA not objected this advertisement and during that time no such news was heard that BSA of any districts in UP objected this advertisement.

In the following Judgement, Selection through TET Merit, No objection by court -

UPTET Allahabad Highcourt : Petitioner Challenging Amendment in Rule (Selection Through TET Merit ) for Selection of Teacher in UP, Petition Dismissed

See Case Details 


Court No. - 33

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72433 of 2011

Petitioner :- Govind Kumar Dixit & Others
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Smt. Supriya P. Nagar,Ashok Khare,Pratik J. Nagar, Siddharth Khare 
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,R.A. Akhtar,S.K. Verma

Hon'ble Sudhir Agarwal,J.
1. Heard Sri Ashok Khare, learned Senior Advocate assisted by Sri Siddharth Khare, learned counsel for the petitioners at length, learned Standing Counsel, Sri S.K. Verma and Sri R.A. Akhtar, Advocates for respondents.
2. Petitioners have assailed the validity of Rule 14 of U.P. Basic Education (Teachers) Service Rules, 1981 (hereinafter referred to as the "1981 Rules") as inserted by notification dated 09.11.2011 and further request to treat it inoperative in case this Court finds that conditions in advertisement dated 29/30.11.2011 is based upon the said Rules. They have also assailed the validity of advertisement dated 29/30.11.2011 issued by the Board of Basic Education in U.P. (hereinafter referred to as the "Board")
3. It would be appropriate first to notice the very Rule which has been assailed in this writ petition. It reads as under:
"14. Determination of vacancies and preparation of list (1) In respect of appointment, by direct recruitment to the post of Mistress of Nursery Schools and Assistant Master or Assistant Mistress of Junior Basic Schools under clause (a) of rule 5, the appointing authority shall determine the number of vacancies as also the number of vacancies to be reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and other categories under rule 9 and notify the vacancies in at least two leading news papers having adequate circulation in the State as well as in concerned district inviting applications from candidates possessing prescribed training qualification from the district concerned and who have passed teacher eligibility test conducted by Government of Uttar Pradesh.
(2) The appointing authority shall scrutinize the applications received in pursuance of the advertisement and prepare a list of such persons as appear to possess the prescribed academic qualifications and be eligible for appointment.
(3) The names of candidates in the list prepard under sub-rule (2) shall then be arranged in such manner that their names shall be placed in descending order on the basis of the marks obtained in Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by the Government of Uttar Pradesh.
Provided that if two or more candidates obtain equal marks, the candidiate senior in age shall be placed higher. 
(4) No person shall be eligible for appointment unless his or her name is included in the list prepared under sub-rule (2).
(5) the list prepared under sub-rule (2) and arranged in accordance with sub-rule (3) shall be forwarded by the appointing authority to the selection committee."
4. It is worthy to mention at this stage that in the State of U.P. since 1972 Basic Education is being governed by U.P. Basic Education Act, 1972 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act, 1972") and the Rules and Regulations framed thereunder. All the primary schools in State of U.P. imparting education from Class I to VIII need to get recognition from Board in order to have a valid qualification unless such qualification is obtained from an institution, equivalent and recognised by some other similar educational body.
5. Prior to Act, 1972 there were three types of primary schools mainly functioning in State of U.P., (1) those established and managed by State Government through its various departments, (2) those established by local bodies and managed by them and, (3) those established by private bodies.
6. These were/are some institutions established by private bodies and are recognised by other Boards like Indian Council for Secondary Education, Central Board of Secondary Education etc. with which this Court is not concerned.
7. These primary schools established and managed by private managements were also having different financial arrangements inasmuch as some were wholly managed by private bodies from their own funds, some partly from the grant from Government or Governmental bodies and some which were fully under the grant from Government but for other purposes managed by private bodies.
8. With the enactment of Act, 1972 the institution managed by local bodies and Government stood transferred to the Board and since then are being managed by it. At present the number of such schools is more than 1.25 lacs in the entire State. These primary schools are in two categories, namely, Junior Primary Schools, i.e., from Class I to V and Senior Primary Schools or Junior High Schools, i.e., from Class VI to VIII. In respect to institutions managed by Board, it has framed rules laying down process of recruitment, appointment and conditions of service of its teachers. In respect to Junior Primary Schools, i.e., from Class I to V the Rules laying down process of recruitment, appointment and other conditions of service of teaching staffs are 1981 Rules. The qualifications to be possessed by persons eligible for appointment as Assistant Teacher in Junior Primary Schools is clearly laid down in Rule 8 of 1981 Rules. Besides other educational qualification, it talks of training qualification, namely, Certificate of Teaching, Hindustani Teaching Certificate, Basic Teacher Certificate etc. The most prevalent training qualification used to be imparted by Government institutions, namely, District Institute for Education and Training (hereinafter referred to as the "DIET") which are owned and managed by State Government. In every district there is/was one such institution. Since the Junior Primary Schools are situated in much interior areas, considering all the relevant facts and circumstances in this respect, the authorities used to make recruitment at district level basis so that teachers appointed are mostly those who live in same local area having first hand information of local requirement etc. and may serve the young students in a better way.
9. In order to bring standard of such teachers at par throughout the country, since at higher education level, students from entire country otherwise have no reason of disparity or discrimination, the Government of India enacted National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act, 1993") whereunder an expert body, i.e., National Council for Teacher Education (hereinafter referred to as the "NCTE") was contemplated who was empowered to grant recognition to the Institutions imparting Teachers Training Education so that proper and well trained teachers are available for imparting education to young and raw minds which require a different kind of special training.
10. Act, 1993 is a Central Act enacted by Parliament and after receiving the assent of the President on 29.12.1993 was published in the Gazette of India, (Extra.) Part II, Section 1, dated 30.12.1993. Section 1(3) provides that Act 1993 shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may appoint by notification in initial gazette. Pursuant thereto the Central Government by notification dated 1.07.1995 appointed the same day i.e. 01.7.1995 for enforcement of Act 1993.
11. The Act 1993 was enacted with an objective of achieving planned and coordinated development for teacher education system throughout the country, the regulation and properly maintenance of norms and standards in teacher education system and for matters connected therewith.
12. In State of Maharashtra Vs. Sant Dnyaneshwar Shikshan Shastra Mahavidyalaya and others (2006) 9 SCC 1, Apex Court observed that considering the objective and preamble of the Act and various provisions, it is clear that the aforesaid Act of Parliament is referable to Entry 66 of List I of Schedule VII of the Constitution and to the extent the field is occupied by Act 1993 the State Legislature cannot encroach upon the said field.
13. The Act 1993 contemplates establishment of a council called as "National Council For Teacher Education" and its functions are enumerated in detail in Section 12 of Act 1993. It clearly talks of planned and co-ordinated development of teacher education, and determination and maintenance of standards for teacher education. It is in this regard various subjects and functions of NCTE have been enumerated in Section 12 from Clauses (a) to (n) which reads as under:
"(a) undertake surveys and studies relating to various aspects of teacher education and publish the result thereof;
(b) make recommendations to the Central and State Governments, Universities, University Grants Commission and recognised Institutions in the matter of preparation of suitable plans and programmes in the field of teacher education:
(c) co-ordinate and monitor teacher education and its development in the country;
(d) lay down guidelines in respect of minimum qualifications for a person to be employed as a teacher in schools or in recognised institutions.;
(e) lay down norms for any specified category of courses or training in teacher education, including the minimum eligibility criteria for admission thereof, and the method of selection of candidates, duration of the course, course contents and mode of curriculum;
(f) lay down guidelines for compliance by recognised institution for starting new courses or training, and for providing physical and instructional facilities, staffing pattern and staff qualifications;
(g) lay down standards in respect of examinations leading to teacher education qualifications, criteria for admission to such examinations and schemes of courses or training;
(h) lay down guidelines regarding tuition fee and other fee chargeable by recognised institutions;
(i) promote and conduct innovation and research in various areas of teacher education and disseminate the results thereof;
(j) examine and review periodically the implementation of the norms, guidelines and standards laid down by the Council, and to suitably advise the recognised institutions;
(k) evolve suitable performance appraisal systems, norms and mechanisms for enforcing accountability on recognised institutions;
(l) formulated schemes for various levels of teacher education and identify recognised institutions and set up new institutions for teacher development programmes;
(m) take all necessary steps to prevent commercialisation of teacher education; and
(n) perform such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Central Government."
14. The Act 1993 contemplates recognition and permission of NCTE for running courses or training in teacher education. Section 17 provides, if course or training in teacher education has been imparted or obtained in violation of the provisions of the Act, such course or training shall not be treated a valid qualification for employment under Central and State Government, University, any School/College or other educational body aided by Central or the State Government. The restriction imposed by Section 17(4) is only to the extent that a training or course in teacher education which does not conform to the various provisions of Act 1993 shall not be a valid qualification for employment as stated above, and nothing more and nothing less. The entire Act 1993 does not talk of the manner in which appointments of teachers shall be made, the eligibility to be laid down for appointment of teachers in Primary Schools etc. except qualification. It is confined to the standard and quality of teachers training education. In this regard NCTE obviously can lay down minimum qualification which may be prescribed for appointment of a teacher but it does not control thereafter the mode, manner and other relevant provisions regarding recruitment and appointment of such teachers.
15. In State of U.P. and Others Vs. Bhupendra Nath Tripathi and Ors. 2010 (5) ESC 630, the Apex Court has clearly observed in para 24 that NCTE can lay down minimum qualification for appointment of teacher by competent appointing authority or the authority competent to frame rules and regulations may lay down any qualification over and above the minimum qualification prescribed by NCTE. Para 24 of the judgment in Bhupendra Nath Tripathi (supra) reads as under:
"The is no quarrel with the proposition that the State in its discretion is entitled to prescribe such qualifictions as it may consider appropriate for candidates seeking admission into BTC course so long as the qualifications so prescribed are not lower than those prescribed by or under the NCTE Act. The State can always prescribe higher qualification, ...."
16. Meaning thereby requirement for appointment of a teacher, as contemplated by Act 1993, is that the teacher education must be such as is in conformity with Act 1993 and that the teacher must possess minimum qualification before he is considered for appointment and then on, Act 1993, in my view, stops from that stage and onwards.
17. The Apex Court and this Court have repeatedly held that no person shall be appointed as teacher in primary schools unless he possess requisite qualification of teacher's training which is duly recognised by NCTE under Act, 1993 after its enactment. Once the limitations of NCTE are observed, the power of appointing authority or rule framing authority in the State or by the Board, as the case may be, providing a higher or better qualification has not been checked but duly recognised. The only rider is that the Teachers Training qualification in respect to appointments made after enforcement of Act, 1993 should be such which training qualification has been recognised and approved by NCTE. From what has been discussed above and also considering the submissions of learned counsel for the petitioners there is no doubt that to this extent there is no quarrel.
18. If I take up the case in hand, the matter would thereafter be governed by Act 1972 and 1981 Rules. The qualifications required to be possessed by a teacher for appointment in a Primary School is provided in Rule 8 of 1981 Rules. This rule has undergone amendments from time to time broadly. Initially it provides for a qualification up to High School and training qualification like Basic Teachers Certificate, Junior Teacher Certificate, Certificate of Teaching etc. Later on amendments were made which basically increased educational qualification of High School to Intermediate and then to Graduation but so far as training qualification is concerned, the same continued to be as such with some minor additions in the last decade. For the first time, an amendment was made in 2004 by adding "Special Basic Teachers Certificate Course" as one of the training qualification under Rule 8(1). Subsequently another amendment came to be made by notification dated 25.11.2006 in Rule 8(1). To this extent there is no dispute among the parties.
19. In view of above discussion, it thus can be said that after enactment of Act, 1993 the only rider came to apply with respect to recruitment and appointment of Teachers in Primary Schools is that they must possess training qualification approved by NCTE under various provision of Act, 1993 but rest of the matter governed by relevant provisions relating to recruitment and appointment applicable in the concerned province, for example in State of U.P. by Act, 1972 and the Rules framed thereunder.
20. The situation changes when the Apex Court insisted upon to make primary education as a constitutional right of the children in the age group of 6 to 14 years.
21. In fact due to lack of appropriate avenues providing required training to persons making them eligible for Primary Teachers a huge number of vacancies continued to exist in Primary Schools, whether managed by Board or by primage managements. Moreover, the mindless and sometimes wholly illegal and erroneous decisions and activities of authorities in Basic Education Department in State also constitute a lot on their part. The litigation in respect to employment in Primary Schools constitute a major chunk of litigation in this Court in the last two decades and more. The aspirations of people widened with the judgment of Apex Court in Mohini Jain Vs. State of Karnataka, AIR 1992 SC 1858 and Unni Krishnan J.P. Vs. State of A.P., AIR 1993 SC 2178 and the cases followed thereafter observing Primary Education to children from age of 6 to 14 years as a constitutional right. Efforts were made by Governments, Central and State both, to expand primary education by establishing primary schools at Village Panchayat level in a major way. This really gave a boomerang to number of schools as also corresponding increase in number of teachers requiring to man these primary institution.
22. The Court has been informed at the Bar that at present the number of primary schools in the State of U.P. are more than one lac and twenty five thousands which obviously mean that number of posts of teachers would also exceed the said figure. 
23. To give boost and to fulfil the devout and pious objective, Parliament also intervened by inserting Article 21A in the Constitution i.e. 'Right to Education', by Constitution (86th Amendment) Act, 2002, and, simultaneously inserting Clause (k) in Article 51A vide Section 4 of Constitution (86th Amendment) Act, 2002. The Parliament also in furtherance of the above constitutional provisions, come forward by enacting "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" (hereinafter referred to as the "Act, 2009") published in Gazette of Indian on 27.8.2009. By virtue of Section 1(3) of Act 2009, it has been given effect from 01.4.2010.
24. One of the major change it has brought, besides other, is that no Primary School, other than a school established, owned or controlled by the appropriate Government or local body after commencement of Act 2009, shall be established or function without obtaining a certificate of recognition from such authority, as may be prescribed. For the purpose of seeking recognition, the school has to conform the norms and standards specified in Section 19 of Act 2009 read with the schedule appended thereto.
25. Thus situation underwent radical changes after enactment Act, 2009. Section 23 thereof reads as under:
"23. Qualifications for appointment and terms and conditions of service of teachers.--(1) Any person possessing such minimum qualifications, as laid down by an academic authority authorised by the Central Government, by notification, shall be eligible for appointment as a teacher.
(2) Where a State does not have adequate institutions offering courses or training in teacher education, or teachers possessing minimum qualifications as laid down under sub-section (1) are not available in sufficient numbers, the Central Government may, if it deems necessary, by notification, relax the minimum qualifications required for appointment as a teacher, for such period, not exceeding five years, as may be specified in that notification:
Provided that a teacher who, at the commencement of this Act, does not possess minimum qualifications as laid down under sub-section (1), shall acquire such minimum qualifications within a period of five years.
(3) The salary and allowances payable to, and the terms and conditions of service of, teachers shall be such as may be prescribed."
26. The Act 2009, vide Section 23(1), also provides that any person possessing such minimum qualification, as laid down by an academic authority authorised by the Central Government, by notification, shall be eligible for appointment as a teacher. Section 23 (1) therefore talks of only eligibility for appointment as teacher but does not confer any corresponding right upon a person to claim appointment as teacher merely if he fulfills the qualification prescribed under Section (1) of Section 23. Simultaneously there is no corresponding obligation for offering appointment to such person as teacher. The power of State Legislature vide Entry 25 List 3 Schedule VII of the Constitution therefore to the extent it can make provisions for governing primary schools and providing provisions governing recruitment and conditions of service of teachers in such schools is not curtailed in any manner so long as it is not repugnant to any specific Central Act. None as such has been shown to this Court.
27. In exercise of powers under sub-section (1) of Section 23 of Act, 2009, Government of India nominated NCTE as the authorised authority empowering it to frame Regulations laying down qualifications for appointment of teachers in primary schools. In exercise of powers under Section 23 of Act, 2009, NCTE has framed regulations, vide notification dated 23.08.2010 laying down minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in Class 1 to 8 in a school referred to in Clause (n) of Section 2 of Act 2009.
28. Section 2(n) of Act 2009 defines "School" for the purpose of Act 2009 and reads as under:
"school" means any recognised school imparting elementary education and includes-
(i) a school established, owned or controlled by the appropriate Government or local authority;
(ii) an aided school receiving aid or grants to meet whole or part of its expenses from the appropriate Government or the local authority;
(iii) a school belonging to specified category; and
(iv) an unaided school not receiving any kind of aid or grants to meet its expenses from the appropriate Government or the local authority;"
29. The minimum qualification prescribed in notification dated 23.8.2010 are in two parts, one for Junior Primary School namely Classes I to V and another is for Senior Primary School i.e. Class VI to VIII. Besides educational qualifications, for the first time, it also introduced eligibility qualification of teacher i.e. Eligibility Test i.e. passing of Teachers Eligibility Test (in short 'T.E.T.') conducted by concerned Government in accordance with the guidelines laid down by NCTE.
30. Para 3 of notification dated 23.8.2010 provides for "Compulsory Training" and reads as under:
"Training to be undergone.- A person-
(a) with BA/B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and B.Ed qualification shall also be eligible for appointment for class I to V upto 1st January, 2012, provided he undergoes, after appointment, and NCTE recognized 6-month special programme in Elementary Education.
(b) with B.Ed (Special Education) or B. Ed (Special Education) qualification shall undergo, after appointment, an NCTE recognized 6-month special programme in Elementary Education."
31. NCTE issued another notification on 29.7.2011 in purported exercise of powers under Section 23 of Act 2009. The aforesaid notification has amended notification dated 23.8.2010. Sub-para (i) and (ii) of Para 1; para 3 and para 5 have been substituted in entirety. For ready reference, the amended relevant provisions i.e. para 1(i) and (ii) and para 3 reads as under:
"1. Minimum Qualification :-
(i) Classes I-V
(a) Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations, 2002.
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education)
Graduation and two year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
(b) Pass in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.
(ii) Class VI-VIII
(a) Graduation and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
Graduation with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.)
Graduation with at least 45% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year B.A./B.Sc.Ed. or B.A.Ed./B.Sc.Ed.
Graduation with at least 50% marks and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education)
(b) Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose."
32. Para 5 of notification dated 29.7.2011 is a kind of saving clause and provides that if an advertisement initiating process of appointment of teachers has already been issued before 29.7.2011, such appointments may be made in accordance with NCTE (Determination of Minimum Qualifications for Recruitment of Teachers in Schools) Regulations, 2001 (as amended from time to time).
33. Sub para (b) of para 5 provides that minimum qualification prescribed by notification dated 29.7.2011 shall apply to all teachers except the teacher for Physical Education, for which NCTE Regulation dated 03.11.2001, as amended from time to time, shall continue to apply. Further regarding teachers of Art Education, Craft Education, Home Science, Work Education, etc. the existing eligibility norms prescribed by the State Government and other school managements shall be applicable till such time the NCTE lays down the minimum qualification in respect of such teachers.
34. The above discussion makes it beyond doubt that the above notifications issued by NCTE lays down minimum qualification, which would make a person eligible for appointment as a teacher in Primary Schools but the manner in which recruitments for appointment on the post of teacher in Primary School shall be made, and, their terms and conditions of service, for the same, aforesaid notification does not provide anything at all and hence in this regard 1981 Rules shall hold the field and would continue to apply.
35. Now I come to Rule 14, validity whereof has been assailed. It only talks of a procedure in which a recruitment has to be made for appointment of Assistant Teachers in Primary Schools governed by provisions of Act, 1993. Sub-rule (3) of Rule 14 talks of preparation of a list of the candidates who applied pursuant to an advertisement made under sub-rule (1) of Rule 14. The said list shall be prepared in descending order on the basis of merit obtained in T.E.T. The aforesaid list under sub-rule (5) is to be forwarded by appointing authority to Selection Committee. The Selection Committee thereafter shall proceed to make selection of the candidates whose names find mention in the aforesaid list in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 17 and 17-A of 1981 Rules. The constitution of Selection Committee which would make the above selection is also provided in Rule 16. Therefore, apparently I do not find any inconsistency or repugnancy at all in Rule 14 of 1981 Rules as also Regulations framed by NCTE as well as the provisions of Act, 2009. For the purpose of arranging the names of applicants in descending order under Rule 14(3), the marks obtained in T.E.T. has been made as the guiding factor but for the purpose of selection under Rule 17 and 17-A which is to be made by selection committee a different procedure is prescribed.
36. Be that as it may, even otherwise, in absence of any prohibition under parent statute, it cannot be said that criteria for selection can be laid down by Regulation framing authority, i.e., NCTE.
37. To conclude, I find no merit in the petitioners' challenge to Rule 14, being illegal in any manner. Neither it is inconsistent to any provision which have overriding effect or which may prevail over it nor the aforesaid provision is ultra vires of the Act or Constitution in any manner.
38. No other point or issue pressed.
39. There is no merit in the writ petition.
40. Dismissed.
41. No costs.
Order Date :- 14.12.2011

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Source : http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShowJudgment.do?judgmentID=1696717

UPTET : Petition against selection on the basis  of TET Marks is Dismissed
इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट : टी ई टी मार्क्स / मेरिट से सेलेक्सन के विरोध की याचिका ख़ारिज

See Case details :

Case :- WRIT - A No. - 75474 of 2011

Petitioner :- Dr. Prashant Kumar Dubey
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Alok Mishra
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.

Hon'ble Sudhir Agarwal,J.
1.��� Learned counsel for the petitioner tried to submit that Rule 14 (1) and (2) of U.P. Basic Education (Teachers) Service Rules, 1981 as amended by notification dated 9th November, 2011 making amendment in U.P. Basic Education (Teachers) Service Rules, 1981 i.e. 12th Amendment is illegal, inasmuch as, it makes the marks obtained in Teacher Eligibility Test (hereinafter referred to as "T.E.T.") as the basis for including a person in the list to be prepared by the appointing authority after advertisement issued for appointment which is to be submitted to the Selection Committee though T.E.T. is only eligibility qualification and cannot be a basis for making selection

2.��� The submission is thoroughly misconceived. The aforesaid amendment of the Rule by no stretch of imagination, can be construed as contrary to the guidelines issued by National Council for Teacher Education (hereinafter referred to as "NCTE") inasmuch as, NCTE provides T.E.T. qualification as a necessary qualification for appointment of Primary Teachers but simultaneously provides that it shall not guarantee appointment to any person merely on account of possession of such qualification. The Rules do not go contrary thereto but only provide that before a candidates is to be considered by Selection Committee, list of candidates, who have applied for appointment to the post of Assistant Teacher, shall be prepared and in that preparation of list, T.E.T. marks shall be the criteria.� It� is� like� a� guideline� for� ascertaining� zone� of
- 2 -
consideration and field of eligibility but by itself does not provide any guarantee for appointment. The Rules thus cannot be said to be contrary to NCTE guidelines.
3.��� No interference therefore called for.
4.��� Dismissed.
Order Date :- 2.1.2012

Read more: http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.com/2012/01/uptet-petition-against-selection-on.html#ixzz2YXNXIJh0


Anudeshak recruitment in UP :प्रत्यावेदन देने वाले अनुदेशकों की सूची की फाइनल

Anudeshak recruitment in UP :प्रत्यावेदन देने वाले अनुदेशकों की सूची की फाइनल
विकलांग, महिला को समीप के क्षेत्र में दी वरीयता

•बीएसए बोले : डीएम से कराया अनुमोदन

पीलीभीत। स्कूल आवंटन पर नाराजगी व्यक्त करने वाले अनुदेशकों से बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग ने प्रत्यावेदन लेकर सूची फाइनल कर दी गई है। विकलांग और महिला अनुदेशकों को ब्लाक क्षेत्र से समीप के स्कूलों में वरीयता दी गई है। इसकी पुष्टि देर शाम बीएसए मनोज कुमार ने की।
बता दें कि जिले में 731 अनुदेशकों की नियुक्ति हुई है। पूर्व में मुख्यालय से दूसरे ब्लॉक में स्कूल आवंटन को लेकर अनुदेशकों से नाराजगी डीएम अदिति सिंह के सामने जताई थी। अनुदेशकों का कहना था कि उनके मूलनिवास से स्कूल आवंटन 100 से 120 किमी तक कर दिया गया है, जो शासनादेश के नियमों के खिलाफ है। इस पर डीएम ने तुरंत एक्शन लेते हुए बीएसए को तलब किया था, तीन दिन के भीतर सूची फाइनल करने के निर्देश दिए थे। इस मामले में श्री कुमार ने इच्छुक अनुदेशकों से उनके प्रत्यावेदन मांगे थे। अधिकारियों का कहना था कि अनुदेशक भर्ती प्रक्रिया में करीब साढ़े पांच सौ महिलाएं है जबकि स्कूलों की संख्या 275 है। सभी को समीप क्षेत्र के स्कूल दिया जाना संभव नहीं है।
स्कूल आवंटन को लेकर मुख्यालय पर काफी प्रदर्शन भी किए गए। फिलहाल सोमवार को अनुदेशकों की फाइनल सूची जारी कर दी गई। बीएसए मनोज कुमार ने बताया कि प्रत्यावेदन देने वालों की समस्याओं का निराकरण किया गया है। जिन अनुदेशकों का संशोधन नहीं हो सका है उसका कारण डाक सहित उनके स्थायी पत्ते पर भेजा जाएगा। उन्होंने कहा कि अनुदेशकों को डिजीटल ज्वाइनिंग लेटर देने के लिए सोमवार की रात से ही टीमें कार्य करने में लग जाएगी। सर्वर डाउन होने की दिक्कत कार्य में आ रही है।

Sabhaar : अमर उजाला (9.7.13)

UP Bumper Recruitment पंचायतीराज विभाग में भर्ती की तैयारियां तेज

UP Bumper Recruitment पंचायतीराज विभाग में भर्ती की तैयारियां तेज

एकेडमिक रिकॉर्ड और इंटरव्यू से होगी भर्ती

Gram Panchyat Adhikari
लखनऊ। पंचायतीराज विभाग ने ग्राम पंचायत अधिकारियों के रिक्त पदों पर भर्ती की तैयारी तेज कर दी है। भर्ती कार्यवाही की प्रक्रिया और भर्ती कार्यक्रम (कैलेंडर) पर मुहर लगाने के लिए प्रस्ताव शासन को भेज दिया गया है।

प्रदेश की ग्राम पंचायतों में ग्राम पंचायत अधिकारियों के करीब 2900 से अधिक पद रिक्त हैं। पद खाली होने की वजह से एक-एक अधिकारी के पास कई-कई गांव की जिम्मेदारी है। विभाग ने इस समस्या को दूर करने के लिए जल्दी से जल्दी भर्ती कार्यवाही शुरू करने की योजना बनाई है।
मुख्य सचिव ने प्राथमिकता के आधार पर रिक्त पदों की भर्ती शुरू करने को कहा है। विभाग ने इसकी पहल करते हुए भर्ती में अड़ंगा बन रहे डोएक सर्टिफिकेट की अनिवार्यता मौजूदा सत्र के लिए पहले ही समाप्त करा ली है। अब बिना डोएक सर्टिफिकेट वाले भी भर्ती के पात्र होंगे।
इसके अलावा विभाग ने समूह ग की भर्ती नियमावली के अनुसार एकेडमिक रिकॉर्ड और इंटरव्यू के आधार पर भर्ती कराने का प्रस्ताव किया है। एकेडमिक रिकॉर्ड के नंबर और इंटरव्यू 50:50 के अनुपात में रखे जाने की संभावना है। इसके अलावा भर्ती कार्यवाही जिलाधिकारियों के निर्देशन में जिला स्तर पर गठित चयन समिति के जरिए कराने की योजना है। विभाग के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने बताया कि चयन कार्यवाही व कैलेंडर पर उच्चस्तरीय अनुमोदन प्राप्त होते ही भर्ती कार्यवाही शुरू कर दी जाएगी

Sabhaar : अमर उजाला (9.7.13)


Monday, July 8, 2013

UPTET 2011 : टीईटी मामले की सुनवाई टली पीठ ने स्वयं को सुनवाई से किया अलग

UPTET 2011 : टीईटी मामले की सुनवाई टली

 पीठ ने स्वयं को सुनवाई से किया अलग

इलाहाबाद : टीईटी मामलेमें नियुक्ति के मानकों को लेकर दाखिल विशेष अपीलों की सुनवाई कर रही हाईकोर्ट के न्यायमूर्ति सुशील हरकौली तथा न्यायमूर्ति मनोज कुमार मिश्र की खंडपीठ ने सुनवाई से स्वयं को अलग कर लिया है। उन्होंने सभी अपीलें अन्य न्यायपीठ को नामित करने के लिए मुख्य न्यायाधीश को प्रेषित करदी हैं।
गौरतलब है कि अखिलेश त्रिपाठी व अन्य की ओर से दाखिल अपीलों की यह खंडपीठ सुनवाई कर रही थी। इनमें सहायक अध्यापकों की नियुक्ति के लिए मेरिट के मानक को लेकर सवाल उठाए गये हैं। अपीलार्थियों में कुछ का कहना है कि टीईटी के अंकों के साथ शैक्षिक योग्यता अंकों को भी विचार में लिया जाए। कुछ के अनुसार टीईटी अर्हता परीक्षा है। ऐसे में केवल शैक्षिक योग्यता अंकों को मानक बनाया जाय या केवल टीईटी के अंकों के आधार पर ही नियुक्ति की जाय। इन अपीलों के विचाराधीन रहने के कारण प्रदेश के प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में 72825 सहायक अध्यापकों की नियुक्ति अधर में लटकी है। मुख्य न्यायाधीश द्वारा पीठ नामित होने के बाद अपीलों की सुनवाई होगी

News Sabhaar : जागरण (8.7.2013)

अब दूसरी खण्डपीठ करेगी TET मामले की सुनवाई

More on: #Allahabad High Court # Primary Schools # 72825 Primary Teachers # UP TET

इलाहाबाद। इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय की प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में 72825 सहायक अध्यापकों की नियुक्ति को लेकर दाखिल विशेष अपील को सुनवाई के लिए दूसरी खंडपीठ को सौंप दिया गया। यह आदेश न्यायमूर्ति सुशील हरकौली एवं न्यायमूर्ति मनोज कुमार मिश्रा की खणडपीठ ने अखिलेश कुमार त्रिपाठी व अन्य की विशेष अपील पर दिया है।
यूपी में प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में खाली पड़े पदों पर 72825 सहायक अध्यापकों की नियुक्ति होनी है। तथ्यों के अनुसार प्रदेश की पूर्व मायावती सरकार ने सहायक अध्यापकों की नियुक्ति में टीईटी परीक्षा में मिले अंकों के आधार पर चयन सूची बनाकर नियुक्ति की जानी थी।
प्रदेश में मायावती की सरकार जाने के बाद अखिलेश यादव के नेतृत्व में समाजवादी पार्टी की नई सरकार बनी। जिसके बाद नियुक्ति के लिए दिसंबर 2012 में नया विज्ञापन निकाला गया। जिसमें शैक्षणिक गुणांक के आधार पर चयन सूची बनाए जाने का प्रावधान है। इस चयन के प्रावधान को न्यायालय में चुनौती दी गई थी।
इस मामले पर सुनवाई करते हुए एकल पीठ ने अपने दिए निर्णय में कहा कि राज्य सरकार की नई चयन की प्रक्रिया सही है। टीईटी उत्तीर्ण करना केवल अर्हता होगी लेकिन चयन शैक्षणिक अंकों के आधार पर किया जाएगा। इस निर्णय को अपील में उच्च न्यायालय में चुनौती दी गई है। अब इस मामले पर मुख्य न्यायाधीश द्वारा गठित दूसरे खंडपीठ द्वारा की जाएगी

Sabhaar : khabar.ibnlive.in.com (8.7.13)
Kuch purane Nirnay , Court ke -

इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट ने साफ शब्दों में कहा कि -
टी ई टी अंकों से चयन , एन सी टी ई के नियमानुसार है व एक बार प्रक्रिया निर्धारित होने के बाद उसका बदला जाना पक्षपात पूर्ण है (जब गेम / प्रक्रिया शुरू हो चुकी हो

See :http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.in/2011/12/uptet-allahabad-highcourt-dismissed.html
he submission is thoroughly misconceived. The aforesaid amendment of the Rule by no stretch of imagination, can be construed as contrary to the guidelines issued by National Council for Teacher Education (hereinafter referred to as "NCTE") inasmuch as, NCTE provides T.E.T. qualification as a necessary qualification for appointment of Primary Teachers but simultaneously provides that it shall not guarantee appointment to any person merely on account of possession of such qualification. The Rules do not go contrary thereto but only provide that before a candidates is to be considered by Selection Committee, list of candidates, who have applied for appointment to the post of Assistant Teacher, shall be prepared and in that preparation of list, T.E.T. marks shall be the criteria.� It� is� like� a� guideline� for� ascertaining� zone� of
- 2 -
consideration and field of eligibility but by itself does not provide any guarantee for appointment. The Rules thus cannot be said to be contrary to NCTE guidelines.
3.��� No interference therefore called for.
4.��� Dismissed.
Order Date :- 2.1.2012 

Read more: http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.com/2012/01/uptet-petition-against-selection-on.html

Highcourt : No objection on TET Merit for selection in Primary Teacher (PRT) of UP Edu. Dept.

8. In Baloji Badhavath (supra), it was held that a procedure evolved for laying down mode and manner for consideration of a right to be considered for appointment can be interfered with only when it is arbitrary, discriminatory or wholly unfair, which learned counsel for petitioner failed to prove in the case in hand and, therefore, reliance placed thereon is totally misconceived.
9. So far as making of qualifying examination basis of selection is concerned, it is always permissible to the rules framing authority to determine the criteria for selection which may base on the merits of the candidate possessed in various academic qualifications or qualifying test or any other criteria which may otherwise be valid and once it is so determined, unless it can be said that the same amendment in the rule is contrary to any statutory provision or otherwise ultra vires or vitiated in law, the same cannot be interfered.
10. In the result, writ petition lacks merit. Dismissed.
Dt. 12.12.2011
Allahabad Highcourt Suggests TET Exam is a good process for Selections -
We are pleased to note that the system of Teachers' Eligibility Test (TET) examination has been introduced as that will also check dishonest, unqualified candidates with forged degrees securing easy entry into teachers education courses and thereby securing teaching jobs.

Read more: http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.com/2012/01/uptet-btc-good-news-for-tet-qualified.html

that the persons recruited as teachers posses the essential aptitude and ability to meet the challenges of teaching at the primary and upper primary level has not been observed in conducting the aforesaid examination and the examining body is guilty of unfair means and unsuitable selections have been made illegally. However, he could not show any thing specificallydespite repeated query but in a generalized and vague manner said that all the persons who have passed the examination are neither qualified nor suitable candidates. This is clearly a derogatory remark not only against the examining body but also against lacs of people who participated in the examination and passed the same. The statement is made in a most careless and reckless manner which, in my view, clearly amounts to abuse of process of laws and, therefore, the writ petition must be dismissed with exemplary cost.
3. Dismissed.
4. Since petitioner is not only guilty of making unfounded aspersions against examining body, but also against the persons who have passed the examination, he must pay exemplary cost. I quantify the cost to Rs. 4.5 lacs.
5. The aforesaid amount shall be paid by petitioner to respondent no. 3 who, after receiving the amount, shall distribute the same amongst all the candidate who have passed the examination finally paying Rs. 1/- to each successful candidate.
Dt. 12.1.2012

To See Case Detail, Visit - http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShowJudgment.do?judgmentID=1633376

Read more: http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.com/2012/01/each-uptet-qualified-candidate-will-get.html

9(b) should give weightage to the TET scores in the recruitment process
however, qualifying the TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for 

टी ई टी अंकों के  सुधार  / वृद्धी   हेतु  , अभ्यर्थी पुन : परीक्षा  में   बैठ  सकते -
See :
Frequency of conduct of TET and validity period of TET certificate :-
11 The appropriate Government should conduct a TET at least once every year. The Validity Period of TET qualifying certificate for appointment will be decided by the appropriate Government subject to a maximum of seven years for all categories. But there will be no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring a TET Certificate. A person who has qualified TET may also appear again for improving his/her score

अगर ये  ये पात्रता परीक्षा है, तो अंकों के सुधार का क्या मतलब

Read more: http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.com/2012/04/uptet-small-article.html


As per sources - Next Date of Hearing - 15th July 2013
Case is transferred from Justice  Harkoli and Justice Manoj Kumar Mishr
And new bench will be hear this case.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

UPTET 2011:Selection Process and TET Exam

UPTET  2011:Selection Process and TET Exam 

एक तरफ इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट की ट्रिपल बेंच  टीईटी के अंको का शिक्षक भर्ती में वेटेज की बात कहती है दुसरी 
तरफ अभ्यर्थीयों के बीच जानकारी का अभाव है ,
हमारे ब्लॉग पर समय समय पर एन सी टी ई , टी ई टी व इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट की सही जानकारी उपलब्ध कराई जाती है ,
और हमारा किसी भी अभ्यर्थी से दुराभाव या विरोध नहीं है अपितु सही जानकारी लोगो को मिले जिस से सबका भला हो सके 

 देखीये क्या है न्यूज़ - 

टीइटी मेरिट को न बनाएं चयन का मापदंड
Updated on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 05:58 PM (IST)

प्रतापगढ़ : टीइटी उत्तीर्ण बीएड अभ्यर्थियों की बैठक में अध्यक्षता कर रहे ज्ञानेश तिवारी ने कहा कि प्राथमिक शिक्षक भर्ती प्रक्रिया में टीइटी की मेरिट को चयन का मापदंड न बनाया जाय क्योंकि यह एक पात्रता परीक्षा है

उन्होंने कहा कि पिछले दो वर्षो से 72825 शिक्षकों की भर्ती प्रक्रिया रुकी होने से टीइटी पास बीएड डिग्री धारक परेशान हैं। अंजनी कुमार सिंह ने कहा कि प्रदेश सरकार को चाहिए कि इसका शीघ्र ही कोई स्थाई हल निकाले, जिससे रुकी हुई प्रक्रिया पुन: शुरू हो सके। अंत में दो मिनट का मौन रख कर उत्तराखंड आपदा में मारे गए लोगों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की गई। इस मौके पर पुनीत तिवारी, अखिलेश सिंह, शशिकांत मिश्र, शैलेश सिंह, विनय कुमार शुक्ल, आशीष शुक्ल आदि रहे

News Sabhaar : Jagran (7.7.13)

एन  सी  टी ई ने कहा  है  कि टी ई टी अंकों को  चयन  में वेटेज दीया जाये  -

9(b) should give weightage to the TET scores in the recruitment process
however, qualifying the TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for 

टी ई टी अंकों के  सुधार  / वृद्धी   हेतु  , अभ्यर्थी पुन : परीक्षा  में   बैठ  सकते -
See :
Frequency of conduct of TET and validity period of TET certificate :-
11 The appropriate Government should conduct a TET at least once every year. The Validity Period of TET qualifying certificate for appointment will be decided by the appropriate Government subject to a maximum of seven years for all categories. But there will be no restriction on the number of attempts a person can take for acquiring a TET Certificate. A person who has qualified TET may also appear again for improving his/her score

अगर ये  ये पात्रता परीक्षा है, तो अंकों के सुधार का क्या मतलब 

इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट की ट्रिपल बेंच ने टी ई टी मामले पर क्या कहा है  -

Our court is fully aware of the huge problems that are being faced in this branch of elementary education with the influx of temporary methods of providing instruction through teachers like Shiksha Mitra and Preraks. In this background, the emphasis of quality teachers attains more importance.

This norm therefore cannot be diluted. Apart from this, the State Government has to take notice of the fact that weightage has to be given in the recruitment process as well
We wish to clarify that the binding effect of the notifications and the guidelines is such that the weightage which is contemplated under the guidelines dated 11th February, 2011 cannot be ignored. The minimum score that is required of a candidate is 60% to pass the teacher eligibility test. A concession of 5% has been made in favour of the reserved category candidates including the physically challenged and disabled persons.
This norm therefore cannot be diluted. Apart from this, the State Government has to take notice of the fact that weightage has to be given in the recruitment process as well. It is for the State Government to suitably adopt the said guidelines and we do not wish to add anything further at this stage as we are only concerned with the essentiality of the qualification of the teacher eligibility test to be possessed by any candidate aspiring to be appointed as a teacher. 

We wish to make it clear that the law has to be followed in the manner in which it has been legislated. It cannot be diluted on account of the inaction of the State. In such circumstances all teachers whose appointment relate to the period after 23.8.2010 have to be possessed of TET.

There also the word qualification came up for consideration and the apex court after having noticed the requirement came to the conclusion that there has to be a uniform scrutiny of all the candidates as they are possessed of educational and training qualifications from different sources. 

The questions that have been therefore framed by us are answered as follows:-

1. The teacher eligibility test is an essential qualification that has to be possessed by every candidate who seeks appointment as a teacher of elementary education in Classes 1 to 5 as per the notification dated 23.8.2010 which notification is within the powers of the NCTE under Section 23(1) of the 2009 Act.

2. Clause 3(a) of the notification dated 23.8.2010 is an integral part of the notification and cannot be read in isolation so as to exempt such candidates who are described in the said clause to be possessed of qualifications from the teacher eligibility test.

3. We approve of the judgment of the division bench in Prabhakar Singh's case to the extent of laying down the interpretation of the commencement of recruitment process under Clause 5 of the notification dated 23.8.2010 but we disapprove and overrule the ratio of the said decision in relation to grant of exemption and relaxation from teacher eligibility test to the candidates referred to in Clause 3 (a) of the notification dated 23.8.2010, and consequently, hold that the teacher eligibility test is compulsory for all candidates referred to in Clause 1 and Clause 3 (a).

Let the judgement be accordingly placed before the respective benches for appropriate orders.

Source : http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShowJudgment.do?judgmentID=2617665


UPTET 2011 : 72825 Teacher Recruitment Case in Court

UPTET 2011 : 72825 Teacher Recruitment Case in Court

आपको क्या लगता है 72825 शिक्षकों की भर्ती का अंतिम हल कोर्ट से क्या आएगा -
1. टेट मेरिट 
2. अकादमिक मेरिट 
3. टेट मेरिट + गुणांक 
4. भर्ती निरस्त 

आप अपने विकल्प के साथ अपने तर्क , नियम भी जरूर दें 
देखते हैं कितने लोगों की बात सही साबित होती है 
कल कोर्ट में अकादमिक वर्सस टीईटी मेरिट के विवाद का हल होना है 

Case Status - Allahabad
Special Appeal Defective : 237 of 2013 [Allahabad]
Counsel (Pet.):
Counsel (Res.):
Special Appeals Special Appeals-Against Final Order Of Single Judge In Writ Petition
Date of Filing:
To Be Listed on:
08/07/2013 in Court No. 33

एक और बात -

हिंदुस्तान के लगभग  सभी राज्यों में आर टी ई के तहत होने वाली शिक्षक भर्ती कोर्ट व चुनावी दांव पेच में फंसती नजर आ रही है 


Infrastructure Facilities in Schools

CTET / NCTE / RTE : Infrastructure Facilities in Schools

Teacher Eligibility Test News  / Information 

Infrastructure Facilities in Schools
As per the District Information System for Education(DISE) 2011-12 (provisional), some States do reflect a gap in school infrastructure as 94.3% government elementary schools have drinking water, 87.9% schools have toilets and 61.7% schools have ramps.7 States / UTs have Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) above the National average of 1:31 at primary level and 8 States / UTs are above the national level of 1:29 at upper primary stage.

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) seeks to augment school infrastructure with the objective of meeting the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 requirements, for which so far 3.04 lakh school buildings, 17.92 lakh additional classrooms, 8.53 lakh toilets,2.29 lakh drinking water facilitiesand 5.01 lakh ramps have been sanctioned across the States/Union Territories.

Under the SSA, efforts to improve quality in schools have been undertaken through improved textbooks based on the National Curriculum Framework 2005, the distribution of free textbooks, annual in-service training of all teachers, setting-up of academic supervision and support structures at block and cluster level and the introduction of comprehensive and continuous evaluation.For improving the Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR), more than 19 lakh posts of teachers have been sanctioned. Furthermore, under the RTE Act, 2009, the National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) has notified the minimum qualifications and also made the holding of the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) mandatory to improve the quality of teachers.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Dr. Shashi Tharoor in Lok Sabha today.

Source: http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=90514

CTET / NCTE / RTE : Speech Delivered by DR. M. M. Pallam Raju

CTET / NCTE / RTE Speech Delivered by DR. M. M. Pallam Raju

Given below is the Speech Delivered by DR. M. M. Pallam Raju, Minister for Human Resource Development at the 60th Meeting of Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) held on 
8th November, 2012 at New Delhi 

“I have immense pleasure in welcoming you all to the 60th Meeting of the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE). Let me also introduce my colleague in the Ministry and Vice Chairperson of the Committee Dr. Shashi Tharoor. I also take this opportunity to thank my predecessor Chairman Shri Kapil Sibal ji and also Vice Chairpersons E. Ahamed and Dr. D. Purandeswari. I thank the Hon’ble Ministers and distinguished members of CABE for coming to the meeting at such a short notice.

As you are aware, the meeting was earlier scheduled on 1st November, which had to be postponed due to unavoidable reasons. I thought that prolonged postponement of CABE may not be proper and have therefore called this meeting before the winter session of Parliament.

2. In a country as diverse and as large as ours, the task of developing national policies while at the same time respecting and incorporating regional aspirations and an inclusive agenda of growth is indeed really challenging. It is in this context that I have always emphasized on a participatory approach in which all of us, be it Central Government of State Governments, academics, autonomous institutions, private sector and all other stakeholders, work together towards a common goal which is empowering the children and youth of India through education and knowledge.

3. As all of us are aware, CABE is the highest advisory body to advise Central Government and State Governments in the field of Education. I would like to continue the tradition of having regular meetings of CABE which has served as a forum of wide ranging consultations and has helped in developing consensus on various issues within all the sub-sectors of education ranging from elementary, adult, secondary, higher, technical, vocational and open and distance education. I would also like to mention that Planning Commission in its Approach Paper to the XII Five Year Plan has recognised Education as the single most important instrument for social and economic transformation. The Approach Paper mentions that a well educated population, adequately equipped with knowledge and skill is not only essential to support economic growth, but is also a precondition for growth to be inclusive since it is the educated and skilled person who can stand to benefit most from the employment opportunities which growth will provide. Thus, collectively we have to decide policies and programmes for realizing India’s human resource potential to its fullest in the education sector, with equity and excellence.

6. I am also glad to inform that the Committees which we were formed during the 58th Meeting of CABE have submitted their reports which are before us for consideration. The Report of the CABE Committee on curbing unfair practices in school education sector along with draft legislation is before us today. The proposed legislation defines the various practices in the school education sector which will be treated as ‘unfair’ including charging excessive fee, lack of transparency in conducting the admission test for the standard XI, recruiting teachers without qualification, giving teachers and other administrative staff lesser salary than shown in the school records, recruiting teachers with low salary, exploitation of teachers through various means, not admitting special children, and discrimination of students, especially those belonging to SC/ST/OBC and weaker sections of society. The draft provides for mechanism of redress of complaints while prescribing the quantum of punishments for acts that violate the provisions of the proposed legislation.

7. Another CABE Committee on University Reforms has also submitted its report which emphasizes on the launch of a Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan which would have a special focus on incentivising state governments and state institutions.

8. The Committee on “Extension of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 to Pre-school Education and Secondary Education” has also submitted its status report. The major issues that were identified by the Committee for further discussion are: (1) the entry age for pre-school under the extended framework; (2) qualifications and capacity building of teachers for preschool; (3) ensuring focus on child-centered pedagogy, play-way method and holistic development as critical elements of pre-school education: and (4) need for effective coordination with ICDS. As regards extending RtE to secondary levels, assessment of existing infrastructure, (i) age of children in the secondary education (15-16 or 15-18 years) and duration of secondary education (IX-X or IX-XII). (ii) appointment of additional teachers as per new PTR norm which would be fixed if RTE is extended,
(iii) consultation with all partners like state governments (on various issues like the norms of opening school, school infrastructure, teacher recruitment etc.), NCERT on curriculum and NCTE for qualification of teacher appointment, Teacher eligibility test, Teacher training institute, role and regulatory mechanism of the private sector (iv) sharing of financial responsibility between the Center and the states, are some of the key issues. As you would all appreciate, these issues need to be discussed comprehensively before we decide to extend RtE to pre-school and secondary level.

9. Since the coming into effect of Right to Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, all States/UTs have notified RTE Rules and 24 States/UTs have constituted SCPCR/REPA. However, we need to take a number of measures for filling up the vacancies of teachers as also provision of infrastructure. In this context, some of the State Education Ministers have also been requesting extending the time period prescribed for implementation of the Act. We would consider the same along with review of the progress of RtE.

10. As regards Teachers’ Education, Justice J. S. Verma Committee has given its report which was sent to all the State Governments. We will be having a detailed presentation on the measures to be taken by Central and State Governments in this regard. 

11. Skill Development and vocational education has been a key intervention in the education sector. In this context, we would be discussing reform measures in polytechnic sector. There are four strands of reform that have been identified in the process of consultations relating to:

Content and curriculum reform.
Faculty development and enrichment.
Reforms in assessment and certification methods.
Reforms in regulatory measures and institutional incentives.

12. As regards higher education, I feel the Consolidation of the Initiatives undertaken during XI Plan period, strengthening of the State Institutions, Faculty Development, Strengthening Research and Innovation in Basic Sciences and Social Sciences, Skill Building, Vocational Education and strengthening academia – industry linkages should be the critical focus areas.

13. Before I conclude, I would also like to mention that education should lead to building of an inclusive, just and fair society and it is in this context that I have been emphasizing on value education. Education in my view should lead to character building of our youth and also inspire them to work towards the task of nation building in addition to their work for employment or self-employment.

14. I would like meaningful exchange of views on all the agenda items and each one of you must contribute to making this a fruitful deliberation. I would request each one of you to express your views and pro-actively engage in the deliberations. These issues concern the future of the children and youth of our country and we should work together to improve access to education with equity and quality. With these words, I wish the proceedings all success and eagerly look forward to having a very engaging discussion.’’

Source : http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=88935


RTE / NCTE / TET : Union HRD Minister Reviews Implementation of RTE

RTE / NCTE / TET : Union HRD Minister Reviews Implementation of RTE

Teacher Eligibility Test News  / Information 

Union HRD Minister Reviews Implementation of RTE

Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development reviewed the implementation of the RTE Act, 2009 at a meeting with State Education Secretaries here today. Also present in the meeting were Dr. D Purendeswari, MoS for HRD, Smt. Anshu Vaish, Secretary, Dept. of School Education and Literacy and other senior officials. During the meeting among the matters discussed was the need for a grievance redressal mechanism for the RTE. It was pointed out that the RTE Act makes local authorities the grievance redressal agencies and the SCPCRs the appellate bodies at the State level. In this context it is necessary to establish the modalities through which child rights under the RTE Act are protected and violations can be dealt with.

On the subject of Rationalizing Teacher Deployment, it was stated that a computerized software has been developed to facilitate states to undertake redeployment of teachers. The software uses the DISE database and can be customized to specific needs of the States. It has the potential to: 

Generate a list of under-served and over-served schools.
Create a vacancy database. 
Generate a list of vacancies subjects-wise. 
Be sensitive to the needs of physically handicapped teachers, women teachers and other categories as prioritized by the State. 
Correct existing imbalances in teacher deployment. 

Some of the other issues that were addressed during the meeting include a review of the status of notification of State rules under RTE Act, 2009 . A Review of status of constitution of SCPCR/REPA for protection of rights of children under the RTE Act was also done. The subject of Community Mobilisation and awareness creation of RTE was also underlined. Teacher related issues, including, Teacher Vacancies in State sector and SSA, Additional teachers to fulfill RTE Mandate, Teacher Qualifications and Revision of Recruitments Rules, Relaxation of Teacher Qualifications, Teacher Eligibility Test, Training of Untrained Teachers came up for discussion during the review. Also discussed was reimbursement for admission of 25 per cent children from disadvantaged groups and weaker sections in unaided schools

Source : http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=71794

CTET / NCTE / RTE : Central Government Prepared a Database for Online Verification of CTET / CBSE Details

CTET / NCTE / RTE : Central Government Prepared a Database for Online Verification of  CTET / CBSE Details

Teacher Eligibility Test News  / Information 

National Database of Academic Certificates
Ministry of HRD has instructed Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to carry out a pilot project on National Academy Depository, (NAD). The database would facilitate online verification of academic awards issued by the CBSE thereby removing attempts made to use fake/forged academic certificates.

As a part of pilot implementation, CBSE has made available the academic awards of following examinations on the NAD system:

(i) Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) 2011
(ii) CBSE Board XII Standard Exam 2011

The pilot is available free of cost for a maximum period of 3 months from the date of installation (26.07.2011).

This information was given by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Smt. D. Purandeswari, in a written reply to a question, in the Rajya Sabha today.

Source  : http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=75133