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Monday, December 22, 2014

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC)

Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs - http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC)
(A Joint Venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi)
Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001, India

 Applications are invited from young, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality for the following category of Executive & Non - Executive posts in DMRC : 

  • Executive posts  -  GATE 2014 passed and Engineer with 60% marks, Age : 18-28 years
    1. Assistant Manager/ Electrical : 11 posts 
    2. Assistant Manager/ Signal & Telecom : 05 posts  
  • Non-Executive posts 
    1. Assistant Manager/ HR : 04 posts 
    2. Assistant Manager/ Finance : 06 posts
    3. Assistant Manager/ IT : 02 posts
    4. Assistant Manager / Operations : 05 posts
    5. Assistant Manager / Fire : 02 posts
    6. Assistant Company Secretary : 01 post
    7. Assistant Manager / Corporate Communication : 01 post
    8. Assistant Programmer : 28 posts
    9. Stenographer : 25 posts
    10. Junior Engineer (Civil) : 50 posts
    11. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 20 posts
    12. Junior Engineer (Signal & Telecom) : 27 posts
    13. Legal Assistant : 02 post
Application Fee : Rs. 400/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PWD) through a payment challan to be paid in SBI.

How to Apply :  Apply Online at DMRC website from 17/12/2014 to 14/01/2015.

Please visit  for details and Online application format - http://eapplynew.com/dmrc2014phaseII/pages/Index.aspx 

Published at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)