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Showing posts with label ATET. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATET. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ASSAM TET : असम सरकार विशेष शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (टीईटी) परीक्षा 2016: अधिसूचना रिक्ति विवरण:- पदों की कुल संख्या: 1618 पद

ASSAM TET   : असम सरकार विशेष शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (टीईटी) परीक्षा 2016: अधिसूचना
रिक्ति विवरण:- पदों की कुल संख्या: 1618 पद 

असम सरकार विशेष शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (टीईटी) परीक्षा 2016: अधिसूचना
असम सरकार, माध्यमिक शिक्षा विभाग ने विशेष शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (टीईटी) परीक्षा 2016 के लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित किए हैं। पात्र उम्मीदवार 15 फरवरी 2016 तक निर्धारित प्रारूप के माध्यम से इस पद के लिए आवेदन भेज सकते हैं।
 1. महत्वपूर्ण तिथि:- आवेदन प्रस्तुत करने की प्रारंभिक तिथि:
1 फ़रवरी 2016 आवेदन प्रस्तुत करने की अंतिम तिथि: 15 फ़रवरी 2016 बैंक में फीस भुगतान की अंतिम तिथि: 20 फ़रवरी 2016 2.

रिक्ति विवरण:- पदों की कुल संख्या: 1618 पद •
ग्रेजुएट टीचर्स (हिंदी): 1031 पद •
ग्रेजुएट टीचर्स (संस्कृत): 587 पद

3. पात्रता मानदंड:- शैक्षिक योग्यता: बीटी / बी एड के साथ किसी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय से स्नातक और उनके पास हिन्दी/ संस्कृत विषयों के लिए अपेक्षित योग्यता हो। 4. आयु सीमा: 38 वर्ष 5. आवेदन कैसे करें:- पात्र उम्मीदवार 15 फरवरी 2016 तक आवश्यक दस्तावेजों सहित निर्धारित प्रारूप के माध्यम से इस पद के लिए आवेदन भेज सकते हैं।

 UPTET  / टीईटी TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates /   Teacher Recruitment  / शिक्षक भर्ती /  SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS  
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Rajasthan TET /  RTET,  BETET / Bihar TET,   PSTET / Punjab State Teacher Eligibility TestWest Bengal TET / WBTETMPTET / Madhya Pradesh TETASSAM TET / ATET
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Monday, September 8, 2014

ASSAM TET : State staring at teacher shortfall

ASSAM TET : State staring at teacher shortfall

Guwahati: The state is likely to face a severe shortage of trained teachers at the elementary level (Classes I to VIII) as having a teachers' training diploma will become mandatory for Teacher's Eligibility Test (TET) aspirants from next year.

Sources in the education department said, unless their intake capacity is increased, the state's teacher's training institutes cannot fulfill the demand for trained teachers.

"From March 31 next year, having a diploma in elementary education will become mandatory for TET aspirants. According to the Right to Education (RTE) Act, a candidate must complete this training before he or she becomes eligible to appear for the TET exam," said an education department official.

Assam requires around 6,000 trained teachers every year to fill vacancies in lower and upper primary sections of schools. However, the state's teacher's training institutes produce around 2,200 trained teachers for the elementary level every year.

When contacted, officials of the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Assam, which looks after teacher's training for the elementary level, said efforts are on to produce more trained teachers at the elementary level. However, they didn't say anything about enhancing the intake capacity of the institutes.

"We have initiated the process to begin two-year diploma courses in elementary education in 19 Basic Training Centers, five District Institute of Education and Training and three normal schools. As soon as these institutions get permission from the National Council for Teacher Education to start the diploma course, we will be able to produce more trained teachers," said L N Sonowal, assistant director of SCERT, Assam.

News Source : timesofindia.indiatimes.com Times of India News paper (05.09.2014)


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

ASSAM TET : Time Schedule for Special TET for High School Level , 2014 , Assam

ASSAM TET : Time Schedule for Special TET for High School Level , 2014 , Assam



How to Apply :

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

TET must for madrassa appointments: Himanta

TET must for madrassa appointments: Himanta


Silchar: State education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) is compulsory for the appointment of teachers at madrassas in the state.

"Teachers won't be appointed in madrassas unless they have cleared TET," the minister said.

Sarma said the TET questionnaires for madrassas will be prepared on the basis of contents of the Quran and the Hadit.

He said this while addressing the 49th annual conference of the North-East India Emarate Sharria Nadwatut Tamir (a Muslim socio-religious organization) and the 62th convocation of Aljamiatul Arbiatul Islamia, a senior madrassa at Badarpur in Karimganj district on early Monday.

Sarma said that different segments of the Muslim community had made repeated demands over the years to streamline the appointment of teachers in madrassas in Assam through TET. The state government has decided to do so, he said.

Madrassa education in the state is run by State Madrassasa Education Board, Assam. The numbers of Madrassa are 707 in the state. They include 524 Pre-Senior Madrassas, 164 Senior Madrassas, 14 Title Madrassas and 5 Arabic Colleges, sources said.

The education minister said the Assam government has decided to make available necessary land and infrastructure for setting up an office of the North-East India Emarate Sharria Nadwatut Tamir in Guwahati. Besides this, a Madrassa will also be set up in the state capital under the organization. Besides this, he announced funds of Rs 20 lakh for completion of ongoing work at the central office of the organization at Mission Road in Badarpur.

In a resolution adopted at the massive conglomeration attended by thousands of Muslims from all over the northeast, they demanded setting up of a passport office branch in Silchar and granting of three days government holiday during Eid.

Besides this, the community demanded early completion of work on the Lumding-Silchar broad gauge and Silchar-Saurashtra East-West Corridor projects and controlling the skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, among others.

News Source / Sabhaar : timesofindia.indiatimes.com (18.2.2014)


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Assam TET results 2014 declared

Assam TET results 2014 declared

Guwahati, Feb 12 (TruthDive): State Empowered Committee (Elementary) which conducted the Assam Teachers Eligibility Test on 1st February 2014 has announced Assam TET LP 2014 results on its official website.
Candidates who appeared for the Assam TET 2014 may check their results in the official website at www.ssaassa..gov.in
To check the Assam TET 2014 results, candidates may follow the below steps:
Log on to the official website at www.ssaassa..gov.in

Candidates who appeared for the exam can see results on: www.tetassam.com


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

UPTET : अब ग्रेजुएट भी बन सकेंगे टीचर

अब ग्रेजुएट भी बन सकेंगे टीचर

•नेशनल मिशन ऑन टीचर्स एंड ट्रेनिंग पर कैब कमेटी की सिफारिश, यूपी समेत सात राज्यों में मिलेगी छूट, टीईटी पास करना होगा जरूरी

नई दिल्ली। यूपी सहित सात राज्यों को सामान्य स्नातकों को भी प्राइमरी स्कूलों में शिक्षक के रूप में भर्ती करने की छूट मिल सकती है। अभ्यर्थियों को टीईटी परीक्षा पास करना अनिवार्य होगा। भर्ती के बाद ऐसे शिक्षकों को अलग से प्रशिक्षण दिलाना होगा। यह सिफारिश शिक्षा मामलों की सर्वोच्च इकाई ‘कैब’ द्वारा गठित एक कमेटी ने की है
नेशनल मिशन ऑन टीचर्स एंड ट्रेनिंग पर सुझाव के लिए गठित समिति ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में प्राइमरी स्तर पर शिक्षकों की विभिन्न समस्याओं को हल करने की दृष्टि से देश के सभी राज्यों को कुल तीन श्रेणियों में बांटा है। रिपोर्ट में ए श्रेणी के राज्यों में भविष्य में केवल प्रशिक्षित शिक्षकों की ही भर्ती का सुझाव दिया गया है। इस श्रेणी में दिल्ली, हरियाणा, हिमाचल, उत्तराखंड व पंजाब सहित कुल 13 राज्य शामिल हैं। दूसरी श्रेणी उन राज्यों की है, जहां वर्तमान में बड़ी संख्या में शिक्षकों के पद खाली पड़े हैं। इनमें उत्तर प्रदेश, असम, बिहार, छत्तीसगढ़, झारखंड, ओडिशा और पश्चिम बंगाल जैसे राज्य शामिल हैं। इन सातों राज्यों में बच्चों की पढ़ाई को प्रभावित होने से रोकने के लिए तत्काल खाली पदों को भरे जाने के लिए कदम उठाये जाने का सुझाव रिपोर्ट में दिया गया है। मानव संसाधन मंत्रालय को सौंपी गई इस रिपोर्ट में उत्तर प्रदेश समेत सभी सात राज्यों में प्रशिक्षित शिक्षक नहीं मिलने के कारण सामान्य स्नातकों को भी शिक्षक के रूप में भर्ती का अवसर प्रदान करने की सिफारिश की गई है। रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि टीचर्स एलेजिबेलिटी टेस्ट (टीईटी) में पास होने के बाद शैक्षिक योग्यता के आधार पर अभ्यर्थियों को प्राइमरी व अपर प्राइमरी स्कूलों में शिक्षक पद पर नियुक्ति का अधिकार दिया जाना चाहिए।
लेकिन ऐसे शिक्षकों को बाद में ओपेन एंड डिस्टेंस लर्निंग के माध्यम से जरूरी प्रोफेशनल शिक्षा दिलाने की व्यवस्था भी इन राज्यों को करनी होगी। कैब कमेटी की बैठक में इस सिफारिश पर मुहर लगने के बाद राज्यों को जल्द ही यह छूट प्रदान हो जाएगी। कैब की अगली बैठक दस अक्तूबर को आयोजित की गई है।

News Sabhaar : Amar Ujala (2.10.13)
Due to High Shortage of Teachers, Simple Graduates are allowed to become teacher in 7 States but they have to pass Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Examination.
UP , Bihar, Asam, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa , West Bengal etc come in this category.

Approx 7-8 Lakh vacancies of teachers are pending to fill in these states.

Friday, March 22, 2013

BREAKING NEWS TET : Most states to miss RTE deadline, but extension unlikely

BREAKING NEWS TET : Most states to miss RTE deadline, but extension unlikely


New Delhi, Mar 22, 2013 (PTI):
Government today ruled out extending the deadline beyond March 31 for schools to meet RTE requirements even as it conceded that many states were lagging behind and said a committee is being set up to expedite the implementation process.

HRD Minister M M Pallam Raju was evasive when asked about the fate of the schools who fail to meet the Right to Education Act requirements like infrastructure after March 31, saying they would ensure the requirements are complied with in the "shortest possible time".

"The deadline is the objective. It is apparent that most states are going to miss it, but that does not mean we will leave the objective. We will constitute a committee to show seriousness of the implementation," he told reporters here.

Schools face the prospects of closing down under the Act if they are not RTE compliant after March 31. The government also faces the threat of being challenged in court by stakeholders in the event of non-compliance.

"As long as state govt shows it seriousness... if some parents want to be litigant, we cannot stop them. But as far as I can say, we all are serious," he said.

He said the Central Advisory Board of Education, in its meeting last November, had also unanimously resolved not to extend the deadline, arguing that any move in this regard would dilute the Act that seeks to provide free and compulsory education to students.

He said government will "push those" schools who are lagging behind even as Ministry officials maintained that there are some states who have attained over 90 per cent achievement in meeting the requirements.

The RTE Act had set two deadlines -- until March 31, 2013 for infrastructure and March 31, 2015 for teachers to attain minimum qualifications (pass Teachers’ Eligibility Test).

Asked about the proposed committee, the Minister said it will do a follow-up to ensure that the deadline for meeting teacher requirement under the Act by March 2015 is met.

Meanwhile, 13 states have asked the Ministry to relax the norms as far as minimum qualification goes to ensure speedy compliance with RTE norms. They are Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Bihar, Chattishgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal

NEWS SOURCE: http://www.deccanherald.com/content/320816/most-states-miss-rte-deadline.html


Monday, December 17, 2012

ATET : 50% marks compulsory for appearing in TET: HC

ATET : 50% marks compulsory for appearing in TET: HC


GUWAHATI: The Gauhati high court in an order upheld the state education department's decision of making 50 per cent marks in graduation compulsory for candidates to appear in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for recruitment at the high school level.

Though the high court earlier in an interim order allowed eligible candidates even with less than 50 per cent marks in their graduation to apply for the TET examination following a prayer by the All Assam B.Ed Trained Unemployed Association, the high court in its final order upheld the state education ministry's decision.

The high court order came after the state's secondary education department said the new criteria for the high school teachers is a process to find better qualified teachers and was done according to an amendment in the Assam Secondary Education (provincialised services amendment) Rules.

The proposed TET exam for the high school teachers is slated to be held tentatively on the last week of February, 2013.

Earlier in the petition, the association had expressed its displeasure over the state education ministry's decision and demanded its withdrawal. Members of the association said in the B.Ed course, one is given training on all aspects of teaching.

"One is not only taught about teaching methodologies and child pedagogy, but is also given administrative skills. The B.Ed degree itself suggests that a person is fully qualified to teach in the high school level. Making TET compulsory will only lower the importance of the course," said the association president Ashiruddin Talukdar.

The association demanded that B.Ed qualified candidates should be exempted from writing TET, remove the basic 50 per cent criteria for appearing in TET and to raise the age limit from 38 years to 50 years for high school.

"Competitive examinations like IAS do not keep such criteria. Students securing less than 50 per cent in their graduation have qualified such competitive examinations," said a member of the association.

The association had sent memorandums to chief minister Tarun Gogoi and the state's education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.

News Source : timesofindia.indiatimes.com (17.12.12)
All over India , many cases are filed  for selection through TET exams e.g. Rajasthan, UP, Haryana, KVS, Tamilnadu, M.P, Chattisgarh, Gujarat, West Bengal, Bihar etc. etc.

RTE created huge number of teachers vacancies approx. 20 lakh all over India


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Case of Assam - Recruitment of Teachers Through Old Advertisement

Case of Assam - Recruitment of Teachers Through Old Advertisement

Case of Assam - An advertisement for posts of teacher issued on 27.02.2003 , Fresh advertisement for the same posts issued on 25.8.2007.
Highcourt quashed the advertisement dated 25.8.2007, and direct -  we direct the State to conduct the recruitment process for the above mentioned 254 posts for which the authorities of the State had issued advertisement dated 8.2.2003 by subjecting only those candidates, who responded to the above mentioned advertisement

(i.e they include only those who applied for advertisement dated 08.02.2003 )

If you people have any better interpretation, then you can put your views through comment. So that I can correct interpretation

WA No.358 of 2007
1. Abdul Hai Ahmed,
S/o Aftab Uddin Ahmed
Vill & PO Begribari
Dist Dhubri, Assam.
2. Smti.Mumtaz Begum
D/o Late Rustam Ali
Vill. Kokila Uttarpara
PO Chakla-783392
Dist Bongaigaon, Assam
3. Dilnur Rahman
Vill. Balagaon
PO Dhudrakuchi
Dist Barpeta, Assam
4. Md. Anzarul Azam Fakir (S/L No.99)
(Economics), S/o Hafizur Rahman,
Vill Samdhara,PO Dagaon,
District Nagaon(Assam)
5. Md.Azmal Khan (S/L No.86)(Economics)
S/o Khurshed Ali Khan,Vill & PO Dagaon
District Nagaon,Assam
6. Binoy Kumar Sarmah (S/L No.33) (Assamese)
Vill & PO Borigaon,Dist Darrang,Assam
7. Gagan Ch. Kalita(S/L No.97) (Economics)
Vill & PO Baranghati,Dist Kamrup,Assam.
8. Sri Pranjal Bhuyan(S/L No.170)(History)
vill Chowdhapunia PO Panbari,
Dist. N. Lakhimpur, Assam
9. Jibon Khanikar (S/L No.112) (English)
C/o Mineswar Kanikar,Vill Charing Agnibor,
Dist Sivasagar,Assam
10. Ganesh Ch. Deka (S/L No.224)(Pol. Science) Mangaldoi,Assam
11. Mrs. Rulee Konwar Gogoi (S/L No.18)(Assamese)
W/o Sidheswar Konwar
Vill Bania Phukuri Gaon
PO Dopdar Dist Sivasagar Assam
12. Sri Raju Kr. Kakoti (S/L No.169) (History)
Vill Hatibat PO  Nagabonda
Dist Morigaon,Assam
13. Sri Anil Deka (S/L No.234)(Pol. Science)2
Vill Gomura PO Sarthebari
Dist Barpeta,Assam
14. Sri Diganta Hazarika (S/L No.81) (Chemestry)
Bahakabari, Kampur,Nagaon,Assam
15. Sri Kamal Kr. Barman (S/L No.181) (History)
16. Sri Pabon Deka (S/L No.212) (Math)
Athera, Puthimari,Kamrup,Assam
17. Nazemish Sakib (S/L No.21)(Assamese) Barpeta,Assam.
18. Debojit Boruwa (S/L No.155)(Geography)
Vill Khamikargaon PO Missamaria,
19. Bhupen Kalita (S/L No.238) (Pol.Science)
Vill & PO Japia,Assam
20. Akhil Joti Laskar (S/L No.186)(History)
Niz Narikari,Nagaon,Assam
21. Atik Ullah Khan (S/L No.121)(English)
Marigaon Town,Assam
22. Sri Jitumoni Saikia (S/L No.163)(History)
Milanpur,Biswanath Chariali,
23. Mrs. Rini Saud,(S/L No.31) (Assamese)
Vill Uriamguri PO Bamuni bill,Dibrugarh
24. Bhoben Doley (S/L No.174) (History)
25. Mrs. Jeuty Gohain(S/L No.6) (Assamese)
Kaka Pathar,District Tinsukia
26. Motiur Rahman (S/L No.71) (Botany)
Vill & PO Mancachar,Dhubri,Assam
27. Suren Dutta (Sl No.227)(Pol Science) Sonitpur,Assam
28. Rijumoni Gohain (S/L No.101) (Math)
District Tinsukia,Assam
29. Surjit Das( S/L No.210)(Math)
Dist Dhubri,Assam
30. Amalendu Das (S/L No.222) (Physics),
31. Inamul Hoque (S/L No.153)(English)
Vill Selmari,PO Magurimari
32. Binita Rajkhowa (S/L No.131)(English)
Vill Silikhaguri,Majuli3
33. Aminul Hoque (S/L No.78) (Chemistry)
34. Bibha Devi (S/L No.64)(Botany)
35. Madusmita Saikia (S/L No.115) (English)
Namti Pather,Assam
36. Navajyoti Hazarika (S/L No.200) (Math)
Vill Solalgaon PO Chatia
37. Dhrubajyoti Tamuly (S/L No.191)(History)
Vill Basudeobari PO Jakhalabanda,
38. Anindita Baruah (S/L No.154)(Geography)
39. Minu Borah (S/L No.32) (Assamese)
40. Jawahira Tabbasum (S/L No.251)(Zoology) Mangoldoi,Ward
41. Sri Mukul Ch. Kalita (S/L No.206)(Math)
Vill Boreri,PO Deomornoi,Darrang,Assam
42. Santanu Nath (S/L No.176)(History)
Mongoldoi, Ward No.4, Darrang, Assam
Mr. A Sarma
Mrs. S Sarma
Ms. R Deori
Ms. NM Deka
1. The State of Assam, represented by the Commissioner &
Education (Secondary) Department,
Govt. of Assam, Dispur, Assam
2. The Director of Secondary Education,
Government of Assam, Kahilipara,
Mr. VM Thomas,SC Education Deptt.4
WA No.389 of 2007
1. Mahmuda Begam,
W/o Joynal Abedin Ahmed,
R/o South Salmara part I
PO South Salmara
District Dhubri,Assam.
2. Md.Zahidur Rahman Shah,
S/o Abul Kasem Shah
R/o Village Howrar Par
PO Piazbari
District Dhubri,Assam
3. Md.Aktar Hussain Sheikh,
S/o Sakim Uddin Ahmed
R/o Village Uzan Bazra
PO Hazirhat
District Dhubri,Assam
Mr. SC Biswas
Mr. AK Hussain
Mr. SH Hussain
1. The State of Assam,
Represented by the Commissioner
and Secretary to the Govt. of Assam,
Education (Secondary) Department,
Dispur, Guwahati-6, Assam
2. The Director of Secondary Education,
Government of Assam, Kahilipara,
Mr. VM Thomas,
Standing Counsel,Education Deptt.
WA No.238 of 2005
1. Md. Momin Ali,
S/o Late Taib Ali
R/o Vill Nader Kuti,PO Barbanda
Dist. Dhubri5
2. Anowar Hussain Ahmed
S/o Late Basiruddin Bepari
R/o Vill Thaksal PO Thaskal
Dist Dhubri.
3. Sri Proshanta Kr. Dutta,
S/o Sri Jitendra Nath Dutta
R/o Subashpally,Ward No.2
PO Gauripur,Dist Dhubri
4. Md. Mazahar Ali
S/o Md. Jashamatulla Bepari
R/o Vill Gharialdanga,Pt.II
PO Mahamayahat,Dist Dhubri
5. Md. Anisur Rahman
S/o Md. Abdul Ahad Sk
R/o Vill Shyamcharaner Kuti, Pt.I
PO Shilair par, Dist Dhubri
6. Mahbub Azharul Islam Mahazeria
S/o Mokbul Hussain Mahazerin
R/o Vill Nayapathowa PO Cirakuti,
Dist Dhubri
7. Azizul Haque Sarkar
S/o Haji Abdul Wahad Sarkar
R/o Vill Bhamandanga Pt.I
PO Jhapurabari(Agomoni)
Dist Dhubri
8. Samir Sen,
S/o Subal Ch. Sen
R/o Vill Sheunagen, PO Agomoni
Dist Dhubri
9. Md. Mizanur Rahman Bhuyan
S/o Haji Md. Amzad Ali Bhuyan
R/o Vill & PO Piradhara
PS Abhayapuri,Dist Bongaigaon
10. Miss Hafiza Zirmat Sarkar
D/o Hadi Hussain
R/o Vill Chandargaon,
PO Seramuri
Dist Dhubri
11. Safiquel Hoque
son of Alhaj Samser Ali
resident of vill Muslimghopa
PO Sipajhar, Dist Darrang
12. Mrs. Anjali Devi
wife of Mukul Ch. Sarma
resident of vill and PO Hazarikapara
PS Sipajhar,Dist Darrang.6
13. Smti Rowshan Ara Khanam
w/o Shajahan Bhuyan
resident of vill Padmapara
Dist Barpeta
14. Sri Hannanur Rahman
son of
Resident of vill
15. Sri Mukul Kalita
S/o Bhumidhar Kalita
Resident of vill Deomornoi
Dist Darrang
16. Abdul Hai Ahmed
s/o Aftab Uddin Ahmed
Vill Bagribari Dist Dhubri
Mr. AS Choudhury, Sr. Adv.
Mr. R Mazumdar
Mr.I Hussain
Mr.A Malique, Mr.R Ali &
Mrs. NN Ahmed
1. All Assam Post Graduate School Teachers Association,
represented by its General SecretarySri Dwijen Chandra Das,
Rangia Higher Secondary School,
Rangia,District Kamrup.
2. Shri Dwijen Chandra Das
Assistant Teacher,
Rangia Higher Secondary School
Rangia,District Kamrup
3. The State of Assam,
represented by the Chief Secretary
to the Govt. of Assam,
Dispur, Guwahati-6
4. The Commissioner and Secretary
to the Government of Assam,
Finance Department,
Dispur, Guwahati-6
5. The Secretary to the Government of Assam, Education
6. The Director of Secondary Education,
Assam, kahilipara,Guwahati-19.
Mr. VM Thomas,
Standing Counsel,Education Deptt.
Mr. AK Goswami,Sr. Adv. for Private Respondents.
Date of hearing
& Judgment                :      11th December,2008
(J. Chelameswar, CJ)
These three appeals are interconnected. WA No.238/05 is preferred aggrieved by the judgment and order dated 4.1.2005 in WP(C) Nos.7933/03 & 8319/03. WA Nos.358/07 & 389/07 are preferred
aggrieved by the judgment and order dated 31.7.2007 in a batch of writ petitions, one of such writ petition is WP(C) 908/07. The appellants in WA No.358/07 are the petitioners in the abovementioned writ petition
i.e., WP(C) 908/07. The appellants in WA No.389/07 are the petitioners in writ petition i.e., WP(C) 1975/07.
2. By an advertisement dated 8.2.2003, the Director of Secondary Education, Assam, invited applications for filling up of posts of Post Graduate Teachers in the various provincialised Higher Secondary Schools of Assam. According to the said advertisement, the applications were required to be submitted in the respective Schools, where vacancies existed, as confirmed by the Inspector of Schools concerned. It may be mentioned that on the above date of the advertisement, the recruitment process was governed by the Rules 8
framed by the State of Assam known as “The Assam Secondary Education (Provincialised) Service Rules, 1982 framed under Article 309 of the Constitution of India. The appellants in WA Nos. 358/07 & 
389/07 are some of the candidates, who applied in response to the abovementioned advertisement.

3. Soon after the abovementioned advertisement, writ petition being WP(C) 7933/03 and 8319/03 came to be filed in this Court. WP(C) 7933/03 was filed by an unregistered Association of Assistant Teachers in the High and Higher Secondary Schools of Assam having Post Graduate Degrees whereas the WP(C) 8319/07 was by one  such teacher. A few days after the above mentioned advertisement came to be issued, the above mentioned Rules of 1982 was repealed and a fresh set of Rules known as “The Assam Secondary Education (Provincialised)  Service Rules, 2003” framed under Article 309 of the Constitution of 
India came into force on the 12th August,2003.

4. The grievance of the petitioners in the abovementioned two writ petitions i.e., (WP(C) Nos.7933/03 & 8319/03 is that under 1982 Rules, the petitioners in WP(C) No.8319/03 and the candidates, who were similarly situated are entitled for some weightage in the matter of recruitment of teachers contemplated under the aforementioned advertisement and that the petitioners apprehended that in the view of
the repeal of 1982 Rules the authorities of the State would follow the procedure contemplated under the new Rules of 2003 referred to above, which do not provide for such a weightage.
The petitioners, therefore, prayed that the respondents be directed to conduct the recruitment process in accordance with the procedure as contemplated under Rules 9 of 1982 by giving due weightage to such teachers, who were similarly situated as the petitioner in WP(C) No.8319/03.
5. By the judgment dated 4.1.2005, the learned Judge of this Court held that the recruitment pursuant to the Notification dated 8.2.2003 must be made strictly in accordance with the Rules of 1982 referred to above. The learned Judge further directed that the members of the Association referred to above or any other similarly situated teachers but not responded to the advertisement also be permitted to participate in the selection process.
6. While the abovementioned writ petition was pending in this Court, the authorities of the State proceeded with the recruitment process.  From the materials on record, it appears that such recruitment process  was conducted in accordance with the scheme of Rules, 2003 referred to above. As a matter of fact, by the judgment under appeal in the other two writ appeals i.e., WA Nos. 389/07 & 358/07, a learned Judge of this Court recorded a categorical finding in this regard that the recruitment process had been conducted under the
scheme of Rules,2003. In the purported exercise of power under the Rules of 2003, the Commissioner and Secretary to the Govt. of Assam by a communication dated 27.2.2006 ordered the Director of Secondary 
Education, Assam to issue necessary appointment letters in favour of 254 candidates, whose names were listed in the annexure to the said document. The communication dated 27.2.2006 reads as follows:
“I am directed to forward herewith the list of selected candidates for the post of Subject Teachers in Provincialised Higher Secondary Schools recommended by the Selection Committee and duly approved by the Government for appointment of the candidates as per vacancies notified earlier as per recommendation of the Selection Committee and approval of the Government. The names of the candidates considers for appointment against various subject as per vacancies notified and places of their posting are shown of Annexure-I enclosed herewith for your necessary action and issue of necessary appointment letters immediately considering the fact that the Provincialised Higher Secondary Schools are suffering badly due
to non availability of Subject Teachers.
The appointments will however, be subject to necessary police verification and observance of the formalities required as per rule.
Further, there shall be a clear direction in the appointment letters for furnishing the written undertaking as required vide Finance Department’s Letter No.BW.3/2003/Pt-II/1 dated 125/1/2005 by the appointees at the time of joining their respective posts. No joining report should be accepted without furnishing
this undertaking as per prescribed format of Finance Department.
The Original select list of the Selection Committee mentioned above along with detail statements of candidates received are returned herewith. Appointment letters please be issued within three days and necessary proposal may be submitted for moving Finance (SIU) Department in prescribed format for ex-post-facto approval.”
7. Notwithstanding such a communication, none of the 254 candidates, whose names were found in the list annexed to the said communication, came to be appointed. Therefore, some of the candidates, whose names found in the abovementioned list, approached this Court by way of writ petition being WP(C) 908/07 and 1975/07 praying that the State be compelled to make appointment pursuant to the abovementioned communication dated 27.2.2006. By the judgment under appeal in these two appeals i.e., WA  358/07 & 389/07, the learned Judge of this Court dismissed the writ petitions on the ground that though the communication dated 27.2.2006 was issued by the Commissioner and Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Education (S&E) Department, it was later realized  by the State of Assam that the selection  of the candidates as per the list annexed to the said communication was not in conformity with the requirement of law i.e.,
Rules of 1982 and, therefore, appointment orders were not issued and the State took a decision not to act upon the said communication.
Further, it appears from the material on record that a fresh advertisement dated 25.8.2007 was issued by the State proposing to fill up the above mentioned 254 posts consequently inviting applications from eligible candidates.
8. Learned senior counsel, Mr. A Sarma appearing for the appellants in WA 358/07 argued that the conclusion of the learned Single Judge in the judgment dated 4.1.2005 that the selection pursuant to the advertisement dated 8.2.2003 ought to  have been conducted only under the scheme of Rules,1982 and not under Rules of 2003, which, in turn, form the basis for rejecting the prayer of the appellants in the aforementioned two appeals is itself erroneous. He further submitted that the learned Judges while deciding the issues in the writ petitions, which  are the subject matter of appeal in these appeals, failed to take into consideration the effect of the proviso to Rule  32 of the Rules, 2003 which stipulates that the action taken under the Rules of 1982 shall be deemed to have been taken corresponding  with the 2000 Rules.  According to Mr Sharma the purpose of the said proviso is to enable the State to conduct the action, originally initiated
under the 1982 Rules, in accordance with the Rules of 2003 Rule 32 reads as follows:
“32. Repeal and savings – The rules corresponding to these rules and in force immediately before commencement of these rules are hereby repealed.
Provided that all orders made or action taken under the rules so repealed or under any general orders ancillary thereto shall be deemed to have been validly made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.”  
9. We regret our inability to accept the submission of the learned senior counsel Mr. A Sarma in view of the fact that under true and proper construction of the proviso to Rule 32 of the Rules 2003, we are of the opinion that all that the provisio to Rule 32 of the Rules 2003 seeks to stipulate is that notwithstanding with repeal of the earlier set of Rules i.e.,  1982 Rules all action taken under the said Rules  is by legal fiction to be treated  as  action taken under the corresponding provisions of the later Rules. This is a time tested device adopted by the
Draftsman in framing legislation. General Clauses Act, 1897 made specific provisions  dealing with the consequences of the repeal of  enactment. Section 6 of the Assam General Clauses Act, 1915 which is
substantially similar to Section 6 of General Clauses Act, 1897 declares as follows:-
“6. Effect of repeal.- Where any Act repeals any enactment hitherto made, or hereafter to be made, then unless a different intention appears, the repeal shall not –
(a) revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes
effect; or
(b) alter the previous  operation of any enactment so repealed or anything duly done or suffered thereunder; or
(c) affect any right, privilege, obligation, or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under any enactment so repealed; or
(d) affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed against any enactment so repealed; or
(e) affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture, or punishment as aforesaid;
10. As the Rules of 2003 referred to earlier or rules framed under Article 309, which repealed the 1982 Rules, also made in exercise of Article 309 the effect of such repeal is to be decided in accordance
with the provisions of the Assam General Clauses Act, 1915. It can be seen that Section 6 seeks to protect the legality of the orders and also the rights and privileges acquired during the subsistence of the repealed
enactment. It also preserves the obligations or liabilities accrued during such subsistence. It also declares that any legal proceeding or remedy etc. initiated during the subsistence of the repealed enactment would
continue to be prosecuted as if the repeal never took place.  The true import of the proviso to Rule 32, in our opinion, is not to affect the operation of Section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 or Section 6 of
the Assam General Clauses Act, 1915, which is substantially similar to Sec 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897. The effect of Section 6 of the Assam General Clauses Act, in our view, is similar to the effect of
Section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897. No doubt, the Legislature while repealing any law and replacing it by a new law can stipulate such consequences as the Legislature deems fit shall follow such a
repeal. If the Legislature is silent about the consequences of the repeal the provisions of the General Clauses Act, 1897  or the Assam Act, 1915automatically apply by virtue of the declaration contained in
Section 6. If any provision is made by the repealing enactment declaring the consequences of the repeal the language of such a declaration should be examined in juxtaposition with the language of Section 6 of
the General Clauses Act, 1897/ Assam Act, 1915. Unless the language of the repealing enactment is found to be plainly and expressly contrary to the scheme of Section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1915 this court
is not to infer a departure from the principles enshrined under the General Clauses Act. Having regard to the language of the proviso of Rule 3 we are not able to perceive any intention of the Legislature (in
the present case the Governor acting under Article 309) to depart from the scheme of Section 6 of the General Clauses Act. In our view, the proviso is more akin to the provisions under Section 24 of the General
Clauses Act, 1897 or Section 26* of the Assam General Clauses Act, 1915.
26.  Continuation of orders etc, issued under enactments repealed and re-enacted. Where any 14
11. In the matter of recruitment in public service, it is settled law of this Country that “Rules of the game cannot be changed in the midstream”.  [(2008) 3SCC 512, K  Manjusree vs. State of Andhra 
Pradesh & Anr]. This is a principle enunciated by the Supreme Court in the background of the requirements of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India as permitting the  change of the Rules of recruitment midstream would  enable the State to arbitrarily eliminate some of the candidates who were otherwise eligible to compete for the post for which the recruitment process is undertaken or alternatively arbitrarily enable the State to enable some of the candidates who were not otherwise eligible to compete in accordance with the law as it existed on the date when the recruitment process was initiated. It is a principle which is consistent with the general scheme of the consequences of repeal of a law as envisaged under the provisions of the 
General Clauses Act discussed above. In our view in the realm of public law and more particularly in the context of employment under the State the above referred judgments only declare that notwithstanding the ability of the Legislature in general to alter the scheme of Section 6 of the General Clauses Act such an ability in the context of recruitment in public employment is liable to be  restricted in view of the demands of
Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. Therefore the submission of Mr Sharma is set aside.

12. It is further submitted by Mr. Sarma, learned senior counsel that assuming that his first submission as discussed above enactment is repealed and re-enacted with or without modification, then, unless it is otherwise expressly
provided, any appointment, notification, order, scheme, rule, form or bye-law, made or issued under the
repealed enactment, shall so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions re-enacted, continue in force,
and be deemed to have been made or issued under the provisions so re-enacted, unless and until it is
superseded by any appointment, notification, order, scheme, rule, form, bye-law made or issued under the
provisions so re-enacted.15 fails by virtue of a mistake committed by the officers of the Sate in not
following the appropriate procedure prescribed by law, the appellants not only lost their opportunity of employment for a considerable period of time but also exposed to heavier competition in view of the fresh advertisement issued by the authorities of the State inviting applications for the abovementioned 254 posts. It is also submitted by Mr. Sarma, learned senior counsel that during the course of the last six years some of the petitioners were also become age barred for being considered for appointment to the abovementioned posts and as such, it would be unjust on the part of the State to deprive them of the appointment pursuant to the communication dated 27.2.2006. The fact that the entire selection process came to be vitiated and lapses on the part of the officers of the State cannot be disputed. It is also not the case of the State that the appellants or any one of the applicants is responsible for such wrong procedure being followed by the authorities of the State pursuant to the advertisement dated 8.2.2003. In the background of the above facts, we do see force to the submission made by Mr. Sarma, learned senior counsel that the appellants are for that
matter or any one of the candidates, who applied in response to the advertisement dated 8.2.2003, should neither be debarred  from the participation of the selection process for 254 posts sought to be filled up
by advertisement or be exposed to a competition higher than the one which they would have faced had the government completed the selection process pursuant to the abovementioned advertisement in accordance with law.
13. In the circumstances, we are of the opinion that though the State cannot be compelled to appoint the appellants herein pursuant to the communication dated 27.2.2006, yet, we direct the State to conduct the recruitment process for the above mentioned 254 posts for which the authorities of the State had issued advertisement dated 8.2.2003 by subjecting only those candidates, who responded to the above mentioned advertisement, within the stipulated time and also who satisfied all other eligible criteria in terms of the said advertisement.

14. With the above directions, these two appeals stand disposed of.

15. Coming to the WA No.238/05, the appellants herein are the respondents in WP (C) 7933/03 & 8319/03. Mr. AS Choudhury, learned senior counsel appearing for the appellants herein submitted
that the decision in the abovementioned two appeals i.e. WA Nos.358/07 & 389/07 substantially covers the dispute in the present appeal; except one aspect of the matter i.e., the writ petition being WP(C) 7933/03 was filed by an unregistered Association and therefore, the actual membership of such Association is not verifiable  w.r.t. any public record and consequently, their writ petition is not maintainable.
This submission of Mr. AS Choudhury, learned senior counsel, in our view,  though technically right, is unacceptable in view of the fact that one of such teachers, who claimed to belong  to the particular class,
whose cause was espoused by the abovementioned unregistered Association, was  the petitioner in WP(C) No.8319/03. In the circumstances, we do not propose to interfere with the decision on
technical ground that it is not maintainable.
16. In the circumstances, we direct that apart from the applicants, who responded to the advertisement dated 8.2.2003, admittedly the cases of the 101 teachers, who arer eligible to apply in terms of the original notification but not applied within the time stipulated by the notification, were considered while preparing the list dated 27-2-2006 pursuant to the directions in WP(C) No.8139/03 and 7933/03,  should also be considered while conducting the recruitment for the above mentioned 254 posts pursuant to the advertisement dated 8.2.2003.

17. All the writ appeals are disposed of. But, in the circumstances, without costs.

The entire exercise should be completed within a period of 4(four) months from today.

Source : http://www.ghconline.nic.in/Judgment/WA3582007.pdf

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Shiksha Mitra are Warned NOT to PROTEST TET Exam and Appointment of TET Qualified candidates

ATET : Sarma warns against TET protests

Assam Teacher Eligibility Test News :
Guwahati, June 8: Dispur today issued a subtle warning to schoolteachers opposing the appointment of TET-qualified teachers by asking them to fall in line or see their institutions close down by January under the Right to Education (RTE) Act guidelines.

Education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma today said he saw no reason why siksha mitras in some areas should oppose the appointment of Teachers Eligibility Test-qualified teachers as the Supreme Court had ruled on May 8 that nobody could be appointed as teachers without qualifying TET after 2001.

Siksha mitras were appointed on contract basis by the Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan to run centres under the education guarantee scheme and have been demanding regularisation of their services. There are now around 6,000 siksha mitras.

“Under the circumstances, regularising their services would be violating the court’s order and the RTE Act. If they can get a ruling in their favour, I will abide by it. But it is my humble submission that they allow the TET teachers to join or else we will have to issue a notification by January to close down schools violating RTE regulations. This opposition is inimical to the interests of students. We are going strictly by the RTE regulations,” Sarma said.

The minister was responding to protests in the rural and interior areas by teachers and local residents against TET-qualified teachers, a few of whom were injured in attacks in Karbi Anglong when they went to join duty. Nearly 1,500 of the 26,000 teachers who have been given appointment letters are yet to join duty because of the protests.

“I did not want to reveal this but a good many of those opposing the TET appointees are not even matriculates. But we are ready to hold a special TET for them since they are affected by the ongoing reforms. We are not for confrontation, we only want them to be reasonable,” Sarma said. He said preparations for holding TET for Madhyamik schools have started (see chart). Around 8,000 permanent and contractual teachers will be appointed to high and higher secondary schools. “The cabinet gave its approval yesterday. Though there are exemptions, those with MEd, BEd and BT degrees will get additional marks, as those with NCC certificates. Everything remaining equal, we could be the first state in the country to hold TET for Madhyamik,” he said.

The cabinet has also decided to extend the services of government teachers who bag national awards by two years and those who win state awards by one year. “The number of state awards will be restricted to 27 a year,” he added.

News Source : telegraphindia.com (8.6.12)

ATET : TET schedule within a week, says Himanta

ATET : TET schedule within a week, says Himanta

Assam Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) News :

GUWAHATI, June 8 – The schedule for the Teachers' Eligibility Test (TET) to fill the post of teachers in High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools will be announced within a week.
This was stated by State Education Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma while talking to media persons today.

Sarma informed that the eligibility for the posts would be as per the norms laid by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), which makes it mandatory to have B Ed and M Ed.

"However, there will be an exemption till January 1, 2015 before which candidates without B Ed and M Ed can also apply. In any case, TET degree will be mandatory," the Minister pointed out.

Sarma also informed that there will be no viva and special marking will be given to those presently working on contractual terms.

Meanwhile, the Government has also decided to extend services of award-winning teachers of the State.

"While the tenure of national award winning teachers will be extended by two years, the State award winning teachers will get an extension of one year," the Minister said.

News Source : assamtribune.com (9.6.12)


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

ATET : Assam govt appoints 26000 school teachers

ATET : Assam govt appoints 26000 school teachers

Guwahati, May 20 (IBNS) : Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi handed over the appointment letters to the officially appointed 26000 teaching candidates, who passed the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET), which was conducted by the state education department.

Assam government appointed the school teachers during a function held at Sarusajai stadium in Guwahati on Sunday,

“The state government was committed to providing jobs to the eligible persons and on its policy the government had recruited 26,100 eligible youths for the teachers post,” Gogoi said.

Among the 26,100 appointed teachers, 18,297 posts are for primary schools, 2,120 posts for upper primary (science) and 5,732 posts for upper primary (social science).

He said, “For need to the better infrastructure in the education sector in the state, government had made such kind of policies.”

Assam Education and Health Minister Dr Himanta Biswa Sarmah, Parliamentary Secretary of Education Department Rekibuddin Ahmed, former Assam Education Minister Gautam Bora and other officials of the state education department were also present at the occasion.

However, the Assam Tribal Sangha alleged that, there had been largescale conversion in the TET lists prepared for appointment of the teachers in lower primary and upper primary schools.

They claimed that the scheduled tribes (STs) category post was converted to general category.

News info : indiablooms.com (20.5.12)


ATET : 26000 begin new chapter in life as teachers

ATET : 26000 begin new chapter in life as teachers

Assam Teacher Eligibity Test News :
GUWAHATI: State education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Sunday said that teachers will not have to approach politicians for jobs anymore. He was speaking at the ceremony where appointment letters were handed over to thousands of candidates who had succeeded to clear the Teachers' Eligibility Test (TET). Almost a year after announcement of TET, around 26,100 applicants who had appeared for the statewide exams received their engagement letters.

Thousands of successful candidates from across the state turned up at the National Stadium in the outskirts of the city to collect their letters of engagement for the posts of assistant teachers under the Sharba Shiksha Abhigyan for lower and upper primary schools of the state.

"This is the dawn of a change in the history of the state. Aspiring teachers from Dhubri to Sadiya will no longer have to knock on the doors of politicians to book a slot for the post of a teacher. Our plans were criticized in different spheres, but now after one year all I can say is that it is only through optimism that Assam can be uplifted," said Sarma.

He added that TET was not the end of the road for the state government and the initiative was made to give justice to scores of people who have been given a raw deal in the past. The main objective needs to be focused on the students who have been left in the lurch for a long time. The minister also urged the newly appointed teachers to instill a spirit of knowledge amongst students and take their jobs seriously for the benefit of society. TET was announced last year with a view to fill the gap in primary education that arose due to the dearth of teachers. Exams were held in various centres across the state in January and thousands of candidates appeared for it.

Chief minister Tarun Gogoi said: "Education is an important factor in our society and we must take proper initiatives keeping this in our perspective. This is a great and historic day for us as one community, and keeping this in mind the teachers should make sure that justice is meted out to the students." Also present at the ceremony were Rekibuddin Ahmed, parliamentary secretary of education, B K Das, director of elementary education and L S Chansing, mission commissioner of Assam Sarbha Siksha Abhijan.

News : Times of India (21.5.12)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Assam mulls teachers’ test - Move aimed at quality teaching

Assam mulls teachers’ test - Move aimed at quality teaching

Assam Govt. going to conduct teaching aptitude test for newly appointed teachers to maintain quality, those who fails this test will be given voluntary retirement.

Why for new teachers, Why not for all teachers and officers and for all.
Quality is required at every stage, and those who are involved any type of corruption should be out from Government service and same should be adopted for politicians as well.

Guwahati, May 19: The Assam education department has decided to conduct evaluation test for all newly appointed schoolteachers to maintain quality teaching.

Education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said only those who pass the test, which will cover aptitude, ethics, sincerity and innovative teaching skills, will be allowed to continue in service. Those who fail to clear the test will be given voluntary retirement.

“In the proposed test, marks will be allotted to teachers who maintain a positive attitude towards teaching. Marks will also be given on the basis of feedback given by students and parents on teachers’ involvement in teaching. Teachers who maintain ethics by not involving themselves with any political party and other non-academic activities will also be given marks,” Sarma said.

The education department said the proposal would be placed before the cabinet within 10 to 15 days. Once approved, it will amend the service rules for teachers.

Sarma said if the cabinet approves the proposal, Assam would become the first state in the country to conduct such test for teachers.

A teacher will have to appear for the test thrice during his or her service tenure. The first test would be conducted on completion of five years, the second after seven years and the last one after 12 years, he added.

“The sole objective of conducting such a test is to spot the teachers who are reluctant and not dedicated to their profession. The government does not want teachers to join the profession just to earn a livelihood. Teaching is a profession where one needs to be passionate and dedicated. The move is to do away with reluctance to teach sincerely,” Sarma said.

He said there were several instances of schoolteachers giving classes a miss for politics and unionism and this adversely affected the education system in the state.

The announcement comes a day before 26,109 candidates, who have cleared the Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET), will get their appointment letters at a function to be attended by chief minister Tarun Gogoi at the Indira Gandhi Athletic Stadium at Sarusajai Sports Complex here.

Sarma said this would be the first time that such a huge number of teachers would be appointed in the state through an “extremely transparent” process.

He said there were 28,213 vacant posts of teachers in lower primary and upper primary schools in the state but only 26,109 candidates would be recruited because of non-availability of eligible candidates for appointment in schools in the Sixth Schedule districts of the state.

The government will spend Rs 419.15 crore annually to pay salaries to these teachers. While the Centre will bear 75 per cent of the expenditure, the state will bear the rest.

News : telegraphindia.com ( 20.5.12)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

ATET / Assam TET : May 20 is Assam’s date with education history

ATET / Assam TET : May 20 is Assam’s date with education history
Many teachers vacancies still NOT filled due to non availability of TET qualified candidates.
Another 25000 Posts of Teachers are sectioned. And recruitment process will start in next 3 months.

In a massive recruitment drive, 26,100 candidates who cleared TET will be given appointment letters

By our Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, May 16: At long last, candidates who have cleared the Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET) now have a reason to rejoice. The Assam Government will recruit 26,100 teachers in schools across the State, including the Sixth Schedule districts, and appointment letters will be issued to the candidates on May 20.

This was announced by State Education Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma at a press conference in Guwahati on Wednesday. This recruitment drive has been vaunted by the minister as the first mass recruitment drive in the history of Assam.

The appointment letters will be handed over to the candidates by Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi at a ceremonial distribution function to be held at the Sarusajai Stadium in Guwahati. “The final list of the successful candidates is available on the websites www.ssaassam.gov.in and www.tetassam.com. The 26,100 candidates will be recruited on a contractual basis. The Centre will bear 75 per cent of their salaries while the State Government will bear the remaining 25 per cent. Of the 26,100 teachers, 18,257 will be appointed in lower primary schools while the remaining will be appointed in upper primary schools,” said Sarma.

He also said that the Central Government had sanctioned another 25,000 posts of teachers in Assam and the recruitment process for these posts would start within the next three months.

“In the appointment letter that will be issued on May 20, the district in which the respective candidates have been appointed will be mentioned. From June 1 to June 5, there will be an orientation programme for the candidates. This programme will be conducted district-wise, and during this period the Deputy Commissioners of the respective districts will give each candidate the name of the schools where he/she has to serve,” said Sarma.  He further said, “Candidates will have to collect their own appointment letters on May 20. If anyone cannot do so due to some genuine reason, he will have to inform the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan head office by submitting an application.”

The minister reiterated that the candidates would be appointed in rural and interior areas. “Under no circumstance will these jobs be transferred to urban areas,” he said.

An academic inspector will be appointed for every 15 schools in a district to monitor and evaluate the performance and activities of the teachers who will be appointed soon.

“Till the Right to Education (RTE) Act exists in the country, these jobs will be there,” said Sarma, and added, “Due to insufficient candidates, 2,114 posts in the Sixth Schedule areas are lying vacant.”

Regarding the appointment of teachers to permanent posts, the minister said that the State Education Department had taken up the issue with the State Finance Department.

News : sentinelassam.com (16.5.12)

ATET / Assam TET : 26109 teachers to get job letters in Assam on Sunday

ATET / Assam TET : 26109 teachers to get job letters in Assam on Sunday

Guwahati, May 16: All the 26,109 candidates who have cleared the Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET) will get their appointment letters on Sunday.

Their names, along with the district where they will be posted, will be uploaded on the websites of TET and Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission at 6pm today, Assam education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said today. This is the first time such a huge number of teachers are being appointed in the state through an “extremely transparent” process, he added.

The appointment letters will be distributed at a function to be attended by chief minister Tarun Gogoi at the Indira Gandhi Athletic Stadium in the Sarusajai Sports Complex here, Sarma said.

The candidates will have to collect the letters personally by showing their original TET pass certificates-cum-marksheets. If someone cannot be present in person, he or she will have to make prior application to the Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission and their letters will be sent to them by post, he added.

Sarma said there were 28,213 vacant posts of teachers in lower primary and upper primary schools in the state but only 26,109 candidates would be recruited because of non-availability of eligible candidates for appointment in schools in the Sixth Schedule districts of the state.

The government has decided not to appoint candidates from other districts in schools in the Sixth Schedule districts because of protests from some quarters.

Of the 26,109 candidates, 18,257 will be appointed to lower primary schools and 2,120 for maths and science and 5,732 for social science in upper primary schools.

Sarma said orientation camps for these candidates would be held at the district headquarters from June 1 to 5. After the counselling, the district administration will decide who will be posted in which school based on their aptitude. Female candidates will not be posted in remote or interior areas, he added.

Sarma made it clear that the posts were available in schools in rural areas only and, therefore, there would be no transfer to urban areas.

According to him, the move is a step towards strengthening and improving the quality of education in the state in compliance with the Right to Education Act, 2009.

Besides, for every 15 schools in the state, one academic inspector will be appointed by September this year to monitor the functioning of the schools.

These inspectors, who will be selected from the TET-passed candidates, will be provided computers so that they can immediately file their inspection reports, which will be monitored by the state education department.

News : telegraphindia.com (17.5.12)