NTPC Asst. Chemist Trainees 2011 (Advt No. 04/10)
(Online screening test held on 12.03.2011 & 13.03.2011)
(Online screening test held on 12.03.2011 & 13.03.2011)
Regd. No/Appl No. of candidates short listed for interviews for the post of Asst Chemist
Trainees -
45390 46796 48476 49903 52610
45432 46838 48552 49961 52784
45467 46861 48588 50034 52832
45508 47042 48607 50152 52894
45536 47046 48621 50172 53385
45605 47054 48647 50242 53450
45654 47101 48713 50261 53814
45810 47104 48737 50336 53862
45944 47140 48760 50759 54056
45959 47203 48782 50790 54062
46013 47262 48900 50898 54095
46085 47333 48978 50964 54135
46123 47416 48994 51067 54163
46142 47599 49032 51139 54600
46178 47601 49185 51377 54707
46233 47607 49495 51462 54807
46320 47885 49534 51626 55131
46323 47897 49564 51787 55145
46328 47916 49686 51852 55205
46349 47945 49694 52292 55838
46358 48115 49740 52337 56311
46384 48162 49786 52374
46509 48170 49803 52447
46655 48335 49886 52530
46742 48395 49901 52607
For more details . visit - http://ntpc.timesjobs.com/