What Do You Feel About Jan LokPal of Anna Hazare ji
Do you people think that Jan Lokpal Bill movement become weaker now ?
Do you think Congress alone responsible to make strong Jan Lokpal Bill ?
Do you think Group-C employees (Clerks, Inspectors, Ticket Chekers etc.) should not come in Jan Lokpal Bill ? (However most of the time public deals with Group C employees)
Some People Misusing Anna Hazare ji ?
BJP and Other Parties itself having problems to implement STRONG JAN LOKPAL BILL ?
Do you think Givernment Servents have to serve Public but instead of it they want to become Dictator ( तानाशाह ) ?
How many of you made your Driving license after giving Exam in RTO?
Earlier this Blog Conducted a poll -
Do U Felt Jan-Lokpal Bill (of Anna Hazare ji ) Strong Enough for:-
To Get Black Money from Foreign countries/Corrupt People - 57% Vote
Curb corruption of Inspector Raj (Group C Employees) - 25% vote
Strong enough to handle Corrupt Politician/Bureucrates - 42% Vote
Can help in prosecution of case/FIR- 27% Vote
Actually on this BLOG - Jan-Lokpal Bill was written, And many people may be confuse it with Sarkaree Lokpal
However if you want to add suggestion on this Jan Lokpal Bill then you can visit -