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सरकारी नौकरी शिक्षक भर्ती/नियुक्ति परिणाम / टीईटी Sarkari Naukri Recruitment/Appointment Result. Latest/Updated News - UPTET, CTET, BETET, RTET, APTET, TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) Merit/Counselling for Primary Teacher(PRT) of various state government including UP, Bihar
Please do not use abusive/gali comment to hurt anybody OR to any authority. You can use moderated way to express your openion/anger. Express your views Intelligenly, So that Other can take it Seriously.
कृपया ध्यान रखें: अपनी राय देते समय अभद्र शब्द या भाषा का प्रयोग न करें। अभद्र शब्दों या भाषा का इस्तेमाल आपको इस साइट पर राय देने से प्रतिबंधित किए जाने का कारण बन सकता है। टिप्पणी लेखक का व्यक्तिगत विचार है और इसका संपादकीय नीति से कोई संबंध नहीं है। प्रासंगिक टिप्पणियां प्रकाशित की जाएंगी।
Its mean vacancy gayi thande baste me..
ReplyDeleteab mushkil hai vigyapti ka aana
Mere 118 marks hai,court ne jin qu.par aapttiya jatai hai mujhe usse 3 marks ka fayada hua hai...par maine 5 jilo me form dal diye hai aur usme maine purane marks hi bhare hai,to naye marks ka fayada mujhe kaise milega...kya naye marks aane ke baad fir se aavedan karna hoga..
ReplyDeleteमाध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद द्वारा 13 नवंबर को आयोजित शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा में अभ्यर्थियों को शुरू से ही समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा। समस्या की शुरुआत आवेदन पत्रों से हुईऔर परीक्षा परिणाम आने के बाद तक जारीहै। किसी ने अधिक अंक पाया लेकिनकम अंक मिले तो किसी का परीक्षा परिणाम ही नहीं आया। समस्याओं का अंतहीन सिलसिला अभी जारी है।
ReplyDeleteहजारों की संख्या में आवेदन पत्र लौटआए, जबकि अभ्यर्थियों ने पर्याप्तसमय रहते आवेदन किया था। ऐसे आवेदन पत्रों को शामिल करने की मांग को लेकरकई बार धरना-प्रदर्शन हुए पर बोर्ड नेउनकी मांगों को खारिजकर दिया। जिनके आवेदन स्वीकार किए गएउनकी समस्याएं भी कम नहीं रहीं। हजारों के प्रवेश पत्रों में गड़बड़ी आगई। किसी को प्राथमिक का प्रवेश पत्रमिला तो उच्चप्राथमिक का नहीं मिला। इसी तरह किसी को उच्च प्राथमिक का प्रवेश पत्र मिलातो प्राथमिक का नहीं मिला। प्रवेश पत्रों के डिटेल में भी गड़बड़ी मिली। बोर्ड दफ्तर पर समस्याग्रस्त अभ्यर्थियों का जमावड़ा लगने लगा। किसी को राहत मिली तो किसी को फटकार। परीक्षा की तिथि नजदीक आ गई। पर प्रवेश पत्रों की गड़बड़ी नहीं ठीक हुई।ऐसे भी अभ्यर्थी थे, जिन्होंने प्राथमिक और उच्च प्राथमिक दोनों के आवेदन डाले थे पर एक का भी प्रवेश पत्र नहीं आया। अभ्यर्थी पहले बोर्ड दफ्तरके चक्कर लगाते रहे। बाद में अभ्यर्थियों को जानकारी दी गई कि जेडीकार्यालय से नएप्रवेश पत्र मिलेंगे। जेडी कार्यालयों में तीन दिन दौड़ाने के बाद कहा गया कि परीक्षा के एक दिन पूर्व प्रवेश पत्र मिलेगा। हालात यह रहे कि 13 नवंबर को परीक्षा थी और अभ्यर्थी 12 नवंबर की देर रात प्रवेशपत्र के लिए जेडी कार्यालयों पर डटे रहे। परीक्षा हो गई। 25 नवंबरको परिणाम भी आ गए। नए अनुक्रमांक वालों के परिणाम नहीं आए। हजारों अभ्यर्थियों के परीक्षा परिणाम थोड़ीसी गड़बड़ी के कारण नहीं आए। किसी का अनुक्रमांक गलत तो किसी का वर्ग गलत।
पांच बार संशोधित हुई आंसर सीट
बोर्ड ने दो दिन बाद आंसर की भी जारी कर दी। आंसर की में 13 प्रश्नों के बोर्ड दो उत्तर बता रहा था। इसके बाद पांच बार आंसर की संशोधित की गई। इसके बावजूद भी सभी आपत्तियों का निस्तारण नहीं किया गया। नए अनुक्रमांक वालों से कहा गया कि उन्हें दोबारा आवेदन करने होंगे। इसकी भी कोई आधिकारिक सूचना नहीं दी गई। अभ्यर्थियों को अखबारों के माध्यम से यह खबर पता चली। प्रदेश के कोने-कोने से अभ्यर्थियों ने आकर नयाआवेदन किया। उनमें से कुछ अभ्यर्थियों के परीक्षा परिणाम आ चुके हैं, कुछ के अभी भी नहीं आए हैं। विडंबना यह है कि बोर्ड ने अपनी गलतियों को तो सुधार लिया पर अभ्यर्थियों द्वारा हुई मानवीय भूल को नहीं सुधारा। अभ्यर्थियों से स्पष्ट कह दिया गया था कि उनके द्वारा ओएमआर शीट में की गई गलतियों पर बोर्ड कोई विचार नहीं करेगा। बोर्डके इसी रवैये के खिलाफ अभ्यर्थियों नेहाईकोर्ट में याचिका दायर की थी। हाईकोर्ट के इस आदेश के बाद अभ्यर्थियों ने राहत की सांस ली है।आवेदन भरने से ही दुश्वारियां दर दुश्वारियां हो रही है ।
आनन्द पाण्डेय
New Advt. Zari Ho Gaya Hai. See AMAR UJALA.
ReplyDeleteसुप्रभात मित्रो ।अरे कोई NCTE के नियमोँ के खिलाफ कोर्ट मे क्योँ नहीँ जाता है ?
ReplyDeleteBaura gaye ho ka katil bhai?
ReplyDeleteADVT. Me kya hai kaatil bhai.
ReplyDeleteBoraya Nahi Hun Bhai, Govt. Ne keh To Diya Hai. Court ne 15 Days ka Samay Diya Hai. Lekin Tab Tak Process Shuru Ho Chukegi. Number Badhwane Walo Ko Fayda 2nd Ya 3rd Counselling Me Milega. Roz Roz Ke Natak Se 15 Days Tak Relief To Mili.
ReplyDeleteकहाँ के अमर उजाला मे लिखा है
ReplyDeleteMoradabad Ke AMAR UJALA Me
ReplyDeleteBlog Me Upar Lagi News Mein Bhi Likha Dikh Raha Hai Ki Govt. Ne Revised G.O. Jari Kar Diya Hai. Ab To Khush Ho Jao. Court Ki Decision Ki Tension Lene Ki Zarurat Nahi Hai, Isme Kuch Questions Par Sabhi Ke Number Badhenge.
ReplyDeleteअध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा से मुक्त शारीरिक शिक्षक!मुरादाबाद : शारीरिक शिक्षक अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा अर्थात टीईटी से मुक्त हैं। सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम से इस तथ्य का खुलासा हुआ है। इसके बाद बीपीएड, डीपीएड व सीपीएड शिक्षकों ने समूचे प्रकरण पर मुख्यमंत्री को ज्ञापन देकर बेसिक तथा माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में शारीरिक शिक्षकों का पद सृजित करने तथा उसपर नियुक्ति करने की मांग करेंगे। सीपीएड प्रशिक्षित बेरोजगार संघ के सचिव दीपक कुमार ने 27 सितंबर को सूचना अधिकार अधिनियम के माध्यम से राष्ट्रीय अध्यापक शिक्षा परिषद की जनसूचना अधिकारी ममता कुकरेती से सूचना मांगी थी कि क्या शारीरिक शिक्षकों के लिए अध्यापक पात्रता की परीक्षा पास करना अनिवार्य है। इस पर 5 दिसंबर को ममता कुकरेती ने जवाब दिया कि राष्ट्रीय अध्यापक शिक्षा परिषद विनियम 2010 तथा संशोधन विनियम 2011 जो कि 25 अगस्त 2010 तथा 2 अगस्त 2011 को भारत के असाधारण राजपत्र में प्रकाशित हुए थे, उसमें शारीरिक शिक्षक पद पर नियुक्ति हेतु अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करना अनिवार्य नहीं किया गया है। इस जवाब के आने के बाद बीपीएड, डीपीएड, सीपीएड प्रशिक्षित बेरोजगार संगठन सक्रिय हो गया है। उन्होंने एक बैठक कर शनिवार को अहम निर्णय लिया। इसकी जानकारी देते हुए संगठन की अध्यक्ष अचला मिश्रा व सचिव दीपक कुमार ने बताया कि 22 दिसंबर को एक प्रतिनिधि मंडल प्रदेश की मुख्यमंत्री को संबोधित ज्ञापन यहां के डीएम का सौंपेगा। इसके माध्यम से मांग की जाएगी कि बेसिक तथा माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में शारीरिक शिक्षकों के पद सृजित कर उस पर नियुक्ति की जाए।
ReplyDeletePlease don't use name of Muskan other than editor, It makes wrong impression to visitors.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, we make such comment as spam, threfore once it enabled as spam than all comments generated from ip address/computer becomes spam.
UPTET Cancel Nahi Hoga. Ye Manviye Bhoole Hai, Jo Har Pariksha Me Hoti Hain. Agar CTET Me Bhi Answer Keys Di Jati Aur Selection Ka Base CTET Ki Marit Ko Bana Diya Jata To Usme Me Bhi UPTET Jaisa Haal Hota. Pariksha Radd Kiye Jane Ke Liye Usme Ki Gayi Dhandhliyo Ke Pukhta Saboot Hone Chahiye Jo Kisi Ke Pass Nahi Hai. Keval Isme Hue Sanshodano Ko Iske Radd Karne Ka Aadhar Nahi Mana Ja Sakta. Balki Ye To Aur Achha Hai Ki Board Apni Galtiya Sudhar Raha Hai.
ReplyDeleteKaatil bhai aap galat soch rahe ho...jab tak naya result nai aa jata tab tak counselling nai suru ho sakti hai,agar suru hoti hai to mai khud court se stay order le aunga...kyoki mere marks badhenge to mujhe pahle chance milna chahiye
ReplyDelete1ST counselling-121
2nd counselling-113
3rd counselling -106
4th counselling -101
5th counselling -97 or 98
Ek purani kahawat hain gaon basa nahi chor pahley aa gaye are number badh bhi jayenge to kya hoga jab vigypti/niyukti hi nahi hogi
ReplyDeleteplz koi bataye ki B series ke question no. 125 n 142 me kaun se questions the.mera que. booklet A tha.
ReplyDeleteBhai, Court Ne Result Revised Karne Ko Kaha Hai, Process Stay Nahi Ki Hai. SBTC 2008 Mein Bhi Ab Tak Court Ke Order Aate Rahe Hai, Lekin Process Nahi Roki.
ReplyDeleteए जी ओ जी लो जी सुनो जी - सबके गले में माया का फंदा , जेबें भरो करो धंधा
ReplyDeleteMai bik chuka hu
ReplyDeletemain congress se paise lekar kam karha hu
mere pas to paisa aa chuka hai tum jao bhad mai
hi friends, abhi tak to new ad. hi nahi aya saturday ko ane ke liye kaha gaya tha per koi bhi information abhi tak nahi hai ki new ad ayega ya old ad. ko hi fill kiya jayega. form bharne main bhi to time lagega.internal area main main itni jaldi kaise pahuch payenge application.
ReplyDeleteBooket B Ka 125 No. Ka Question- Sea Turtle Ya समुद्री कच्छपोँ
ReplyDeleteAnd 142 Question Is - पृथ्वी पर कितनी मात्रा जल की है।
125 ke B and C Dono Par Number Diye Jayenge,
142 Ke A and D Par Number Diye Jayenge.
THANKS Kaatil jatt ji.
ReplyDeleteChahe kitni bhi koshis kar le madam maya ab kuch nhi ho sakta
ReplyDeleteab to process radh hokar hi rhega
ab bahut der ho chuki hai
upcmo.Up.Nic/key_contacts par sabhi bde adhikariyo ke no. Hai jaise shashank shekhar, anil sant etc aap chaho to unse maloom kr sakte ho
Kisi Ne Kaha Hai Ki, "Agar Achhi Bat Nahi Kar Sakte To Buri To Mat Karo." Yeh Kya Sab Log Subah Se Lekar Raat Tak Bus Niyukti Radd Hogi, Selection Nahi Hogi, Jaise Baat Karte Rahte Hai. Kabhi To Achha Bol Liya Karo.
ReplyDeleteDraft naya banwaya jaye ya purane wale draft ke xerox ka use kiya jaaye.
ReplyDeleteMai congress ke liye kam karta hu
ReplyDeletemai nahi chahta ke kisi ki naukri lge jabhi to itni jyada der lgaa rha hu
hi neta nagri ki baat chodiye bus sabhi logo ka khyal rakiye.
ReplyDeletemerit obc ki kahan tak ja sakti hai
ReplyDeleteanybody is there.....
ReplyDeleteHc judge sudhir agarwal ji
ReplyDeletetumhe 270000 stu ki hai lagegi
bhagwan tumhe bhool se bhi manav shreer nahi dega
aap keede pd pd ke sad ke maroge
tumhe jeevan mai kabi sukh nhi milega
tum marne ke baad 1 cr years tk donkey bnoge kyonki tumhe bahut garv hai apni budhi pr
sc/ st ki merit bareilly mein kahan tak jayegi.kisi ko idea ho to bata do bhai.(mera vodafone hai.he..he..he..)
ReplyDeleteTET KI TARAH MET(MINISTER ELIGIBILLITY TEST)bhi hona chaiye.kmse se kam desh kuch to tarraki karege.plz vote
ReplyDeleteBooket B Ka 125 No. Ka Question- Sea Turtle Ya समुद्री कच्छपोँ And 142 Question Is - पृथ्वी पर कितनी मात्रा जल की है। 125 ke B and C Dono Par Number Diye Jayenge, 142 Ke A and D Par Number Diye Jayenge
Thanks Katil Jaat, Main -Two nos. kam count kar rahee thee.
iska matlab ab 2 no. bad jayenge.
kya application deni hogee?
dosto vighaypti kis site or kis news paper mai ae h please tell me.
ReplyDeletevigyapti ka kuch pata chalega ki nahi koi nahi janta hai agr koi janta hai top o hai maya ji .
ReplyDeleteye court ja order second paper ke liye hai
ReplyDeletejitendra g i agry with you completly,main to day one se yahi soch rahi hoon k iss tarah se hooni chahiye coundeling.isse jis k jitney marks hain use us hisaab se district mil jayrga
ReplyDeleteAmit Sharma from Firozabad says---
ReplyDeleteDear Jitendraji, I m 100% agree to u for this selection procedure. Actually fact is max.candidiate think like this from starting of this application. But nobody knows why is not being done????? What's yr openion jitendraji and other freinds? why selection board is not thinking like this?? What they want?
koi online hai party..
ReplyDeleteGood news for all merit holder: Kal ke baad HC band ho rahi hai aur kal Prabha ji HC main paish hongi. Aur jaha tak mujhey news mili hai (sahi ya galt i don't know)vigyapan kal ayega.
ReplyDeleteha pankaj ji main hu online
ReplyDeletehello vijay, or bataoo kya ho rha hai..
ReplyDeletevijay bhai, ab tumko kya lagta hai, tet ki kitne merit nikaligi,..
ReplyDeletekuch nahi bus wait wait aur sirf wait
ReplyDeletewait to pura up kar rha hai.. tumhare kitne marks hai..
ReplyDeletemerit to baad ki baat hai mere bhai pahley vigyapanto nikle. jab form hi nahi submit ho payega to merit ya number ka kya fayda
ReplyDeletevijay bhai aisa nhi hai, ap tension naa lo,, agr foam nhi jama ho payege too date jarur badegi, logo ki batao par jyada dhyana mat doo,, jo hoga acha hoga or sabke sath ak jaise he hoga..
ReplyDeletemere nahi haimere bhai ke 112 marks hai general art.
ReplyDeleteinsha allah humara name aoo jayea, or batao party..
ReplyDeletewo sab to thik hain par 1.1.2012 ka bhi to dhyan rakhna hai na
ReplyDeleteNext week election comission election ki ghoshna krega(etvup)
ReplyDeleteab kuch nhi ho sakta
bhool jao naukri ko
This is an UNCERTIFIED copy for information/reference. For authentic copy please refer to certified copy only. In case of any mistake, please bring it to the notice of Deputy Registrar(Copying).
Court No. - 33
1. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 71563 of 2011
Petitioner :- Lalit Mohan Singh
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Siddharth Khare,Ashok Khare
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,K.S. Kushwaha
Connected with
2. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 71399 of 2011
Petitioner :- Jai Prakash Pandey & Others
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Another
Petitioner Counsel :- S.K. Shukla
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
3. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72823 of 2011
Petitioner :- Santosh Kumar Singh
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- B.R. Sharma,Arvind Kumar Srivastava
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,Sandeep Kumar Srivastava
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72606 of 2011
4. Petitioner :- Radhey Shyam & Others
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- H.K. Shukla
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,Sanjay Dwivedi
5.Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72350 of 2011
Petitioner :- Deependra Kumar
Respondent :- U.P. Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Arvind Kumar Tewari
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,C.N. Tripathi.
6. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72750 of 2011
Petitioner :- Ranoo Pandey
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- K.M. Tripathi
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
7. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72825 of 2011
Petitioner :- Rupali Gupta
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Ramesh Chandra Agrahari
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
8. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72557 of 2011
Petitioner :- Kiran Singh
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Another
Petitioner Counsel :- Anil Kumar Singh
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
9. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72555 of 2011
Petitioner :- Neelam Singh
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Another
Petitioner Counsel :- Rajendra Prasad Singh
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
10. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72554 of 2011
Petitioner :- Sarita Singh
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Another
Petitioner Counsel :- Rajendra Prasad Singh
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
tum chutiya hoo, har roz koi na koi niyam chang ho rha hai, to kaise tum koi decision lai sakte ho.. jao aish karoo
ReplyDelete11. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72561 of 2011
ReplyDeletePetitioner :- Sandhya
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Om Prakash Yadav
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,J.N. Maurya
12. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 71580 of 2011
Petitioner :- Madhulika Mishra
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Siddharth Khare,Ashok Khare
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,Jitendra Kumar
13. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72432 of 2011
Petitioner :- Chandan Shukla
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- D.P. Tripathi,M.K. Pandey
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,C.N. Tripathi
14. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72189 of 2011
Petitioner :- Prem Pal
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Yogendra Kumar Srivastava
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,R.A. Akhtar
15. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72326 of 2011
Petitioner :- Manoj Kumar & Another
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Another
Petitioner Counsel :- F.A. Ansari
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
16. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72400 of 2011
Petitioner :- Pardeshi Ram Kanojia & Another
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Abhishek Srivastava
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,C.N. Tripathi
17. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 71406 of 2011
Petitioner :- Virendra Kumar Singh
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Another
Petitioner Counsel :- Smt. Pratima Singh,Agni Pal Singh
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
18. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 71566 of 2011
Petitioner :- Vishwa Deepak Tripathi
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Another
Petitioner Counsel :- Upendra Kumar Pandey
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.
19. Case :- WRIT - A No. - 72558 of 2011
Petitioner :- Neetu Yadav
Respondent :- State Of U.P. & Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Rakesh Prasad,Mahendr Kumar
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,V.K. Kushwaha
Hon'ble Sudhir Agarwal, J.
ReplyDelete1. In this bunch of more than one and half dozen writ petitions aggrieved by test conducted by Secondary Education Board Allahabad, U.P. (hereinafter referred to as "the Board") termed as "U.P. Teachers Eligibility Test 2011", the petitioners have approached this Court by means of these writ petitions, assailing their failure on various grounds. Some broad issues are as under:
I. Several questions having multiple options were wrong in the sense that none of the options was correct answer to the concerned question.
II. Some of the questions were such where according to model answers subsequently disclosed by examining body, the option disclosed to be correct was actually incorrect. Instead some other answer was correct. Hence, the questions have been evaluated with wrong answers, following mistake committed in model key answers prepared by the Board.
III. The candidates were actually present and had appeared in the examination but were wrongly shown absent.
IV. More than one candidate were provided same roll number which has influenced their result.
V. Answer booklet of one series had been examined with model answer sheets of different series resulting in wrong evaluation/assessment of candidates' answer sheets.
2. There are certain minor individual complaints also with regard to assessment, declaration of result etc.
3. Considering volume of cases coming to this Court raising similar complaints some of which are referred above and magnitude of the test conducted by the Board, this Court found that it would be in the interest of public at large if these matters are disposed of at the earliest and in this view of the matter with the consent of learned counsel for the parties, the Court permitted them to address Court on various aspects based on their averments contained in their respective writ petitions in general.
4. So far as the Board is concerned, learned Standing Counsel chose not to file counter affidavit and instead had the benefit of presence of Secretary of the Board with relevant information and assisted the Court expressing Board's anxiety also of expeditious disposal of the matter in such a manner so that grievances of the petitioners are attended in an effective and objective manner and all these matters may settle finally. Regarding individual dispute relating to minor mistakes in assessment of answer sheets it was suggested that the Board shall entertain complaints made by individual candidates specifically and after looking into record and examining threadbare, the candidates shall be informed of the consequences. In this context, the only anxiety expressed by the Board is that this indulgence cannot be allowed for an indefinite period and, therefore, the Court may provide any reasonable time within which candidates aggrieved if any, may approach the Board with their complaints which shall be attended by it. Sri Neeraj Upadhyay, learned Standing Counsel, however, also informed the Court that the Board had already been receiving and attending complaints of candidates and had also examined the same in detail. He also informed that with regard to discrepancies in model key answers the complaints were attended by Board and they constituting a committee of experts who examined all the answer sheets threadbare and thereafter submitted their report. It has been explained by him that there were three sets of examinations namely;
ReplyDelete(I) Junior Primary Level Examination (Class I to V) (hereinafter referred to "J.L.E."
(II) Senior Primary Level Examination (Class VI to VIII) (Science) (hereinafter referred to "S.L.E.(S)"
(III) Senior Primary Level Examination (Class VI to VIII) (Arts)(hereinafter referred to "J.L.E.(A)"
He said that in every set of these examinations, answer sheets of four series were circulated to examinees which are Series 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'. The total number of questions in one set were 150. Questions set up in all the series of one kind of examination are same but their order/arrangement in different Series is different. For example, in J.L.E. question no.6 in Series 'A' is question no. 26 in Series 'B', 1 in Series 'C' and 21 in Series 'D' and so on. He said that in J.L.E.'s question paper committee of experts' constituted by Board found that there are five questions in which option shown to be correct in the model key answerers was actually incorrect and instead thereof other options were correct. Similar mistake in respect to eight questions was found in S.L.E.(S) and seven questions in S.L.E. (A). Besides in S.L.E.(S) two questions were such for which none of the options was correct. In S.L.E.(A) there are three such questions in which none of the option was correct. Sri Upadhyay, therefore, submitted that acting upon the aforesaid report of Experts, the Board revised its result by assigning marks to such candidates who had answered correct option (revised) by treating model key answers of that question incorrect and deducting marks allotted earlier. So far as the questions where no option was found correct, in respect thereof, all the candidates have been awarded marks whether they attempted the answer or not and revised result as such has been declared.
Bachcha chinta na kro
ReplyDeletehc judge and anil sant dono hram ke beej hai
mai in dono ki what lga dunga
aayushman bhav
5. Details of such questions, where answers, options have been
ReplyDeletevaried or where all answers were incorrect in different Series are as
Series 'A' Series 'B' Series 'C' Series 'D'
Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
6 D 26 D 1 D 21 D
109 B 114 B 99 B 104 B
141 A 121 A 146 A 126 A
144 B 124 B 149 B 129 B
145 B 126 B 150 B 130 B
Series 'A' Series 'B' Series 'C' Series 'D'
Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
20 C 7 B 2 B 10 C
22 B 10 D 5 D 27 B
25 D 15 C 25 C 30 D
37 A 36 B 31 B 32 A
51 B 52 A 57 A 56 B
69 C 61 C 76 C 64 C
86 C 84 C 89 C 71 C
97 B 95 * 92 B 100 *
140* * 130 * 115 * 105 *
145* * 147 B 150 * 142 B
Series 'A' Series 'B' Series 'C' Series 'D'
Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
20 C 7 B 2 B 10 C
22 B 10 D 5 D 27 B
25 D 15 C 25 C 30 D
37 A 36 B 31 B 32 A
51 B 52 A 57 A 56 B
69 C 61 C 76 C 64 C
86 C 84 C 89 C 71 C
126 * 93 * 106 * 98 *
140 * 130 * 115 * 105 *
143 * 131 * 148 * 111 *
(The asterisks show questions bearing all options in Key Answers
Amit-Firozabad, tumhare marks kitne hain. Fzb se highest marjs kitne hain.
ReplyDelete6. Sri Ashok Khare , learned Senior Advocate, appearing in Writ
ReplyDeletePetition No. 71563 of 2011 contended that in L.J.E., answer sheet,
Series 'B' there are three more questions namely, questions no. 21, 85
and 142 in regard whereto either of key answers are incorrect, or the
correct answer as per model key answer is incorrect and instead a
different answer is correct. These three questions and options given
thereto in Series 'B' of J.L.E. are as under:
“Q.21 To maintain interest among students in class, a
teacher should.
(A) use the blackboard (B) discuss
(C) tell stories (D) ask questions.
Q. 85 Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given
(A) feasibility (B) unability
(C) disability (D) inability.
Q.142. Oceans cover most of the earth's surface. Which is
(A) ¾ (B) 1/2 (C) 1/4 (D) 2/3
7. He further submitted that question no. 121 has four options
and all these options are incorrect. Similarly, with respect of question
no.125 he contended that earlier the model key answer shows option
'C' as correct while as per report of experts committee, the Board has
now switched to option 'B' but this is also incorrect option. Therefore,
deduction of marks in respect of question no. 125 Series 'B' of such
candidates who have opted for 'C' is incorrect.
8. In Writ Petition No. 71399 of 2011 Sri S.K. Shukla, Advocate,
advancing his submission on behalf of three petitioners, Sri Jai
Prakash Pandey, Sunita Pandey and Harshita Malviya, contended that
in J.L.E. Series 'B' questions no. 2, 3 and 28 also have wrong answers
in Model Key Answers and instead correct answers ought to be as
suggested by petitioners. These three questions read as under:
Q.2. Dyslexia is associated with
(A) mental disorder (B) mathematical disorder
(C) reading disorder (D) behavioural disorder.
Q.3. Education of children with special needs should be
(A) along with other normal children
(B) by methods developed for special children in
special schools
(C) in special school
(D) by special teachers in special schools.
Q. 28. You have been told to accommodate two
mentally retarded children in your class. You will
(A) refuse to accept them as your students
(B) tell the principal to accommodate them in another class exclusively for mentally retarded children
(C) learn techniques to teach such students
(D) none of these.
9. Similarly in regard to S.L.E.(A) Series 'B' he submitted that
ReplyDeleteanswers treated correct in model key answer in regard to questions
no. 3, 17 and 21 are not correct. These questions read as under:
Q.3. In which of the following stages do children become
active members of their jeer group?
(A) Adolescenee (B) Adolthood
(C) Early childhood (D) Childhood.
Q. 17. Some students send a greeting card to you on
Teacher's day. What will you do? You will
(A) do nothing (B) say thanks to them
(C) ask them not to waste money (D) reciprocate the
good wishes to them.
Q. 21. Authoritarian level teaching is
(A) teacher centred (B) child centred
(C) headmaster centred (D) experience based.
10. In all the remaining matters, learned counsel for the petitioners
did not make any individual submissions but adopted and followed
what has been argued by learned Senior Advocate Sri Khare and
others. Basically, their grievance is that individual errors in respect
whereto they have raised their complaints, the Board should be asked
to examine and take appropriate decision accordingly.
11. I propose to consider first the arguments with respect to
certain questions which according to petitioners are totally wrong or
options selected by Board is wrong and how it should be dealt with.
12. Before adverting to rival submissions, this Court has no
hesitation in reiterating the well settled exposition of law that in
academic matters expert's opinion should not be interfered lightly by
a Court of law in judicial review and instead great weightage has to
be attached to their opinion. There may be a situation where different
experts express different opinions but in such matters, broadly, the
stand of examining body should be accepted unless it is found to be
palpably wrong and erroneous. It is own case of the Board that in
J.L.E. five questions are such where options earlier treated correct by
Board were in fact not so and instead another option was correct.
Similar is the case in S.L.E.(S) with regard to eight questions and in
S.L.E.(A) seven questions.
13. Besides, two questions in S.L.E.(S) and three questions in
S.L.E.(A) are such where all the four options are incorrect. With
regard to these two and three questions respectively, the Board has
taken decision to award marks to all the candidates and for this stand
of the Board, learned counsel for the petitioners did not find any
objection, hence, so far as this aspect is concerned, it warrants no
consideration by this Court.
14. The Court is concerned with questions where instead of option
ReplyDeleteearlier shown correct by the Board, they have changed their view and
another option has been treated to be correct. What the Board has
done is that all the candidates who have answered revised option, the
Board has awarded marks to them and option declared earlier correct
but now incorrect, the marks awarded in respect thereof have been
deducted. To my mind this approach of the Board to some extent has
done more injustice. The Teachers Eligibility Test is a qualifying test
without which a candidate would not be eligible for appointment as
Assistant Teacher in Primary School in view of Regulations framed by
the National Council for Teachers Education (hereinafter referred to
as “NCTE”) in exercise of power under Section 23 of Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (in short “Act,
15. The general candidates securing 60% and above marks and
reserved category candidates securing 55% and more marks are to be
declared successful. It is per se not a competitive test. Inclusion of
one shall not necessarily result in exclusion of another. If a candidate
has already been declared successful on the basis of answers to
respective questions in which options have now have been altered by
the Board, and, on the basis of awarding of such marks he has been
declared successful it would be unjust to declare him unsuccessful
now if due to deduction of marks of such questions, the total marks
secured by him earlier become lower than the prescribed pass marks.
In my view the revised opinion of the Board in respect of such
questions should not affect the result of candidates who have already
been declared successful and they should remain untouched. The
process adopted by the Board is basically in the nature of corrective
steps and if that be so, it ought no to have acted prejudicial to the
candidates already declared successful merely on account of revised
opinion with regard to options which were earlier treated correct.
16. Coming to the submission that in JLE there are some questions
which are palpably incorrect or options determined by the Board to
be correct is still incorrect. I proceed to examine whether it can be
said that the Board's decision is ex facie incorrect and arbitrary or
JAB vigyapti der se ayegi to form time se kaise pahunc payenge
ReplyDelete17. Question no. 21, Series 'B' J.L.E. is, “what should a teacher do
ReplyDeleteto maintain interest amongst the student in a Class”. This question
forms part of Section I relating to Pedagogy. The dictionary meaning
of the word 'Pedagogy' is study of teaching methods. It basically
involves knowledge and training, though scientific but philosophical
in aspects. Experience of different persons in the field may have
some variations. In these circumstances, general practice in such
matter is to follow opinion which is widely accepted and the manner
in which, most of the Experts treat correct. No mathematical
precision can be found. By referring to one or two text books or
individual opinion nothing can be said or argued. Unless shown ex
facie improbable, the Courts must honour and respect opinion of
Expert's and examining body since it is their field of expertise and,
therefore, the same must be given due honour. This is a question
based on experience and subjective opinion of Experts who may
differ. The Board has provided option 'D' as the correct answer and it
cannot be said that it is palpably erroneous or faulty. Where two
views are possible the opinion of Experts on the subject and the
examining body must be given due credit, respect and deserved
preference. I, therefore, find no reason to accept submission of Sri
Ashok Khare in regard to Question no. 21 Series 'B', J.L.E.
18. Question no. 85, Series B, J.L.E. asked opposite of 'Ability'. The
Board finds correct option as 'D'. Sri Khare submitted that even
'disability' is correct answer. In this question, in fact, according to Sri
Khare, there are two options which are correct i.e., 'disability' and
'inability'. Learned counsel for the petitioner tried to rely on certain
legal dictionaries' meanings in this regard. I find no force.
19. 'Disability' and 'inability' do not carry the same meaning though
to some extent the consequences may be the same. The term
'disability' is defined in New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary of the
English Language 1987 Edition at page 269 as under:
“Disability: a being physically or mentally disabled; a
cause of this; a legal disqualification or
incapacity .”
Similarly, 'inability' is also therein at page 488 as under:
“Inability: The state or quality of being unable”
20. In Oxford Advanced Learner's Dicitionary, 7th Edition 2005
defines 'Disability' at page 430 as under:
“Disability: A physical or mental condition that means you
cannot use a part of your body completely or
easily, or that you cannot learn easily”
21. It also defines 'ability' at page 2 and 'inability' at page 782 as
“Ability 1. (Singular)to
do something, the fact that
somebody/something is able to do something.
Opp: Inability. 2. a level of skill or
“Inability (to do sth) the fact of not being able to do
22. Terms or words as explained by Law Courts in the context
ReplyDeleteof some statute etc. are not to be relied to create confusion that there
may be some other answers also. I, therefore, find no palpable error
on the part of the Board in treating option 'D; in question no. 85
Series 'B', J.L.E. to be correct answer. The argument raised otherwise
is rejected.
23. Question no. 121, Series 'B' , J.L.E. really poses a serious
problem. It asks about an International Organization which looks
after “environmental protection all over the world”. The options of
question no. 121 are: (A) WWF (B) WHO (C) PETA (D) UN. The
Board has treated option 'A' i.e., WWF (World Wildlife Fund) as the
correct answer. I have serious doubt about this. Rest two options
namely, 'B' and 'C' admittedly have no connection with the
environment. The basic object and mission of WWF is to conserve
nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on
earth. It deals with protection of wildlife throughout the world and is
not concerned mainly with environment though forest may constitute
a part of environment. To any person of common prudence, the
question is apparently difficult to answer from the options given
thereunder. It is true that out of four options, 'A' would have gone
nearest to the answer, but it cannot be said to be totally correct
answer as such. United Nations Environment Programme is an
organization of United Nations dealing with environment and its
development. However, since out of four options, two options
namely, WHO and PETA are clearly and palpably inapplicable, and
WWF, to some extent is concerned with nature which includes
environment, the candidates by process of elimination could have
rejected other except 'A'. Looking from this angle, determination of
option 'A' correct by itself may not be palpably wrong and incorrect.
This could have led me in refraining from interfering with the
decision taken by Board by treating option 'A' correct provided this
decision would have been taken initially by the Board also. The Board
has however, admitted that in the model key answers it has treated
another answer correct which it has not disclosed. The same has now
been changed after report of Experts' committee to Option 'A'
meaning thereby options were so confusing and vague that earlier
even examining committee, who set the paper also committed a
mistake. This shows that question and answers are so vague that even
experts failed to find out correct option at one point of time. In such a
case, no candidate should be made to suffer. Hence in my view this
question should be treated to be a wrong question having no correct
answer. Therefore, marks in respect of question no. 121, Series 'B'
J.L.E. shall be allotted to all the candidates treating this question
wrong in its entirety. This direction shall simultaneously apply to the
corresponding questions in remaining series namely, A, C and D in
24. Now I come to Question No. 125 Series 'B' J.L.E. It talks of
ReplyDeletemost popular species of sea turtles found in the Waters of Indian sub
continent. According to Board's own stand, earlier it has treated some
other option correct but by virtue of revised option pursuant to
experts committee report has switched over to option 'B', Series 'B'
i.e., 'Loggerhead'. According to petitioners the correct answer is
option 'C' i.e., “Olive Ridley”. In support of their submission,
petitioners have placed reliance on certain information downloaded
from internet. At page 99 one of the downloaded information placed
by petitioner before this Court says, “Olive Ridley Turtle” is
considered a most abundant Sea Turtle in the world with an
estimated 800,000 nesting female annually. About the “Loggerhead
Sea Turtle” at page 104 it reads as under:
“Habitat: Prefer to feed in coastal bays and estuaries, as
well as in the shallow water along the continental shelves of
the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.”
25. The Board's Experts initially did not choose 'Loggerhead' as the
correct option but it has been taken in the revised opinion. About
'habitat' of “Olive Ridley”, page 100 of writ petition no. 71563 of
2011 shows that it is globally distributed in tropical regions of South
Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. At page 100 about “Olive Ridley”
it further says “In the Northern Indian Ocean, arribadas occur on three
different beaches along the coast of India”. Exact population of both
these categories of turtles in waters of Indian Subcontinent
is not
mentioned but at page 101 in writ petition no. 71563 of 2011
published record says that in 1970s numerous Olive Ridley deaths
were reported in Eastern Indian Ocean. The question ex facie appears
to be quite confusing and vague inasmuch as, it contains two options
over which the readers can lay their claim that both may constitute
correct answer. Here examinees are not expert Scientists or
environmentalists or in that way, Scientists in Flora and Fauna. These
candidates are aspiring to become Assistant Teacher in Primary
School, i.e., the first stage of education. Extraordinary scientific
information with extensive details cannot be accepted from these
persons. The questions ought to have been set in these examinations
commensurating to the standard of the candidates who are expected
to appear in the concerned test. In that context the question appears
to be quite confusing, vague, having multiple correct answers.
However, these is no dispute in this matter that rest of the two
options given in Question no. 125 are apparently wrong. It is this
situation which refrained me from declaring this entire question,
incorrect. In the circumstances, in my view, both the options 'B' and
'C' ought to be treated correct and candidate who have answered
either of the two should be given due credit and awarded marks. I
answer accordingly.
please confirm the news "Allahabad ke hindustan main kya koi shashanadesh nikla hain?"
ReplyDelete26. Question no. 142, Series 'B', J.L.E. Again poses a more serious
ReplyDeleteproblem. It asks the “extent of coverage of earth surface
approximately by oceans”. It does not talk of mere 'water' but is
confined to 'oceans'. The coverage by Ocean is lesser than water as a
whole. The Court is informed that the Board treated option 'A' as
correct answer. Learned counsel for petitioner tried to show that
actual area covered by oceans comes to about 70.8 per cent which is
a mid way figure between 2/3 and 3/4 , i. e. 66.6 per cent and 75 per
cent. These figures could not be disputed by the respondents. Hence,
in my view, the Board in this question should treat option 'D' also
correct and candidates who have answered either of options i.e. 'A'
and 'D' in series 'B', Question 142 in J.L.E. should be awarded marks.
27. So far as questions no. 2, 3, 28 of Booklet 'B' J.L.E. And 3, 17
and 21, Series 'B' S.L.E.(A) are concerned, as argued in writ petition
no. 71399 of 2011, I find that these questions are in the subject of
Pedagogy. As already said, if Experts and the examining body have
decided and opined a particular option to be correct, unless that
option is shown to be palpably incorrect, no interference is called for
in judicial review. It is the decision of Experts in the subject which
must be honoured unless it is shown to be totally perverse. Hence, I
find no irregularity in these questions.
28. So far as other aspects are concerned, i.e., alleged mistakes
committed in assessment of copies, duplicate roll number etc., I do
not find it expedient and appropriate to make any intervention at this
stage, since Sri Neeraj Upadhyay, learned Standing Counsel has
stated at the Bar that Board shall look into such grievances of
candidates if appropriate application is submitted to the Board within
a prescribed time as deemed proper by this Court, and the matter
shall be examined and decided at the level of the Board.
ReplyDelete29. In the facts and circumstances, in view of discussion made
ReplyDeleteabove, I dispose of these writ petitions with the following directions:
(I) Question No.121, Series 'B', J.L.E. contain all wrong
options and, therefore, it shall be treated a wrong
question. Consequently the marks in respect of Question
no. 121, Series 'B', J.L.E. shall be allotted to all candidates
who have appeared in the concerned test. This direction
shall simultaneously apply to corresponding question in
remaining Series namely, 'A', 'C' and 'D' in J.L.E.
(II) In respect of Question no.125, Series 'B' JLE, the
candidates answering any of the options i.e., 'B' or 'C' shall
be awarded marks. This direction shall simultaneously
apply to corresponding question in remaining Series
namely, 'A', 'C' and 'D' in J.L.E.
(III) In respect of Question No. 142, Series 'B' JLE, the
candidates who have answered any of the options i.e., 'A'
or 'D' shall be awarded marks. This direction shall
simultaneously apply to corresponding question in
remaining Series namely, 'A', 'C' and 'D' in J.L.E.
(IV) Revised opinion of the Board with respect to
Questions shown in the charts in para 5 above (other than
asterisk marked) shall not affect adversely the result of
the candidates already declared successful merely for the
reason of change of opinion of the Board vis a vis correct
(V) All the candidates who have attempted these
questions and have answered by referring to one of the
two options, namely, the one which was correct as per
initial Model Key Answer or that which is now correct as
per the revised opinion, the candidates in both the events
shall be awarded marks and their result shall be prepared
(VI) The Board shall publish a notice at least in four
newspapers of different languages having wide circulation
at the State level informing all concerned that in case any
candidate has any grievance regarding UPTET
Examination, 2011, about assessment etc., he may
register his complaint by submitting application along
with process fee of Rs. 100/per
application (by cash or
by demand draft) within 15 days from the date of
publication in the newspapers.
(VII) The Board shall entertain all applications of the
candidates raising their grievance regarding assessment
etc. and shall look into their grievance and take a decision
thereon within a week from the date of receipt of such
application. Such decision shall be communicated to the
candidate concerned within a week thereafter either by
placing information on internet or on mail address given
by the candidate or by registered post.
(VIII) The candidates who are already declared
successful, their result shall not be affected to their
prejudice but in case in view of the directions give above
regarding certain questions, if their marks are to be
increased, the same shall be given due credit.
(IX) The revised result as a consequence of compliance
of above directions shall be uploaded on internet and
shall be given due publicity at the earliest.
(X) No costs.
Dated: 16.12.2011
Uptet no. Ka aachar dal lo
ReplyDeleteaur chle jao court mai
official news
bharti cancel
sabhi tet pass candidate dhyan dain
ReplyDeletekya antar hai sabhi jagah form dalne ke option main aur state level par uptet pass ke form bhare bina counseling karane main.
1. state level par counseling karne par koi form dalne ke aavasyakta nahi hai.
jabki ab sabhi ko 1 se lekar 30-35 tak form dalne pad rahein hain.
2. state level par yadi form hi nahi bharvaya jaye to time nahi lagega aur tet result correct hone ke bad sidhe counseling ki prakriya suru ho sakti hai.
jabki ab 1 candidate ka form dalne ka average 15 tak ja sakta hai aur 15 form matlab 15*270806= 406290 form sabhi diet ka total. form ko alag kar feed karne main lagne wala samya 15 din se jyada.
3 state level par sirf ek draft banakar lao aur counseling ke time par jis district main join karna hai jama kar do.
jabki ab draft ke photo copy lagakar sabhi jagah alag alag avedan karna.
4. state level par counseling karne se samya nahi lagega galti ki sambhavana bahoot hi kam.
jabki abhi samya to lagega hi sath hi kisi bhi kimat pat mistake kiye bina bharti prakriya nahi ho payegi.
5. state level par counseling se paisa, main power, time,ki bachat.
jabki is prakriya main candidate se laker, bank, daak vibhag, DIETs, SELECTORS, SARKAR, sabhi ko proboms.
6. State level Counseling se NCTE ki jo DEAD LINE 1 JAN 2012 di hai usse pahle bharti prakriya poorn ho jayegi.
jabki is prakriya se kisi bhi halat main ye bharti time par nahi ho payegi.
7. sarkar ko koi nayi vigayapti main dimag lagane ki jaroorat nahi.
8. state level par 1 counseling process main hi bharti prakriya poori ho jayegi.
jabki vartmaan prakriya se kam se kam 8 se 10 bar marit banani pad sakti hai.
9. state level par ek hi baar aur ek hi jagah par counseling main jana padega
jabki is prakriya main ek candidate ko ek din ya do din main 5 se 10 jagah counseling ke liye bulaya ja sakta hai.
total harasment hai is prakriya main
so bina form sidhe state level par tet pass candidate ko counseling ke liye bulao
bina tension bharti karo.
So,frnds this the copy of court's decision.
ReplyDeleterecruitment process and all other things are still in suspense
Ye highcourt in questions per pehle hi kyun jagrook nahi hui jab answerkey me sanshodhan kiya ja raha tha jabki in answers per pehle se hi doubt chal raha tha aur bahut se candidates ne in per complains v kiye the,kya highcourt us samay so raha tha ya is samay ka intejar ker raha tha ki 31 dec aane me jyada din nahi hai ab saari prakriya khatm.
ReplyDeleteUptet no. Ka aachar dal lo
ReplyDeleteaur chle jao court mai
official report
bharti after election
Ye to shocking judgement hai kyoki isme judge ne clear kiya hai ki tet kewal yogyata hai,arhta nahi atah jo purv me pass ho chuke hai unke result par koi prabhav nahi padega, matlab ki ab state govt.chah kar bhi tet merit ko selection ka adhar nahi bana sakti
ReplyDeletemai to is judgement ke khilaf supremecourt jaunga
Court ne bhi man liya hai ki tet kewal yagyata hai,arhata nahi...ise padhe
ReplyDelete14.The Court is concerned with questions where instead of option
earlier shown correct by the Board, they have changed their view and
another option has been treatedto be correct. What the Board has
done is that all the candidates who have answered revised option, the
Board has awarded marks to them and option declared earliercorrect
but now incorrect, the marks awarded in respect thereof havebeen
deducted. To my mind this approach of the Board to some extent has
done more injustice. The Teachers Eligibility Test is a qualifying test
without which a candidate would not be eligible for appointment as
Assistant Teacher in Primary School in view of Regulations framed by
the National Council for TeachersEducation (hereinafter referred to
as “NCTE”) in exercise of power under Section 23 of Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (in short “Act,
15. The general candidates securing 60% and above marks and
reserved category candidates securing 55% and more marks are to be
declared successful. It is per se not a competitive test. Inclusion of
one shall not necessarily result inexclusion of another. If a candidate
has already been declared successful on the basis of answers to
respective questions in which options have now have been altered by
the Board, and, on the basis of awarding of such marks he has been
declared successful it would be unjust to declare him unsuccessful
now if due to deduction of marks of such questions, the total marks
secured by him earlier become lower than the prescribed pass marks.
In my view the revised opinion of the Board in respect of such
questions should not affect the result of candidates who have already
been declared successful and they should remain untouched. The
process adopted by the Board is basically in the nature of corrective
steps and if that be so, it ought no to have acted prejudicial to the
candidates already declared successful merely on account of revised
opinion with regard to options which were earlier treated correct
Ab to Court ne bhi man liya ki tet kewal yogyta hai arhata nahi.ise padhe...
ReplyDeleteThe Court is concerned with questions where instead of option
earlier shown correct by the Board, they have changed their view and
another option has been treatedto be correct. What the Board has
done is that all the candidates who have answered revised option, the
Board has awarded marks to them and option declared earliercorrect
but now incorrect, the marks awarded in respect thereof havebeen
deducted. To my mind this approach of the Board to some extent has
done more injustice. The Teachers Eligibility Test is a qualifying test
without which a candidate would not be eligible for appointment as
Assistant Teacher in Primary School in view of Regulations framed by
the National Council for TeachersEducation (hereinafter referred to
as “NCTE”) in exercise of power under Section 23 of Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (in short “Act,
15. The general candidates securing 60% and above marks and
reserved category candidates securing 55% and more marks are to be
declared successful. It is per se not a competitive test. Inclusion of
one shall not necessarily result inexclusion of another. If a candidate
has already been declared successful on the basis of answers to
respective questions in which options have now have been altered by
the Board, and, on the basis of awarding of such marks he has been
declared successful it would be unjust to declare him unsuccessful
now if due to deduction of marks of such questions, the total marks
secured by him earlier become lower than the prescribed pass marks.
In my view the revised opinion of the Board in respect of such
questions should not affect the result of candidates who have already
been declared successful and they should remain untouched. The
process adopted by the Board is basically in the nature of corrective
steps and if that be so, it ought no to have acted prejudicial to the
candidates already declared successful merely on account of revised
opinion with regard to options which were earlier treated correct
HighCourt ke anusar tet koi comptitive exam nahi hai jisse ki kisi aur ke pass ho jane ya jayada number aa jane se kisi ka nuksan hoga,
ReplyDeletelekin rajaya sarkar ne to is competitive exam hi bana diya hai kyoki wah isi ke base par job de rahi hai,atah kisi aur ke pass hone ya number badhne se bahot logon ka nuksan hoga,to kya ye court ke decision ka ulanghan nahi hai
Don't worry candidates, Court say only - "Some Extent".
ReplyDeleteAdditionally if somebody can't select based on TET , it is not specified in NCTE notification.
therefore bypassing earlier decision is not easily possible as it is playing with the life of so many candidates.
Some candidates who obtained less marks are creating problems.
In Rajathan also 20% TET marks are going to be added, why it is?
Keep hope, Don't worry.
ReplyDeleteAgar tet ko merit ka adhar nhi banaya gya to high school inter aur graduation k marks bhi na jode jaye.jo tet me ache no. Nhi la paye h wo chahte hi nhi h ki hum logo ko job mile.main to ab kisi party ko vote nhi dunga.sb 1hi thalli k chatte bhatte h.
ReplyDeletephir ko koi bhi prakriya fare nahi, kaise aap academic record ko selection ka aadhar manoge? kya up bosrd waale cbse and icse board ki barabari kar sakte hai n kaun nahin jaanta ki board ke exams me dhandhli nahi hoti. toh nakal se pass hue student eligible hai selection ke kya aisa kahna hai court ka, kya court andhi hai.
MY CONTACT NO. 9045832527
Soye hamrihi bar kahan hari
patit pukar sunat hi dhawat neku na lawat bar
karan rahit kripalu sda te janat tohi sansar
"kaisehu patit sharan tuk aaye rakhat charan majhar
puni ati patit 'kripalu' pekhi kat ur nishthurta dhar
[AMMA JU ab kewal tera hi sahara hai, ab tere siva kisi se koi ummeed nahi, apne bachcho ko nirash na karna ]
Saras kishori vayas ki thori rati ras bori
ReplyDeletekeeje kripa ki kor,shri radhe keeje kripa ki kor
sadhan heen deen main radhe,tum karunamayee prem agadhe..
Ka ke dvare jai pukare kaun nihare deen dukhi ki or?
Sri radhe keeje kripa ki kor
aadi ke jriye pure uttar pradesh mai ye msz de do
"72825 vacancy na bharne pr 2 lakh 70hjar nhi 2 cr 70 lakh vote mayawati ke khilaf dale jayenge aur use hr kimat pr hrakr chodenge"
ReplyDeletekya sabhi logo ko aapati lagana hoga
jinke 121,125, 142,
question ka answer galat hai
aur court k decision k bad sabhi ko
fayada hai?
ya sabko alag se bhej na hai 100/ rs
Kiya यूपीटीईटी-2011 की आपत्तियां Se Related Application form Ka Praroop Mil Sakta hai Net Par................??chy
ReplyDeletekuch nahi milna ab
ReplyDeletekoi batayega ki kon se question cancel ho gaye hai.please tell me