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Saturday, April 7, 2012

UPTET : Interpretation of Double Bench Order in Highcourt By A BLOG VISITOR (Mr. Shyam Dev Mishra )

UPTET : Interpretation of Double Bench Order in Highcourt By A BLOG VISITOR (Mr. Shyam Dev Mishra )

प्रेषक: Shyam Dev Mishra <shyamdevmishra@gmail.com>
दिनांक: 7 अप्रैल 2012 2:32 am
प्रति: Muskan India <muskan24by7@gmail.com>

Muskan Ji,

The wrong intepretation of the HC decision of Special Appeal No. 280 of 2012 on 06.04.2012 spread vast confusion among the candidates of UPTET-2011 candidates. I have repared the attached clarification of the order and would request you to please publish it to end the confusion.
With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Manager - Imports & Liaisan 


एकल पीठ द्वारा पारित स्थगनादेश के विरुद्ध दाखिल विशेष अपील पर
6 अप्रैल 2012 को डबल बेंच द्वारा दिए गए निर्णय का अनुवाद

अनुवाद के पहले आप सबसे कहना चाहता हूँ कि "हाथ कंगन को आरसी क्या और पढ़े-लिखे को फारसी क्या??"  अर्थात हाथ में पहने जाने वाले कंगन को देखने के लिए आईने की क्या जरुरत और (फारसी भाषा) पढ़े-लिखे आदमी को फारसी में लिखी बात समझने में क्या समस्या होगी? भाइयों बचपन में हमें एक कहानी के माध्यम से शिक्षा दी गई थी कि यदि कोई कहे कि कौवा कान ले गया तो हमें बिना सोचे-समझे कौवे के पीछे भागने के बजाय ये देखना चाहिए कि हमारा कान अपनी जगह है कि नहींआज दिनभर ब्लॉग में कोर्ट के निर्णय की मनमानी व्याख्या और उसपर जिस प्रकार कि बहस और आशंकाएं चलती रहींउसे ध्यान में  रखते हुए सभी चिंतित मित्रों से आग्रह है कि आप शिक्षक बन कर जब समाज को दिखा सकते हैं तो आपको कौन दिशाभ्रष्ट कर सकता हैकही-सुनी बातों के बजाय शांत-मन से अपने विवेक का इस्तेमाल करें और वास्तविकता को समझे.

प्रस्तुत है डबल बेंच द्वारा दिए गए निर्णय का सरल अनुवाद:
इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट
केस अपील डिफेक्टिव . - 280 of 2012
वादी - ललित मोहन सिंह एंड एएनआर 
 प्रतिवादी - स्टेट ऑफ़ यू.पी. अन्य
वादी के वकील  - सिद्धार्थ खरे  अशोक खरे
प्रतिवादी के वकील - सी.वी.सी. के.एसकुशवाहा 
न्यायाधीशद्वय  : माननीय यतीन्द्र सिंह माननीय बी.अमित स्थालेकर 

1. बेसिक शिक्षा परिषद् (बोर्ड) द्वारा संचालित विद्यालयों में प्रशिक्षु अध्यापकों के चयन का एक विज्ञापन  30.11.2011 को प्रकाशित हुआप्रशिक्षु अध्यापक सभी जिलों में तैनात होने हैं और यह विज्ञापन उत्तर  प्रदेश के समस्त जिला शिक्षा अधिकारियों की ओर से था.
इस विज्ञापन को चुनौती देते हुए रिट पेटीशन . 76039 /  2011 दायर की जा चुकी है. एकल जज इस विज्ञापन के अंतर्गत होने वाले चयन और नियुक्ति पर स्थगनादेश देते हुए एक आदेश  04.01.2012 को पारित कर चुके हैं. अतएव दो वादियों, जो सम्बंधित विज्ञापन में स्वयं के अभ्यर्थी होने का दावा करते हैं,  द्वारा (उपरोक्त स्थगनादेश के सन्दर्भ मेंअपील दायर दाखिल करने की अनुमति प्रदान करने का  प्रार्थनापत्र.
 2. WP No. 76039 of 2011 has been filed challenging the advertisement. The single Judge has passed an order on 4.1.2012 staying the selection and appointment in pursuance of the advertisement. Hence the present appeal by the two appellants, who claim themselves to be the applicants in the advertisement alongwith application to grant leave to file appeal. 

3. यह ध्यान में रखते हुए कि अपीलकर्तागण प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों के चयन के आवेदनकर्ता भी हैं, अनुमति  प्रदान की जाती है. चूंकि प्रतिवादी को अपील दायर करने में हुई देरी को क्षमा करने में कोई ऐतराज़ नहीं हैअतः देरी को क्षमा किया जाता है और इसे सुनवाई के लिए स्वीकार किया जाता है.
 3. Considering the facts that the appellants are also applicants in the selection of Apprentice Teachers, the leave is granted. The respondents have no objection to condone the delay in filing the appeal. The delay is condoned and it is heard for admission. 

4. वादी के अधिवक्ता द्वारा निवेदन किया गया कि:
विज्ञापन के द्वारा 72825 पद विज्ञापित किये गएयह रिट पेटीशन केवल एक व्यक्ति की ओर से है और इन मामले में कोई अंतरिम आदेश पारित करना उचित  होगा; चयन प्रकिया को एकल जज द्वारा स्थगित नहीं किया जाना चाहिए था अपितु एकल जज को चयन-प्रकिया को जारी रहने की अनुमति देनी चाहिए थी और चयन रिट पेटीशन में दिए जाने वाले निर्णय द्वारा बाध्य होने चाहिए थे.
(एकल जज  द्वारा)  स्थगनादेश पारित करने का कारण था कि प्रदेश के जिला शिक्षा अधिकारियों की ओर से थायह गलत नहीं था क्योंकि जिला शिक्षा अधिकारीगण नियुक्ति-प्राधिकारी हैं और उन सभी की ओर से साथ में हमेशा एक विज्ञापन जारी किया जा सकता है.
एक विज्ञापन का प्रकाशन व्यावहारिक है और समूचे जिलों में आवेदकों के चयन का बेहतर तरीका है.
 4. The counsel for the appellant submits that: 
By the advertisement, 72825 posts have been advertised. This writ petition is on behalf of only one person and it is not proper to grant interim order in this case; The selection process ought not to have been stayed by the single Judge but the single Judge should have permitted the selection process to go on and the selection might have been made subject to decision in the writ petition
The reason for grant of stay order was that advertisement was on behalf of District Basic Education Officers of the State. This is not erroneous because the District Basic Education Officers are the appointing authority and one advertisement can always be issued on their behalf together;
The publication of one advertisement is practical and better way of selecting candidates in the entire district. 
(ध्यान दें कि बिंदुके अंतर्गत जो भी कुछ है वह कोर्ट का मत नहीं बल्कि वादी अर्थात ललित मोहन जी के अधिवक्ता द्वारा किया गया निवेदन / दी गई दलीलें हैं.) 

5. पेटिशनर-प्रतिवादी के अधिवक्ता ने कहा कि;
इस रिट पेटीशन (. 76039 /  2011) के अलावा, अन्य भी रिट पेटीशन हैं जो कि इस के साथ जोड़ दी जानी चाहिए. उन में कोई अंतरिम आदेश नहीं हैलेकिन यह कहना सही नहीं होगा कि केवल एक व्यक्ति चयन को चुनौती दे रहा है.
 5. The counsel for the petitioner-respondent states that: 

Apart from this writ petition there were other writ petitions that should have been connected with this one; There is no interim order in those cases, but it is not correct to say that only one person is challenging the selection. 
(ध्यान दें कि बिंदु 5 में जो कुछ है वह स्टेट ऑफ़ उत्तर प्रदेश के अधिवक्ता द्वारा किया गया निवेदन / दी गई दलील है.) 

6. पक्षों के बीच कोई विवाद नहीं है कि इस रिट पेटीशन (. 76039 /  2011 ) में काउंटर और रिजोइंडर शपथपत्रों का आदान-प्रदान हो चुका है और यह स्वयं एकल जज के सम्मुख 09  अप्रैल 2012 को प्रारंभ हो रहे सप्ताह में अंतिम निस्तारण के लिए सूचीबद्ध हैइन तथ्यों को ध्यान में रखते हुए कि (बड़ीसंख्या में व्यक्तियों को रोजगार प्राप्त होना हैयह उचित होगा कि एकल जज जल्द से जल्द अंतिम रूप से इस रिट पेटीशन (. 76039 /  2011 ) के निर्णय पर विचार करें.

6. It is not disputed between the parties that counter and rejoinder affidavits have been exchanged in the writ petition and the writ petition itself is listed before the single Judge for final disposal in the week commencing 9.4.2012. Considering the facts that the number of persons are to be employed, it would be appropriate that the single Judge might consider finally deciding the writ petition at the earliest. 
(ध्यान दें कि केवल बिंदु . 6 में दी गई बातें ही डबल बेंच की राय है जिसमे एकल जज से अपेक्षा की गई है कि वो जल्द-से-जल्द  रिट पेटीशन (. 76039 /  2011 ) पर अंतिम निर्णय देने पर विचार करे)

7. उपरोक्त अवलोकनों के साथ उपरोक्त विशेष अपील ख़ारिज की जाती है.

आदेश तिथि: - 6.4.2012
उपरोक्त निर्णय से स्पष्ट है कि चूंकि स्वनामधन्य प्रातःस्मरणीय महामना  कपिल देव लाल बहादुर यादव जी महाराज द्वारा दायर याचिका एकल पीठ के सम्मुख निर्णय के लिए आने वाले सप्ताह में (वर्तमान में  9 अप्रैल को) सूचीबद्ध है, डबल बेंच ने विज्ञापन की वैधानिकता के सन्दर्भ में कोई भी मत या निर्णय देते हुए मात्र एकल जज से विषयगत याचिका के कारण प्रभावित हो रहे लोगों की बड़ी संख्या को ध्यान में रखते हुए शीघ्रातिशीघ्र (परन्तु बिना कोई समय-सीमा दिए)  इसके अंतिम निस्तारण पर विचार करने की अपेक्षा की है. भले ही इसमें टी..टी. उत्तीर्ण और भर्ती चाहने वालों को प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कुछ सकारात्मक दिखे पर याचिका की सुनवाई की तारीख 19  अप्रैल से घटकर 9 अप्रैल हो जाना भी दर्शाता है कि सुनवाई के लिए मामलों के क्रम निर्धारण में पहले की अपेक्षा अब इसे इसे प्राथमिकता दी गई है. यह भी डबल बेंच के द्वारा एकल पीठ से की गई अपेक्षा का नतीजा हो सकता है.

अब मैं 9  अप्रैल को सिंगल बेच के  संभावित  निर्णय, 11 अप्रैल 2012 को राज्य-स्तरीय टी..टी. स्टीयरिंग कमेटी के संभावित निर्णय और मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा टी..टी. से जुड़े पहलुओं की जाँच और उनपरहफ़्तों में अपनी संस्तुति देने के लिए मुख्य-सचिव की अध्यक्षता में गठित तीन-सदस्यीय समिति की कार्य-प्रगति और उसकी संस्तुतियों की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा हूँइस बीच यदि कुछ और नया मेरे संज्ञान में आता  है तो आपके साथ साझा करूँगा.
श्याम देव मिश्रा

See Exact Case / Order Passed By Double Bench :

UPTET : Allahabad Highcourt Double Bench Pass an Order to Single Bench / Judge to Vacate / Finalize is Decision on 9th April 2012

Double Bench issue directives to Single Bench to " single Judge for final disposal in the week commencing 9.4.2012 " Considering the facts that the number of persons are to be employed, it would be appropriate that the single Judge might consider finally deciding the writ petition at the earliest. 

It means hopefully stay on Primary Teacher recruitments will vacated from Allahabad Highcourt.
See Case Details
Case :- SPECIAL APPEAL DEFECTIVE No. - 280 of 2012 
Petitioner :- Lalit Mohan Singh And Anr. 
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And Others 
Petitioner Counsel :- Siddharth Khare,Ashok Khare 
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,Illigible,K.S. Kushwaha 
Hon'ble Yatindra Singh,J. 
Hon'ble B. Amit Sthalekar,J. 

1. An advertisement for selection of Apprentice Teachers was published on 30.11.2011 in the primary school run by UP Basic Education Board (the Board). The Apprentice teachers are to be engaged in all districts and this advertisement was on behalf of all District Basic Education Officers of the State of UP. 
2. WP No. 76039 of 2011 has been filed challenging the advertisement. The single Judge has passed an order on 4.1.2012 staying the selection and appointment in pursuance of the advertisement. Hence the present appeal by the two appellants, who claim themselves to be the applicants in the advertisement alongwith application to grant leave to file appeal. 

3. Considering the facts that the appellants are also applicants in the selection of Apprentice Teachers, the leave is granted. The respondents have no objection to condone the delay in filing the appeal. The delay is condoned and it is heard for admission. 

4. The counsel for the appellant submits that: 
By the advertisement, 72825 posts have been advertised. This writ petition is on behalf of only one person and it is not proper to grant interim order in this case; The selection process ought not to have been stayed by the single Judge but the single Judge should have permitted the selection process to go on and the selection might have been made subject to decision in the writ petition
The reason for grant of stay order was that advertisement was on behalf of District Basic Education Officers of the State. This is not erroneous because the District Basic Education Officers are the appointing authority and one advertisement can always be issued on their behalf together;
The publication of one advertisement is practical and better way of selecting candidates in the entire district. 

5. The counsel for the petitioner-respondent states that: 

Apart from this writ petition there were other writ petitions that should have been connected with this one; There is no interim order in those cases, but it is not correct to say that only one person is challenging the selection. 

6. It is not disputed between the parties that counter and rejoinder affidavits have been exchanged in the writ petition and the writ petition itself is listed before the single Judge for final disposal in the week commencing 9.4.2012. Considering the facts that the number of persons are to be employed, it would be appropriate that the single Judge might consider finally deciding the writ petition at the earliest. 
7. With the aforesaid observations, the special appeal is dismissed. 

Order Date :- 6.4.2012 
SK Singh 

Source : http://elegalix2.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShowJudgment.do?judgmentID=1781025


  1. Thanks shyam dev mishra ji. Ab clear hai Sc jane me der na karte hue, hume turant sc jana chahiye. Agele 7 dino tak itntazar karne k bad hume jaldi kuch karna hoga. Agar decision agle week me na aaye.

  2. @ mr.SDM ji & @ MUSKI DIDI

    I likes ur articles very much, very correct interpretation but I have a doubt:

    1.THE case 76039 was listed on 12.04.12 before hearing of this case.

    2.THE listing date of case 76039 was change from 12 to 19 during the hearing of this case,this fact was not known by double bench judges.

    3.THE double bench judges mention the date starting from week 09 not on 09.04.12.

  3. Yahan main fir se saaf karna chahunga ki para 6 ke part ''the writ petition itself is listed before single judge for final disposal in the week commencing on 09.04.2012'' ekal peeth/single bench ko diya gaya directive nahi balki is ke dwara court ne matra dwara writ petition ke maujuda status ka ullekh kiya hai. ''writ petion itself is listed for before single judge for final disposal'' se aashay hai ki is writ petition me ''counter affidavit ke madhyam se respondent yani sarkar'' aur ''rejoinder affidavit ke madhyam se third party yani bhartee prakriya prarambh prarambh karne kee mang karnewale abhyarthi'', dono ke dwara apne paksh rakhe ja chuke hain atah takneekee roop se ab sirf antim nirnay baki hai.
    Mitron, main tahe-dil se chahta hu ki prakriya shuru ho, aap sabhi chayanit ho bhavishy kee neev rakhe par main aisee galat vyakhya nahi karna chahta jo sach bhale na ho par aapko achchha lage.

  4. ADITYA FAIZABAD,LOT OF THANKS TO SHYAM DEV MISHRA JI FOR clearing all points.ab ye kaha ja sakta hai ke aane wale samay me court ka decission aa jayega.iss nirnay me clear cut to nahi lekin back side se jaroor tet candidate ke maddad ke gaye hai.

  5. shaym dev ji alot of thanks for clearification ab ummid hai ki 9-4-2012 faisla apne paks me aajayga

  6. aditya faizabad,mishra ji ek line me bataye ke ye ninay tet pass ke leye sahi hai ya galat.

  7. @shyam dev mishra ji
    kya single bench ka case 9 april ho gaya hai?kyoki high court ki site par ye abhi bhi 19 april hi hai,aur is judgement me bhi date confirm nahi hai...



  10. टीईटी प्रक्रिया शुरू की जाए,.,,

    जौनपुर। टीईटी संघर्ष मोर्चा की मारुति मंदिर परिसर में हुई बैठक में टीईटी भर्ती प्रक्रिया शुरू करने की मांग की गई। संघर्ष मोर्चा के पदाधिकारियों ने कहा कि सपा सरकार से टीईटी अभ्यर्थियाें को काफी उम्मीदें हैं। भर्ती के संबंध में मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा जारी बयान का स्वागत किया। मोर्चा की अगली बैठक आठ अप्रैल को आयोजित करने का निर्णय लिया गया है। बैठक में अजीत कुमार, मृत्युंजय सिंह, पियूष श्रीवास्तव, विपिन सिंह, अवनीश मौर्य, दुर्गादत्त यादव, मोहन सहित अन्य लोग मौजूद थे।....amar ujala jaunpur

  11. @ mr.SDM ji(Shyam Dev Mishra)

    plz clear my doubt or any other blog visitor, i m very thankful if some one clear my doubt

  12. You can see left pane of important links related to UPTET

    Visit also : http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.in/2012/03/uptet-blog-editorial-2.html

  13. Mitro shayad hc k knowledge me nahi tha ki sunwai ki date 19 april ho gai hai. Usne pehle ki date 12 april k aadhar par kaha ki aane wale week 9-4-12 me suchibadh hai. Iska matlab sunwai is week me possible nahi hai. Kyoki 19 april ki date court k knowledge me nahi thi, wo to ise 12 april samajh raha tha.

  14. Mitro shayad hc k knowledge me nahi tha ki sunwai ki date 19 april ho gai hai. Usne pehle ki date 12 april k aadhar par kaha ki aane wale week 9-4-12 me suchibadh hai. Iska matlab sunwai is week me possible nahi hai. Kyoki 19 april ki date court k knowledge me nahi thi, wo to ise 12 april samajh raha tha.

  15. Mitro shayad hc k knowledge me nahi tha ki sunwai ki date 19 april ho gai hai. Usne pehle ki date 12 april k aadhar par kaha ki aane wale week 9-4-12 me suchibadh hai. Iska matlab sunwai is week me possible nahi hai. Kyoki 19 april ki date court k knowledge me nahi thi, wo to ise 12 april samajh raha tha.

  16. Agar kisee ne Supreme Court bhejne ke leeye - Draft Postcard Application bana rakhee hai.

    To mujhe bhej sakte hain : muskan24by7@gmail.com par

    Isse aap logon kee pareshanee ko SC apne swyam sangyan mein lete hue janhit yachika (PIL) mein badal sakta hai.

    Aur agar kisee ne koee article / sujhav likh rakhe hain, vo bhee mujhe bhejeeye, Mein apne BLOG par publish kar doongee.



  17. Mujhe lagta hai hame sc jana chahiye, mujhe hc me nyay ki ummied nahi hai.isi tarah date par date milti rahenge, aur hum bevkoof bankar intezar karte rehenge.

  18. I request to my leaders filled a pil in supream court before 12-4-2012.If you not do so then 100 Parcents chance to changing in adhyapak niyamavali and merit will be acedmic.dosto gov. To hum sabko bebkoof bana rahi hai.abhi bhi ye janch report se tet ko cancle karva sakte hai.enhe intzar hai to bus 6 month ki time limit khatm hone ka.

  19. To
    Hon'able court+Hon'able gov


    varsho tak van me ghom ghoom
    badha vighno ko chum chum
    sah dhoop gham pani patthar
    pandav(TET-PAAS) aaye kuchh or nikhar
    soubhagya na sab din sota he
    dekhe aage kya hota he
    maitri ki raah dikhane ko
    sab ko sumarg pe laane ko
    duryodhan(KAPIL) ko samjhane ko
    bheeshan vidhwans bachane ko
    bhagwan hastinapur aaye
    panddav ka sandesha laaye
    do nyayJUSTICE agar to adha do
    par isme bhi yadi badha ho
    to dedo kewal paach gram(TET+ACD)
    rakho apni dharti tamam
    hum vahi khushi se khayenge
    parijan pe asi na uthayenge (asi = hathiyaar)
    duryodhan woh bhi de na saka
    ashish samaj ki le na saka
    ulte hari ko bandhne chala
    jo tha asadhya sadhne chala
    jab naash manuj par chhata he
    pehle vivek mar jata he
    hari ne bheeshan hunkar kiya
    apna swaroop vistar kiya
    dagmag dagmag diggaj dole
    bhagwan kupit hokar bole
    janjeer badha ab saadh mujhe
    haa haa duryodhan baandh mujhe
    yeh dekh gagan mujhme lay hai
    yeh dekh pawan mujhme lay hai
    mujhme wilin jhankaar sakal
    mujhme lay hai sansaar sakal
    amaratva phhoolta hai muhme
    sanhaar jhoolta hai mujhme
    udayachal mere dipt bhaal
    bhu-mandal vaksh-sthal vishaal
    bhuj paridhi bandh ko ghere hain
    mainaak meru pag mere hain
    dipte jo grah nakshatra nikar
    sab hain mere mukh ke andar
    drig ho to drishya akaand dekh
    mujhme saara brahmaand dekh
    char-achar jeev, jag kshar akshar
    nashwar manushya, surjati amar
    sat koti surya, sat koti chandra
    sat koti sarit sar sindhu mandra
    sat koti brahma vishnu mahesh
    sat koti jalpati jishnu dhanesh
    sat koti rudra, sat koti kaal
    sat koti dand dhar lokpaal
    janjeer badha kar saadh inhe
    haan haan duryodhan baandh inhe
    bhutal atal paatal dekh
    gat aur anagat kaal dekh
    yeh dekh jagat ka aadi srijan
    yeh dekh mahabhaarat ka run
    mritako se pati hui bhu hai
    pahchaan kahan isme tu hai?
    ambar ka kuntal jaal dekh
    pad ke niche paatal dekh
    mutthi mein tino kaal dekh
    mera swaroop vikraal dekh
    sab janm mujhi se paate hain
    phir laut mujhi mein aate hain
    jihwa se kadhti jwaal saghan
    saanso se paata janm pawan
    par jati meri drishti jidhar
    hansne lagti hai srishti udhar
    main jabhi moondta hoon lochan
    chha jata charo aur maran
    baandhne mujhe to aaya hai
    janjeer badi kya laaya hai?
    yadi mujhe baandhna chahe mann
    pahle tu baandh anant gagan
    sune ko saadh na sakta hai
    wo mujhe baandh kab sakta hai?
    hit wachan nahi tune maana
    maitri ka moolya na pahchana
    to le ab main bhi jata hoon
    antim sankalp sunaata hoon
    yaachna nahi ab rann hoga
    jivan jai ya ki maran hoga
    takrayenge nakshatra nikar
    barsegi bhoo par wahni prakhar
    phan sheshnaag ka dolega
    wikraal kaal munh kholega
    duryodhan rann aisa hoga
    phir kabhi nahi jaisa hoga
    bhai par bhai tootenge
    vish-baan boond-se chutenge
    saubhagya manuj ke phootenge
    vaayas shrigaal sukh lootenge
    aakhir tu bhushayi hoga
    himsa ka pardayi hoga
    thi sabha sann, sab log dare
    chup the ya the behosh pade
    kewal do nar na aghate the
    dhrishtrashtra-vidur sukh paate the
    kar jod khare pramudit nirbhay
    dono pukaarte the jai-jai..

  20. Isliye aaj bhi case ki sunwai ki date 19 show ho rahi hai.

  21. Aaditya Ji evam Bindu Ji (.), maine aaj subah dekha hai, Kapil Dev Ji ki writ 09 April ko listed hai. Dhyan den ki highcourt me cause-list arthat suchibaddh mamlon ki saptahik list banti hai jiske aadhar par judges ne case ke ''9 april se prarambh ho rahe saptah me listed hone'' ki bat kahi hai aur yahan koi virodhabhas ya anishchita nahi hai.
    Sath hi ye nirnay na paksha me hai na vipaksh me. Judges ne iski sunwai kee date ke najdeek hone ki bat ko dhyan me rakhtey hue khud nirnay na dete hue kewal single judge se sheeghra nirnay dene par vichar karne kee apeksha ki hai. ''Sheeghratisheghra antim roop se writ petition ke nirnay par vichar karne'' ki apeksha se spasht hai ki yah bhi single bench ke upar chhoda gaya hai. Aisi sthiti me single judge agar jaruri aur uchit samjhega tabhi faisla aayega.
    Han, yadi dekhay jay to double bench ne tatkal raahat dene arthat stay hatane se inkar kiya hai, jo ki un candidates ke liye thoda nirashajanak hai jo chahtey hain ki bharti-prakriya jald shuru ho. Par ashaa hai ki 09 april ko kuchh nirnay aayega. Aaplog dhairy rakhen, sangthit rahen, sath hi aapke leaders ko kisi madhyam se aapas me vichar vimarsh ka tareeka nishchit karke batcheet karke aapsi sahamati se aage ki sambhavnaon aur us sthiti me aage ki strategy nishchit karni chahiye.

  22. Kya 270000 me se kisi ka koi reletive supream court me nahi hai.kisi ne bhi supream court ke vakil se baat nahi ki .for procedure and expandature.please some body tell me.

  23. Samay kisi k liye nahi rukta, lekin hum tet candidtes phir bhi intezar hi karenge.

  24. Mai apne netao se punchna chahta hoon ki etna vyapak jan samarthan hone ke babjood aap logo supream court jane se parhej kyo hai.

  25. Yad rakhiye intezar karne wale ko bus utna milta hai, jitna prayas karne wale chhor dete hai.
    Ab khud decide kariye hume kya banna hai?
    Intezar karne wala ya prayas karne wala!!!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Bhai Sabhi ko Good Morning, maine suna tha ki Shiksha Sachiv Dwara sabhi BSA ki taraf se Shapath-Patra HC me jama kar diya gaya hai Jisme BSA ki taraf Likha gaya hai ki use is Vigyapan se koi aapatti nahi hai un sabhi ki is Vigyapan me Sahmati hai (Means NOC from BSA). Arun, Mathura

  28. See : A person who has qualified TET may also appear again for improving his/her score (Pt. No. 11)

    For complete Details, Visit : http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.in/2012/03/uptet-blog-editorial-2.html

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. yr aj ke denik jagran aur aap ke ansur
    1)go to single banch & cancle double banch case

    2)no time limit (jaldi means 1 month min)

    3)cm want only 1 month after that

  31. Arpan Ji, Aap yaha pravachan dene me lage ho tum khud kyon nahi chale jaate SC. Tumko kisi ne Roka hai kya. Aur fir hamare Leaders ko kyon bura bhala bol rahe ho wo log apna dhandha-paani Job Chhodkar itna kuchh kar rahe hain vo bhi bahut hai. Kapil Dev Yadav Akele hi 269999 Logon ko Pareshan kar raha hai.

  32. Shyam Dev Mishra Ji,

    Aap se request hai ki aap yeh bataane ka kasht karein ki "kya kal ke HC ka decision UPTET aspirants ke khilaaf bhi jaane kee sambhawana abhi baaki hai."

    Jahan tak mujhe lagta hai ki decision more than 100% hamare favour mein hain.

  33. kya koi bata sakata hai ki
    kaya niyamawali me aisa hai ki unki(BSA) ki sahamati se board vigyapan jari kar sakata hai...

    agar aisa hai to phir ye case radd ho jayega..


  35. Do not give any money to any one for court cases with out consulting with shiv kumar pathak or Nitin Mehta,

    Chahe wo r.n. singh ke liye ho yaa phir ashok kare ke naam per,

    Shiv Kumar pathak:- 9415023170,
    Nitin Mehta:- 9639885609

  36. Shyam Dev Mishra Ji/ Muskan didi,

    Please reply me on above mentioned comment.

    Waiting for your reply......plz

  37. @Arun tumhare jaise logo ki wajah se hum log kuch kar nahi pa rahe, jaha mauka mila dusro ki tang kheechna shuru kar dete ho. Mujhe sc jane ki salah de rahe ho tum kya jhak mar rahe ho, tum kyo nahi chale jate.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. @pramod ji
    niyamawali me kewal niyukti pradhikari dawara kam se kam 2 pramukh samachar patro me vigyapan dene ka prawadhan hai,board ki taraf se ya sanyukt roop se vigyapan dene ka koi prawadhan nahi hai....

  41. @arun job milne par turant job le loge. Itna shayana apne ko samjhte ho jb job mile to karne se inkar kar dena, kehna maine to koi prayas nahikiya mai job kyu karu.
    comment phir se pad maine kisi leader ko kuch nahi kaha.
    Kya phoot dalne k liye keh rahe ho kya?

  42. court kewal janhit ke adhar par
    kapildev ki yachika ko radd kar sakati hai...

    maya sarkar ki pahle letlatifi aur
    phir ekaek jaldbaji hi bharti prakriya ka roda ban gaya hai


    ~ Jo Log ye soch rahe hein ki 9 APRIL ko H.C mein case hei.....

    ~ Kal k decision mein kaha gaya hei..ki 9 APRIL ko suru hone waale hafte mein yaani 12 APRIL ko case ko final kiya jaaye.....

    ~ LEKIN Kapil ne case ko pahle hi 19 APRIL ka kar diya hei......

    ~ THANKS.......

  44. ADITYA FAIZABAD,ONCE AGAIN lot of thanks to SHYAM DEV MISHRA for clearing all points.

  45. @uptet morcha u r absolutely right. Mai bhi yahi keh raha tha.

  46. yr sc ja kar kuch ni hoga
    koi ye maya ki sarker ni jo central se panga leti thi ye akhilesh ki hai jo sath me hai
    aur isse akhilesh tet cancle kar sakta hai phir rado tet ke liye

  47. to galti mat karo aur 11 ka wait karo aur 3 wk ka jo akhilesh ne kaha hai

  48. Court me jo bhi case ki date deta hai, kya wo paise lekar date deta hai.isliye kapil har bar date badhwa leta hai.

  49. Ab 11 ko koi decision nahi legi govt. Kyoki jb mukhya sachiv janch kar rahe hai to uske pehle decision nahi aayega, jb tak sachiv janch report c.m. Ko na de.


    Just Mr. Nitin Mehta & Mr.S.K.Pathak informed that our case no 76039/2011 date has been fixed on 12th april after all effort

  51. Sanjay ji s.c. Jane ka ye matlab nahi ki hum akhilesh ji ke virudh jayenge.eska matlab ye hoga ki s.c. h.c. Ki fatkar lagayega aur according to law accha decision denga.i never heard any wrong judgement by the supream court.our supream court is best court in the world.it has never influences or affected by political parsons or parties.

  52. Case Status - Allahabad


    Writ - A : 76039 of 2011 [Varanasi]


    Respondent: STATE OF U.P. & OTHERS

    Counsel (Pet.): ALOK KUMAR YADAV

    Counsel (Res.): C.S.C.

    Category: Service-Writ Petitions Relating To Primary Education (teaching Staff) (single Bench)-Appointment

    Date of Filing: 21/12/2011

    Last Listed on: 22/03/2012 in Court No. 33

    Next Listing Date (Likely): 19/04/2012

  53. we hope ki case ki sunwai isi week ho jaye.

  54. Hamare leader apni taraf se poora prayas kar rahe hai, ki case ki sunwai jaldi ho.

  55. श्याम देव जी रिट के सम्बंध मेँ जानकारी देने के लिये आपका बहुत-2 धन्यवाद!

  56. Court aur sarkar student ka utpidan kar rahe hai jabki sari galti shiksha adhikarion aur government (sp+bsp) ki hai jo rte ko sucharu rup se implement karwane ki koi saaf mansha nahi hai. Kya court inko doshi maan sakta hai.


  57. @Rahul,

    You are correct.
    Best way to solve the matter is Supreme Court.

    Varna kuch log highcourt ke decision ko supreme court mein tak challenge karenge.

    Aisa nahin hai kee bahut jyada time lagega.

    SC mein PIL postcard ke madhyam se bhee dee ja saktee hai, agar bahut saare logon kee problem SC tak pahoonchtee hai,

    To SC swat sangyan lete hue isko PIL mein badal kar khud bhee karyawahee kar sakta hai.

    Varna Politics aur Court yahee chalte rahenge.

  58. koi mujhe bataye ki managment ke ardhasarkari schools me PRINCIPAL ki niyukti ke liye UPTET ncessary hai.


  60. "Candidate should have secured 50% marks in aggregate individually in these subjects (PCM)during all the years of studY in graduation."

  61. please show address of high court so that we can see the case status of yadav kapil dev lal bahadur ,and clear the hearing date of this case.

  62. jis abhyarthi ne snatak me un vishayo me 50% ank prapt kiye hai pratyek varsh we surakshit hai ya patra hai.

  63. un vishay se sense jis vishay ke riktiyo ke liye avedan karna chahta hai.

  64. वित विहीन विधालयोँ(private inter colleges) मे पढा ऱहे अधयापको को मिलेगा मानदेय॥अमर उजाला।samajwadi party ke ghosna patra pustika me 2 number par ghosna ko c.m. Sahib pura karne ja rahe hai.lagbhag 1.8 lakh se adhik karyarat teachers ko agle mahine se mandey (5250rs)diya jayega.madhyamik shiksha vibhag ne govt.se 486 caror rupees ki demand ki hai.jise jaldi jari kar diya jayega.

  65. for teachers job in any school for 1 to 8th class of central gov private or gov ctet or tet is must.

  66. सीकर.सूरजगढ़ से कांग्रेस विधायक
    श्रवणकुमार ने फिर से ग्रेड थर्ड
    शिक्षक भर्ती परीक्षा जिला परिषद
    से ही करवाने का विरोध किया।
    उन्होंने कहा कि वे सरकार को आठ
    अप्रैल तक का समय देंगे। तब तक भर्ती आरपीएससी से करवाने
    की घोषणा नहीं होती है तो वे 9
    अप्रैल को इस्तीफा दे देंगे। उनकी जिले
    के कुछ अन्य विधायकों के साथ
    मुख्यमंत्री से भी बात हुई थी।
    मुख्यमंत्री ने विचार के लिए 8 अप्रैल तक समय मांगा है। यहां सर्किट हाउस में रविवार
    को प्रेसवार्ता में उन्होंने कहा कि वे
    सरकार की मुखालफत नहीं कर रहे
    बल्कि युवाओं के हक की बात कर रहे हैं।
    विधायक ने
    कहा कि शिक्षा का बंटवारा नहीं होना चाहिए। जब राजस्थान में
    बोर्ड एक है, आरपीएससी भी एक है
    तो टुकड़ों में मेरिट बनाने की जरूरत
    कहां है? एक ही पैटर्न पर
    परीक्षा होनी चाहिए। मैरिट भी राज्य स्तर पर बननी चाहिए। अगर आरपीएससी के पास वक्त नहीं है तो राज्य में यूनिवर्सिटी की भी कमी नहीं है। किसी भी यूनिवर्सिटी से एक पैटर्न पर परीक्षा करवाकर राज्य स्तरीय मेरिट बनाई जा सकती है। उन्होंने
    बताया कि शिक्षक
    भर्ती आरपीएससी से करवाने की मांग
    पर चूरू व सीकर जिले के विधायकों से
    भी वे बात कर रहे हैं।.....
    Kya hamare u.p. Me koi aisa neta hai jo tetians k bare aage aya ho???????????

  67. MUSKAN JI please tel web address of high court allahabad.or clear the hearing date of kapil dev lal bahadur.

  68. case me ye kahna ki yek bykti ke karan stay hai galat wakya hai kyoki janhit yachika kisi anya ke dwara bhi dakhil kiya ja sakta hai.sayad isi wajah se state gov ke adv ne next hearing date ko bich me lakar case ko aur bhi halke se le liya anyatha double bench me faisala bhi ho sakta tha.

  69. important baat- aap logo ko aakhir yh samajh kyo nhi aa rha k bar bar hc date pr date de rhi vo ek chaal hai jisme peeche se sp sarkar ka haath hai jisse notification ki expiry date nikal jaye aur unke paas bhana ho ki hum kya kre.

  70. dear blog editor mohadya

    like many other candidate i ,tooo, wish that this case should be finished as sooon as possible n recuritment should be done safly,,,we cant take it any more,,,,,
    case may be finilise in coming wek,,,,but their is no surty of any other obstcle will nt followe us,,,,so i fully support your sc pil suggestion ,,,,,

    but suggestion is nt only enough,,,nobady is tking it seriously,,,,,so i request u better consult our leaders and make them agree for this necessary step,,,,i am ready to pay my part and assure will make outhr to pay it
    please tke some step asap

  71. Muskan ji tell me about the formate to send a pil through post card to suprem court

  72. And friends stop all this and try to write a pil to sc oterwise govt will make ammendment after 6 month

  73. All U.P. Zila Adhyaksh
    Aap kisi se baat kar sakte hai aur TET se related koi bhi information le sakta hai. Nitan Mehta Ghaziabad 9639885609
    Shiv Kumar Ghaziabad 9368735257
    Devendar Delhi/Prbd.N 09560705898
    Ajay Pandey Sant Kabir Nagar 8738069495
    Devesh Trivedi Lakhimpur 9839940748
    Kushveer Singh Hapur/ Panch S N 9457287549
    Vishesh Sharma Hapur/ Panch S N 9634502507
    Avnish Yadav Hardoi 9721612971
    Praveen Sachan Kanpur 9839379099
    Sarvesh Joshi Sitapur 9889174114
    Atul Kumar Tiwari Unnav 9451360651
    Anit Mishra Aurriya 9045028271
    Ajab Singh Badera Bijnaur 8430472461
    Sudansu Rai Gonda 9532191640
    Rajesh Kumar Rao Bahraich 8090150279
    Jitendra Verma Barabanki 9369206268
    Varun Sharma Meerut 9045512773
    Mahendra Kumar Verm Maharajganj 8874191926
    Aanand Pandey Rai Bareilly 9919211141
    Mod. Mobeen Siddiqui Kushinagar 9648631691
    Rajeev Kumar Bulandsahar 8781142611
    Bhupendra Kumar Rai Lucknow 9415783018
    Nirbhai Singh Lucknow 7499088470
    Satish Singh Shajahanpur 8004019835
    Manoj Sharma Shajahanpur 9044144623
    Ugrasen Verma Shrawasti 9984555954
    Ashwani Kumar Shukla Baharich 8765108094
    Aanand Tiwari Shultanpur 9136128507
    Shiv Kumar Pathak Alld/ Shultanpur 9415023170 Mayank Varanasi 9807122569
    Vivekanand Allahabad 8081934675
    Gyanesh Allahabad 9807188538
    Manoj Gupta Saharanpur 9548938754

  74. jatin ji
    kaisa notification ki date
    aap saaf batye

    rule change karne ki date 6 month hoti hai jo 9 may tak hai

  75. jatin ji
    kaisa notification ki date
    aap saaf batye

    rule change karne ki date 6 month hoti hai jo 9 may tak hai

  76. i think ye postcard wala idea achcha hai . kya sab log ek hi format bana kar alag alag postcard supreme court me bhej sakte hain?
    if yes, then Muskan ji please provide us a common format for that.

    mai monday ko hi apna postcard send kar dugi.

    wese is process me time kafi lag sakta hai.

    plz give me suggestions.

  77. @Geetu jee,

    Jaroori nahin hai kee bhaut time lagega, Akhir SC (Supreme Court ) ko bhee dekhna chahiye kee RTE kanoon desh mein kitna lagu ho raha hai.

    Mere khyal se :
    Haan Postcard apnee- apnee language mein hee likhna chahiye, haur major prob. ek jaisee likh sakte hain.

    Format, aap log apne jile kee meeting mein bana sakte hain.

  78. jatin ji
    kaisa notification ki date
    aap saaf batye

    rule change karne ki date 6 month hoti hai jo 9 may tak hai

  79. thanks Muskan ji

    kya delhi me aisi koi uptet ki meeting hai jaha mai participate kar sakti hu?


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