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Friday, July 15, 2016

Tube Well Operator Recruitment 2016 (नलकूप चालक (सामान्य चयन) 2016 - 3210 Vacancy in UP Last Date 27 July 2016

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) 
Lucknow  (UP)

   Tube Well Operator Recruitment  2016 (नलकूप चालक (सामान्य चयन) 2016   - 3210 Vacancy in UP

सरकारी नौकरी: ट्यूबवेल ऑपरेटर के 3210 पदों पर वैकेंसी

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) invites online applications from Indian Citizens for following  3210 posts of  Tube Well Operators (नलकूप चालक) in Irrigation and Water Resources  Department  UP  of  Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) :
Tube Well Operators (नलकूप चालक)   : 3210 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 1900/-, Age : 18-40 years.
 Application Fee : Rs.80/- (Rs.40/- for SC/ST  candidates) plus Rs.25 online processing fee to be paid online or in SBI by payment challan.

How to Apply : Apply Online at UPSSSC website from 08/07/2016 to 27/07/2016 only.

Please visit  Notifications/Advertisement page at   http://upsssc.gov.in for detailed information and online application format.

उत्‍तर प्रदेश सबऑर्डिनेट सर्विस सेलेक्‍शन कमीशन में वैकेंसी निकली है, उम्‍मीदवार 27 जुलाई 2016 तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं
उत्‍तर प्रदेश सबऑर्डिनेट सर्विस सेलेक्‍शन कमीशन में वैकेंसी निकली है, उम्‍मीदवार 27 जुलाई 2016 तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं.

पद का नाम: ट्यूबवेल ऑपरेटर

पदों की संख्‍या: 3210

पे स्‍केल: 5200-20200 रुपये

योग्‍यता: मान्‍यता प्राप्‍त संस्‍थान से 10वीं पास

उम्र सीमा: 18 से 40 साल

चुनाव प्रकिया: उम्‍मीदवारों का चयन इंटरव्‍यू के आधार पर किया जाएगा.

ज्‍यादा जानकारी के लिए यहां Click करें.

Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs - http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com Published at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

U.P. Jal Nigam : Recruitment of 398 Stenographer Grade-IV & Routine Grade Clerk Last Date 11 July 2016

U.P. Jal Nigam : Recruitment of 398 Stenographer Grade-IV & Routine Grade Clerk  Last Date 11 July 2016

Registration start date (ऑनलाइन आवेदन रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रारम्भ होने की तिथि) 21/06/2016 Registration end date (ऑनलाइन आवेदन रजिस्ट्रेशन समाप्त होने की तिथि) 11/07/2016 Last Date for payment through Offline Mode (ऑफलाइन मोड के माध्यम से भुगतान करने की अंतिम तिथि) 12/07/2016

Detail of Vacancies :

Routine Clerk :- 335 posts
Stenographer :- 63 posts

Routine Clerk
Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam UPJN Lucknow eligibility criteria
UP Jal Nigam syllabus will be objective and its previous year question paper 2014 UP Jal Nigam recruitment 2013 will general knowledge 25%, maths 25%, science 25%, reasoning 25% we will soon how up jal nigam merit list will they with cut off marks

Age Limit : As On 01.08.2016 Minimum 18 years & Maximum 40 years.

Pay Scale :

Routine Clerk :- Rs.52,00-20,200 Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
Stenographer :- Rs.5200-20,200 Grade Pay Rs.2800/-

Educational qualification:

Routine Clerk: Passed 12th Inter with CCC Certificate form DOEACC Society, jal nigam clerk Computer Typing test syllabus is Hindi 25 and English 30 word per minute WPM
Stenographer: Passed 12th pass, Stenographer 80 word per minute with CCC Certificate, its syllabus 5 Minute Dictation in 40 Minute

Application or Examination Fee:  General, OBC: 600/- SC, ST: 300/- PH: 0/ pay exam through Echallan, Net banking, Credit or debit card

Selection Procedure: Written Exam, Typing Test, interview

See Official Advertisement link here ->>  Click here

Apply Online here ->>>

किसी भी तकनीकी प्रश्नों के लिए संपर्क करे
 1800-180-0061/ +91-9455874519 ( Call centre timing 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM (Monday to Saturday) )


Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs - http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com Published at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Friday, October 30, 2015

UPTET SARKARI NAUKRI News - - उच्चतर शिक्षा सेवा चयन आयोग में होंगी नई नियुक्तियां


उच्चतर शिक्षा सेवा चयन आयोग में होंगी नई नियुक्तियां 

लखनऊ (ब्यूरो)। प्रदेश सरकार उच्चतर शिक्षा सेवा चयन आयोग के अध्यक्ष व सदस्यों की नियुक्ति के लिए प्रक्रिया शुरू करने जा रही है। नई नियुक्ति के लिए मुख्य सचिव की अध्यक्षता में जल्द एक कमेटी का भी गठन किया जाएगा। उच्च शिक्षा विभाग ने इसकी तैयारी कर ली है। साथ ही प्रदेश सरकार हाईकोर्ट द्वारा अध्यक्ष व सदस्यों को हटाने के फैसले पर भी अपील न करने का निर्णय लिया है। दरअसल, हाईकोर्ट ने पिछले महीने उच्चतर शिक्षा सेवा चयन आयोग के अध्यक्ष लाल पांडेय की नियुक्ति को अवैध करार देते हुए हटाने के निर्देश दिए थे। इनके अलावा हाईकोर्ट ने तीन सदस्यों रामवीर सिंह यादव, रूदल यादव व अनिल कुमार सिंह की नियुक्ति भी गलत मानते हुए निरस्त कर दी थी। इसके बाद यह कयास लगाए जा रहे थे कि सरकार हाईकोर्ट के फैसले के विरोध में सुप्रीम कोर्ट में अपील करेगी लेकिन अब यह साफ हो गया है कि सरकार इस फैसले पर कोई अपील नहीं करेगी। सरकार के संकेत मिलने के बाद अब उच्च शिक्षा विभाग ने आयोग में अध्यक्ष व सदस्यों की नियुक्ति के लिए औपचारिकताएं पूरी करनी शुरू कर दी हैं

 UPTET  / टीईटी TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates /   Teacher Recruitment  / शिक्षक भर्ती /  SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS  
UP-TET 201172825 Teacher Recruitment,Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), 72825 teacher vacancy in up latest news join blog , UPTET , SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS, SARKARI NAUKRI
Read more: http://naukri-recruitment-result.blogspot.com
UPTET 72825 Latest Breaking News Appointment / Joining Letter | Join UPTET Uptet | Uptet news | 72825  Primary Teacher Recruitment Uptet Latest News | 72825  Teacher Recruitment Uptet Breaking News | 72825  Primary Teacher Recruitment Uptet Fastest News | Uptet Result 2014 | Only4uptet | 72825  Teacher Recruitment  Uptet News Hindi | 72825  Teacher Recruitment  Uptet Merit cutoff/counseling Rank District-wise Final List / th Counseling Supreme Court Order Teacher Recruitment / UPTET 72825 Appointment Letter on 19 January 2015A | 29334 Junior High School Science Math Teacher Recruitment,

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Junior Engineer and other Technical posts Recruitment Examination 2015

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC)
Lucknow  (UP)

Junior Engineer and other Technical posts Recruitment Examination 2015

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) invites online applications from Indian Citizens for following  1377 technical posts of various disciplines and categories for various departments Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) : 

  1.  Junior Engineer (Civil) : 775 posts in various departments of UP Government
    1. Junior Engineer (Civil) : 757 posts in various departments of UP Government
    2. Junior Engineer (Mechanical) : 13 posts in Irrigation departments of UP Government
    3. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 05 posts in various departments of UP Government
  2. Draftsman  : 59 posts in Agriculture department
  3. Electrician : 55 posts in Transport Department
  4. Tower Inspector : 64 posts
  5. Mechanic : 305 posts
  6. Assistant Storekeeper : 119 posts
Application Fee :  Rs.200/- (Rs. 80/- for SC/ST, no fee for PH) plus Rs. 25/- online fee.

How to Apply : Apply Online at UPSSSC website from18/09/2015 to 10/10/2015 only.  

Please visit for detailed information and online application format at official website of UP - http://upsssc.gov.in/AllNotifications.aspx 

Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs - http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com Published at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Friday, June 12, 2015

Non-Teaching posts in IIIT Allahabad last date 31st July-2015

Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad
(A Center of Excellence in Information Technology)Deoghat Jhalwa, Allahabad –211012 (UP)

Non-Teaching posts in IIIT Allahabad last date 31st July-2015

Vacancies in Administrative and Technical Cadre

Indian  Institute  of  Information  Technology,  Allahabad  has  been  in  the  forefront  of  Technology  Education,  Research  &  Development.  The  Institute  invites  applications  in  the  prescribed  format  for appointment on regular/ contract/ deputation basis on the following posts upto 31/07/2015  :
  • Group-A
    1. Registrar : 01 post
    2. Deputy Registrar : 02 posts
    3. Deputy Librarian : 01 post
    4. System Analyst : 01 post
    5. Executive Engineer (Civil) : 01 post
    6. Assistant Registrar : 02 posts
    7. Senior Programmer : 02 posts
    8. Medical Officer : 02 posts
  • Group-B
    1.  Programmer cum computer Asstt : 01 post
    2. Senior Steno : 01 post
    3. Accountant : 01 post
    4. Personal Assistant : 02 posts
    5. Librarian Information Assistant : 01 post
    6. Technical Assistant : 03 posts
    7. Assistant Engineer (Elect+Civil) : 02 posts
    8. Junior Engineer : 01 post
  • Group-C
    1. Junior Steno : 02 posts
    2. Caretaker-cum-Manager : 01 post
    How to Apply : The complete application form in prescribed format in all respect  should  be sent toDeputy  Registrar (E),  IIIT-Allahabad, Deoghat, Jhalwa, Allahabad-211012, U.P. on or before31/07/2015.
    The complete detail and application format is available at


    Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs -http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.comPublished at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

    Saturday, June 6, 2015

    Job posts in CSIR - CDRI last date 12th June-2015

    (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - CSIR)Chattar Manzil Palace, Lucknow - 226001

    Job posts in CSIR - CDRI last date 12th June-2015

    Applications are invited from Indian Citizen in prescribed forms for the following posts in CDRI, Lucknow :
    1. Assistant (G) Gr.III  : 07 posts, Pay Scale :  Rs.5200-20200  Grade Pay Rs. 1900/-
    2. Jr. Stenographer (English/Hindi) : 06 posts, Pay Scale :  Rs.5200-20200  Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-
    Application Fee : Applications must be accompanied with an application fee of Rs. 100/- in the form of Banker Cheque/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, Central Drug Research Institute, payable at Lucknow. SC/ST/PH/Women candidates are exempted from application fee. 

    How to Apply : Applications in prescribed format duly completed and supported by necessary documents should reach to Director, Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil Palace, Post Box No 173, Lucknow - 226001 on or before 12/06/2015positively.

    Complete Advertisement and application form is available at


    Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs -http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.comPublished at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

    Sunday, May 31, 2015

    Para-Medical posts in BHEL Jhansi last date 10th June-2015

    Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
    (Government of India Undertaking)  
    ADM Bldg., Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Jhansi (UP) - 284129

    Recruitment of Para Medical Staff on Fixed Tenure Basis 

    Para-Medical posts in BHEL Jhansi last date 10th June-2015

    BHEL,  Jhansi  invites  applications  for  its  well  equipped  Hospital  with  excellent infrastructure from Para Medical Professionals of Indian origin for appointment on Fixed Tenure Basis for a period of Two years:
      1. Pharmacy Assistant : 01 post
      2. Dental Technician : 01 post
      3. Lab Technician : 01 post
      4. Nursing Assistant : 04 posts
      5. Technicaian (Physiotherapy) : 01 post
      6. Technician (Ophthalmology) : 01 post
        Application Fee :  Crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 100/-  drawn in favour of BHEL  Jhansi payable at State Bank of India, Jhansi (Branch code 3807).

        How to Apply: Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may send in their applications on plain white A4 size paper (neatly handwritten or typed) on or before 10/06/2014 addressed to  :

        Senior Deputy General Manager (HR), Recruitment Cell, Human Resource Dept. ADM Bldg., Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Jhansi (UP) - 284129
        To see complete details,  schedule of exam,  age relaxation etc,  please visit official website ->>

        Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs -http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.comPublished at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

        Job posts in IIT Kanpur last date 7th July 2015

        Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur

        Job posts in IIT Kanpur last date 7th July 2015

        Vacancies in Administrative and Technical Cadre 

        IIT Kanpur invites online applications for the following posts on Regular/ Deputation basis on contract basis : 
        1. Registrar : 01 post
        2. Head, Health Centre : 01 post
        3. Executive Engineers : 02 posts
        4. Medical Officer : 03 posts
        5. Assistant Registrar : 02 posts
        6.  Student's Counselor : 01 post
        7. Principal : 01 post
        8. Assistant Engineer : 01 post
        9. Tech. Superintendent : 01 post
        10. Assistant Security Officer : 02 posts
        11.  Junior Engineer : 01 post
        12. Jr. Tech. Superintendent : 13 posts
        13. Jr. Superintendent : 10 posts
        14. Sr. Lab Information Assistant : 01 post
        15.  Physiotherapist : 01 post
        16. Junior Assistant : 15 posts
        17. Junior Assistant (Library) : 01 post
        18. Junior Technician : 11 posts
        How to Apply : Apply Online at IIT Kanpur on or before 30/06/2015

        For further information and online application form, kindly visit 


        Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs -http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.comPublished at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

        Saturday, May 23, 2015

        Faculty posts in Dr. RML IMS Lucknow May-2015 Last Date 1 June 2015

        Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences (Dr. RML IMS)
        Vibhooti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010 (UP)

         Faculty posts in Dr. RML IMS Lucknow May-2015 Last Date 1 June 2015

        Applications are invited for following faculty posts in institute :

        1. Professor : 02 posts 
        2. Additional Professor : 01 post
        3. Assistant Professor : 02 posts
        Application Fee : Application fee is Rs. 1000/- for applicants within the country and US $ 100.00 or equivalent foreign currency for overseas candidates which is to be submitted as demand draft in favour of ‘Finance Controller, RMLIMS, Lucknow’ payable at Lucknow.

        How to Apply : The completed application on prescribed format should be be sent only through registered post /speed post on or before 01/06/2015 to Director, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Vibhooti Khand, Gomtinagar, Lucknow – 226010 (UP), India. Advertisement No., name of the Post & department is to be superscribed on mailing envelop. Director reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason.

        Please visit  for details and application format ->> http://www.drrmlims.ac.in/recruitment.php

        Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs - http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com Published at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

        Various Job posts in Lucknow Metro last date 21st June-2015

         Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation Limited (LMRC)
        1st Floor, Janpath Market, Hazratganj, Lucknow - 226001, Uttar Pradesh (India) 

        Various Job posts in Lucknow Metro last date 21st June-2015

        लखनऊ मेट्रो में सीधी भर्ती ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित : Last Date 21/06/2015

        Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation Limited (LMRC) has been set up by Government of Uttar Pradesh as a special Purpose Vehicle for implementation and operation of rail based Mass Rapid Transit System (Metro) in the capital city of Lucknow.   Online applications are invited for direct recruitment for following posts : 
        1. Assistant Engineer (Civil) :  08 posts
        2. Assistant Engineer (Electrical) :  04 posts
        3. Assistant Engineer (Signaling & Telecommunication) :  03 posts
        4. Junior Engineer (Civil) :  35 posts
        5. Junior Engineer (Electrical) :  12 posts 
        6. Junior Engineer (Signaling & Telecommunication) :  06 posts 
        7. Assistant Manager (Finance) :  02 posts
        8. Accounts Assistant  : 03 posts
        Age : 21-28 years as on 01/05/2015. 

        How To Apply : Apply Online at LMRC website from 21/05/2015 to 21/06/2015 only.
        Please visit   for details and online application format - https://www.digialm.com/EForms/html/form2399/index.html

        Important Dates
        Start Date and Last date for Filling the Online Registration of Application
        21-May-2015 to 21-June-2015
        Dates for Making Application Fee Payment
        20-May-2015 to 20-June-2015
        Date for Downloading Admit Card (Start Date and End Date)
        24-June-2015 to 28-June-2015
        Exam date

        Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs - http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com Published at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

        Sunday, May 17, 2015

        Technician Gr. 2 (Trainee) : 884 posts (UR-442, OBC-239, SC-185, ST-18)

        Government of Uttar Pradesh  / Electricity Service Commission
        U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL), Lucknow.

        Recruitment of  Technician Gr. 2 (Trainee) in UP Power Companies ( Advt. No. 06/VSA/2015/TG2)

        Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for direct recruitment to the following posts of  Technician Gr.2 (Trainee) in various distribution companies viz, Madhyanchal/ Poorvanchal/ Pashchimanchal/ Dakshinanchal/ Kesco and Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.  under Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd (UPPCL). Published by http://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com :

        • Technician Gr. 2 (Trainee :  884  posts (UR-442, OBC-239, SC-185, ST-18)
        Pay Scale : Rs.5200-0200 Grade Pay Rs. 2600/-

        Age :  18-40 years as on 01/01/2015.

        Application fee  :  Processing fee of Rs. 1000/- (700/- for  SC/ST (domicile of U.P.)) payable through a Payment Challan to be deposited in SBI OR by through ATM cum Debit Card/ Credit Card/ SBI Net Banking.

        How to Apply : Apply Online at UPPCL website from 17/05/2015 to 17/06/2015 only.

        Please visit for all the details and  apply Online at UPPCL website. ->>>>

        Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs - http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com Published at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

        Recruitment of Assistant Engineer (Trainee) in UP Power Companies ( Advt. No. 04/VSA/2015/AE)

        U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL), Lucknow.

        Recruitment of  Assistant Engineer (Trainee) in UP Power Companies ( Advt. No. 04/VSA/2015/AE)

        187 Post of Asst Engineer

        Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for direct recruitment to the following posts of  Assistant Engineer (Trainee) in various distribution companies viz, Madhyanchal/ Poorvanchal/ Pashchimanchal/ Dakshinanchal/ Kesco and Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.  under Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd (UPPCL). Published by http://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com :

        1. Asst Engineer (Trainee) Electrical :  163  posts (UR-82, OBC-44, SC-34, ST-3)
        2. Asst  Engineer (Trainee) Civil Engineering : 24  posts (UR-13, OBC-6, SC-5)
        Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-

        Age :  21-40 years as on 01/01/2015.

        Application fee  :  Processing fee of Rs. 1000/- (700/- for  SC/ST (domicile of U.P.)) payable through a Payment Challan to be deposited in SBI OR by through ATM cum Debit Card/ Credit Card/ SBI Net Banking.

        How to Apply : Apply Online at UPPCL website from 17/05/2015 to 17/06/2015 only.

        Please visit for all the details and  apply Online at UPPCL official website : https://www.digialm.com/EForms/html/form2357/index.html

        Sarkari Naukri Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs - http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com Published at http://sarkari-damad.blogspot.com (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)


        Saturday, May 18, 2013

        UP Higher Education - GIC Lecturer Result Declared - प्रवक्ता परिणाम घोषित

        UP Higher Education - GIC Lecturer Result Declared - प्रवक्ता परिणाम घोषित

        इलाहाबाद : उच्च शिक्षा विभाग के अंतर्गत प्रदेश के राजकीय महाविद्यालयों में प्रवक्ता संगीत गायन,चित्रकला व भौतिकी के लिए हुई सीधी भर्ती परीक्षा में 25 अभ्यर्थी सफल घोषित किए गए हैं।

        उत्तर प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग द्वारा आयोजित सीधी भर्ती परीक्षा में 15 मई को संगीत गायन के अभ्यर्थियों का साक्षात्कार हुआ। इसमें पांच अभ्यर्थी सफल हुए। चित्रकला के लिए 16 मई को हुए साक्षात्कार में तीन व भौतिकी विषय के लिए 15 व 16 मई को हुए साक्षात्कार में 17 अभ्यर्थी सफल घोषित किए गए हैं। आयोग के सचिव की ओर से इस बारे में शुक्रवार को अधिसूचना जारी कर दी गई। परीक्षा परिणाम आयोग की वेबसाइट पर भी उपलब्ध है।

        News Source / Sabhaar : Jagran (Updated on: Fri, 17 May 2013 08:01 PM (IST))