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Monday, December 22, 2014

RTET, Grade 3rd Teacher Recruitment Rajasthan, Grade 2nd Teacher Recruitment, Computer Teacher,

RTET, Grade 3rd Teacher Recruitment Rajasthan, Grade 2nd Teacher Recruitment, Computer Teacher,

12-2014 Revised Result of PTI GR II and PTI GR III Exam 2011 
  1. Preamble and Cutoff of PTI GR II
  2. List of Selected Candidates PTI GR II
  3. Preamble and Cutoff of PTI GR III
  4. List of Selected Candidates PTI GR III
15-12-2014 Revised Result Marks of Senior Teacher Grade II Comp. Exam 2011
12-12-2014 Interview Result Marks for post of Associate Professor in Dravyagun Vigan , Panchkarma , Rognidan , Kriya Sharir for MMM Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur.
12-12-2014 Revised Results of Senior Teacher Gr II Comp Exam 2011 
  1. Preamble & Cutoff Marks (Hindi)
  2. List of Selected Candidates (Hindi)
  3. Preamble & Cutoff Marks (Science)
  4. List of Selected Candidates (Science)
  5. Preamble & Cutoff Marks (English)
  6. List of Selected Candidates (English)
11-12-2014 Additional Screening Result of Divisional Supd. 2011
Interview result for post of Associate Professor in Dravyaguna Vigyan for MMM Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur.
1. Result
2. Cut Off
Interview result for post of Associate Professor in Panchkarma for MMM Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur.
1. Result
2. Cut Off
Interview result for post of Associate Professor in Rognidan for MMM Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur.
1. Result
2. Cut Off
Interview result for post of Associate Professor in Kriya Sharir for MMM Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur.
1. Result
2. Cut Off
03-12-2014 Interview Result Marks for post of Associate Professor in Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana for MMM Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur.
03-12-2014 Interview result for post of Associate Professor in Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana for MMM Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur.
1. Result
2. Cut Off